import functools import unittest import tkinter from test import support from import AbstractTkTest, AbstractDefaultRootTest support.requires('gui') class MiscTest(AbstractTkTest, unittest.TestCase): def test_all(self): self.assertIn("Widget", tkinter.__all__) # Check that variables from tkinter.constants are also in tkinter.__all__ self.assertIn("CASCADE", tkinter.__all__) self.assertIsNotNone(tkinter.CASCADE) # Check that sys, re, and constants are not in tkinter.__all__ self.assertNotIn("re", tkinter.__all__) self.assertNotIn("sys", tkinter.__all__) self.assertNotIn("constants", tkinter.__all__) # Check that an underscored functions is not in tkinter.__all__ self.assertNotIn("_tkerror", tkinter.__all__) # Check that wantobjects is not in tkinter.__all__ self.assertNotIn("wantobjects", tkinter.__all__) def test_repr(self): t = tkinter.Toplevel(self.root, name='top') f = tkinter.Frame(t, name='child') self.assertEqual(repr(f), '') def test_generated_names(self): t = tkinter.Toplevel(self.root) f = tkinter.Frame(t) f2 = tkinter.Frame(t) b = tkinter.Button(f2) for name in str(b).split('.'): self.assertFalse(name.isidentifier(), msg=repr(name)) def test_tk_setPalette(self): root = self.root root.tk_setPalette('black') self.assertEqual(root['background'], 'black') root.tk_setPalette('white') self.assertEqual(root['background'], 'white') self.assertRaisesRegex(tkinter.TclError, '^unknown color name "spam"$', root.tk_setPalette, 'spam') root.tk_setPalette(background='black') self.assertEqual(root['background'], 'black') root.tk_setPalette(background='blue', highlightColor='yellow') self.assertEqual(root['background'], 'blue') self.assertEqual(root['highlightcolor'], 'yellow') root.tk_setPalette(background='yellow', highlightColor='blue') self.assertEqual(root['background'], 'yellow') self.assertEqual(root['highlightcolor'], 'blue') self.assertRaisesRegex(tkinter.TclError, '^unknown color name "spam"$', root.tk_setPalette, background='spam') self.assertRaisesRegex(tkinter.TclError, '^must specify a background color$', root.tk_setPalette, spam='white') self.assertRaisesRegex(tkinter.TclError, '^must specify a background color$', root.tk_setPalette, highlightColor='blue') def test_after(self): root = self.root def callback(start=0, step=1): nonlocal count count = start + step # Without function, sleeps for ms. self.assertIsNone(root.after(1)) # Set up with callback with no args. count = 0 timer1 = root.after(0, callback) self.assertIn(timer1,'after', 'info')) (script, _) ='after', 'info', timer1)) root.update() # Process all pending events. self.assertEqual(count, 1) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): # Set up with callback with args. count = 0 timer1 = root.after(0, callback, 42, 11) root.update() # Process all pending events. self.assertEqual(count, 53) # Cancel before called. timer1 = root.after(1000, callback) self.assertIn(timer1,'after', 'info')) (script, _) ='after', 'info', timer1)) root.after_cancel(timer1) # Cancel this event. self.assertEqual(count, 53) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): # Call with a callable class count = 0 timer1 = root.after(0, functools.partial(callback, 42, 11)) root.update() # Process all pending events. self.assertEqual(count, 53) def test_after_idle(self): root = self.root def callback(start=0, step=1): nonlocal count count = start + step # Set up with callback with no args. count = 0 idle1 = root.after_idle(callback) self.assertIn(idle1,'after', 'info')) (script, _) ='after', 'info', idle1)) root.update_idletasks() # Process all pending events. self.assertEqual(count, 1) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): # Set up with callback with args. count = 0 idle1 = root.after_idle(callback, 42, 11) root.update_idletasks() # Process all pending events. self.assertEqual(count, 53) # Cancel before called. idle1 = root.after_idle(callback) self.assertIn(idle1,'after', 'info')) (script, _) ='after', 'info', idle1)) root.after_cancel(idle1) # Cancel this event. self.assertEqual(count, 53) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): def test_after_cancel(self): root = self.root def callback(): nonlocal count count += 1 timer1 = root.after(5000, callback) idle1 = root.after_idle(callback) # No value for id raises a ValueError. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): root.after_cancel(None) # Cancel timer event. count = 0 (script, _) ='after', 'info', timer1)) self.assertEqual(count, 1) root.after_cancel(timer1) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): self.assertEqual(count, 1) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError):'after', 'info', timer1) # Cancel same event - nothing happens. root.after_cancel(timer1) # Cancel idle event. count = 0 (script, _) ='after', 'info', idle1)) self.assertEqual(count, 1) root.after_cancel(idle1) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): self.assertEqual(count, 1) with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError):'after', 'info', idle1) def test_clipboard(self): root = self.root root.clipboard_clear() root.clipboard_append('Ùñî') self.assertEqual(root.clipboard_get(), 'Ùñî') root.clipboard_append('çōđě') self.assertEqual(root.clipboard_get(), 'Ùñîçōđě') root.clipboard_clear() with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): root.clipboard_get() def test_clipboard_astral(self): root = self.root root.clipboard_clear() root.clipboard_append('𝔘𝔫𝔦') self.assertEqual(root.clipboard_get(), '𝔘𝔫𝔦') root.clipboard_append('𝔠𝔬𝔡𝔢') self.assertEqual(root.clipboard_get(), '𝔘𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔬𝔡𝔢') root.clipboard_clear() with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): root.clipboard_get() def test_winfo_rgb(self): def assertApprox(col1, col2): # A small amount of flexibility is required (bpo-45496) # 33 is ~0.05% of 65535, which is a reasonable margin for col1_channel, col2_channel in zip(col1, col2): self.assertAlmostEqual(col1_channel, col2_channel, delta=33) root = self.root rgb = root.winfo_rgb # Color name. self.assertEqual(rgb('red'), (65535, 0, 0)) self.assertEqual(rgb('dark slate blue'), (18504, 15677, 35723)) # #RGB - extends each 4-bit hex value to be 16-bit. self.assertEqual(rgb('#F0F'), (0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFFFF)) # #RRGGBB - extends each 8-bit hex value to be 16-bit. assertApprox(rgb('#4a3c8c'), (0x4a4a, 0x3c3c, 0x8c8c)) # #RRRRGGGGBBBB assertApprox(rgb('#dede14143939'), (0xdede, 0x1414, 0x3939)) # Invalid string. with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): rgb('#123456789a') # RGB triplet is invalid input. with self.assertRaises(tkinter.TclError): rgb((111, 78, 55)) def test_event_repr_defaults(self): e = tkinter.Event() e.serial = 12345 e.num = '??' e.height = '??' e.keycode = '??' e.state = 0 e.time = 123456789 e.width = '??' e.x = '??' e.y = '??' e.char = '' e.keysym = '??' e.keysym_num = '??' e.type = '100' e.widget = '??' e.x_root = '??' e.y_root = '??' = 0 self.assertEqual(repr(e), '<100 event>') def test_event_repr(self): e = tkinter.Event() e.serial = 12345 e.num = 3 e.focus = True e.height = 200 e.keycode = 65 e.state = 0x30405 e.time = 123456789 e.width = 300 e.x = 10 e.y = 20 e.char = 'A' e.send_event = True e.keysym = 'Key-A' e.keysym_num = ord('A') e.type = tkinter.EventType.Configure e.widget = '.text' e.x_root = 1010 e.y_root = 1020 = -1 self.assertEqual(repr(e), "") def test_getboolean(self): for v in 'true', 'yes', 'on', '1', 't', 'y', 1, True: self.assertIs(self.root.getboolean(v), True) for v in 'false', 'no', 'off', '0', 'f', 'n', 0, False: self.assertIs(self.root.getboolean(v), False) self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.root.getboolean, 'yea') self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.root.getboolean, '') self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.root.getboolean, None) self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.root.getboolean, ()) def test_mainloop(self): log = [] def callback(): log.append(1) self.root.after(100, self.root.quit) self.root.after(100, callback) self.root.mainloop(1) self.assertEqual(log, []) self.root.mainloop(0) self.assertEqual(log, [1]) self.assertTrue(self.root.winfo_exists()) class DefaultRootTest(AbstractDefaultRootTest, unittest.TestCase): def test_default_root(self): self.assertIs(tkinter._support_default_root, True) self.assertIsNone(tkinter._default_root) root = tkinter.Tk() root2 = tkinter.Tk() root3 = tkinter.Tk() self.assertIs(tkinter._default_root, root) root2.destroy() self.assertIs(tkinter._default_root, root) root.destroy() self.assertIsNone(tkinter._default_root) root3.destroy() self.assertIsNone(tkinter._default_root) def test_no_default_root(self): self.assertIs(tkinter._support_default_root, True) self.assertIsNone(tkinter._default_root) root = tkinter.Tk() self.assertIs(tkinter._default_root, root) tkinter.NoDefaultRoot() self.assertIs(tkinter._support_default_root, False) self.assertFalse(hasattr(tkinter, '_default_root')) # repeated call is no-op tkinter.NoDefaultRoot() self.assertIs(tkinter._support_default_root, False) self.assertFalse(hasattr(tkinter, '_default_root')) root.destroy() self.assertIs(tkinter._support_default_root, False) self.assertFalse(hasattr(tkinter, '_default_root')) root = tkinter.Tk() self.assertIs(tkinter._support_default_root, False) self.assertFalse(hasattr(tkinter, '_default_root')) root.destroy() def test_getboolean(self): self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, tkinter.getboolean, '1') root = tkinter.Tk() self.assertIs(tkinter.getboolean('1'), True) self.assertRaises(ValueError, tkinter.getboolean, 'yea') root.destroy() tkinter.NoDefaultRoot() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, tkinter.getboolean, '1') def test_mainloop(self): self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, tkinter.mainloop) root = tkinter.Tk() root.after_idle(root.quit) tkinter.mainloop() root.destroy() tkinter.NoDefaultRoot() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, tkinter.mainloop) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()