Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: pkginfo Version: Summary: Query metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages. Home-page: Author: Tres Seaver, Agendaless Consulting Author-email: License: MIT Keywords: distribution sdist installed metadata Platform: Unix Platform: Windows Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules Classifier: Topic :: System :: Software Distribution Provides-Extra: testing Requires-Dist: nose; extra == 'testing' Requires-Dist: coverage; extra == 'testing' ``pkginfo`` README ================== This package provides an API for querying the distutils metadata written in the ``PKG-INFO`` file inside a source distriubtion (an ``sdist``) or a binary distribution (e.g., created by running ``bdist_egg``). It can also query the ``EGG-INFO`` directory of an installed distribution, and the ``*.egg-info`` stored in a "development checkout" (e.g, created by running `` develop``). Please see the `pkginfo docs <>`_ for detailed documentation. ``pkginfo`` Changelog ===================== (2019-01-08) -------------------- - Fix broken 'sdist'. LP #1639585. 1.5.0 (2019-01-07) ------------------ - Fix 'console_scripts' entry point syntax. LP #1810734. - Add support for JSON output from the CLI. - Add support for installed wheels. E.g., 'dist-info/' dirs. - Add support for Python 3.6 and 3.7. - Drop support for Python 3.3. 1.4.2 (2018-03-14) ------------------ - Use relative imports in pkginfo modules. Supports vendoring of the package into setuptools. - Add support for ``Provides-Extra`` and ``Description-Content-Type`` fields. Per See: PEP 566. - Remove support for old setuptools leaving ``PKG-INFO`` in the root of the project directory. 1.4.1 (2016-11-07) ------------------ - Packaging only change (invalid sdist built for 1.4.0). 1.4.0 (2016-11-04) ------------------ - Relicense under MIT license: the PSF license is not suitable for third-party libraries. 1.3.2 (2016-05-24) ------------------ - Packaging-only change (automate fix for wheel built for 1.3.1). 1.3.1 (2016-05-24) ------------------ - Packaging-only change (invalid wheel built for 1.3.0). 1.3.0 (2016-05-23) ------------------ - Update homepage URL to point to Launchpad, rather than PyPI. - Add support for building wheels. - Add support for Python 3.5. - Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2. 1.2.1 (2014-01-02) ------------------ - Add overlooked Trove classifier for Python 3.4. 1.2 (2014-01-02) ---------------- - Add support for Python 3.4, PyPy3. - Add 100% coverage for ``pkginfo.commandline`` module. 1.2b1 (2013-12-05) ------------------ - Add support for the "wheel" distribution format, along with minimal metadata 2.0 support (not including new PEP 426 JSON properties). Code (re-)borrowed from Donald Stuft's ``twine`` package. 1.1 (2013-10-09) ---------------- - Fix tests to pass with current PyPy releases. 1.1b1 (2013-05-05) ------------------ - Support "develop" packages which keep their ``*.egg-info`` in a subdirectory. See - Add support for "unpacked SDists" (thanks to Mike Lundy for the patch). 1.0 (2013-05-05) ---------------- - No changes from 1.0b2. 1.0b2 (2012-12-28) ------------------ - Suppress resource warning leaks reported against clients. - Fix 'commandline' module under Py3k. 1.0b1 (2012-12-28) ------------------ - Add support for Python 3.2 and 3.3, including testing them under ``tox``. - Add support for PyPy, including testing it under ``tox``. - Test supported Python versions under ``tox``. - Drop support for Python 2.5. - Add a `` dev`` alias: runs `` develop`` and installs testing extras (``nose`` and ``coverage``). 0.9.1 (2012-10-22) ------------------ - Fix test failure under Python >= 2.7, which is enforcing 'metadata_version == 1.1' because we have classifiers. 0.9 (2012-04-25) ---------------- - Fix introspection of installed namespace packages. They may be installed as eggs or via dist-installed 'egg-info' files. - Avoid a regression in 0.8 under Python 2.6 / 2.7 when parsing unicode. 0.8 (2011-03-12) ---------------- - Work around Python 2.7's breakage of StringIO. Fixes - Fix bug in introspection of installed packages missing the ``__package__`` attribute. 0.7 (2010-11-04) ---------------- - Preserve newlines in the ``description`` field. Thanks to Sridhar Ratnakumar for the patch. - 100% test coverage. 0.6 (2010-06-01) ---------------- - Replace use of ``StringIO.StringIO`` with ``io.StringIO``, where available (Python >= 2.6). - Replace use of ``rfc822`` stdlib module with ``email.parser``, when available (Python >= 2.5). Ensured that distributions "unfold" wrapped continuation lines, stripping any leading / trailing whitespace, no matter which module was used for parsing. - Remove bogus testing dependency on ``zope.testing``. - Add tests that the "environment markers" spelled out in the approved PEP 345 are captured. - Add ``Project-URL`` for ``1.2`` PKG-INFO metdata (defined in the accepted version of PEP 345). 0.5 (2009-09-11) ---------------- - Marked package as non-zip-safe. - Fix Trove metadata misspelling. - Restore compatibility with Python 2.4. - Note that the introspection of installed packages / modules works only in Python 2.6 or later. - Add ``Index`` class as an abstraction over a collection of distributions. - Add ``download_url_prefix`` argument to ``pkginfo`` script. If passed, the script will use the prefix to synthesize a ``download_url`` for distributions which do not supply that value directly. 0.4.1 (2009-05-07) ------------------ - Fix bugs in handling of installed packages which lack ``__file__`` or ``PKG-INFO``. 0.4 (2009-05-07) ---------------- - Extend the console script to allow output as CSV or INI. Also, added arguments to specify the metadata version and other parsing / output policies. - Add support for the different metadata versions specified in PEPs 241, 314, and 345. Distributions now parse and expose only the attributes corresponding to their metadata version, which defaults to the version parsed from the ``PKG-INFO`` file. The programmer can override that version when creating the distribution object. 0.3 (2009-05-07) ---------------- - Add support for introspection of "development eggs" (checkouts with ``PKG-INFO``, perhaps created via `` develop``). - Add a console script, ``pkginfo``, which takes one or more paths on the command line and writes out the associated information. Thanks to ``runeh`` for the patch! - Add ``get_metadata`` helper function, which dispatches a given path or module across the available distribution types, and returns a distribution object. Thanks to ``runeh`` for the patch! - Make distribution objects support iteration over the metadata fields. Thanks to ``runeh`` for the patch! - Make ``Distribution`` and subclasses new-style classes. Thanks to ``runeh`` for the patch! 0.2 (2009-04-14) ---------------- - Add support for introspection of ``bdist_egg`` binary distributions. 0.1.1 (2009-04-10) ------------------ - Fix packaging errors. 0.1 (2009-04-10) ---------------- - Initial release.