import psutil, datetime, logging, os, json # # # # # # # ORCHESTRATOR CONTROL PANEL # # # # # # # # Init parameters gRobotStartFilePathStr = r"path\to\start\file" # path\to\start\file gRobotProcessNameWOEXEStr = "process name" # RobotProcessName gRobotADLoginStr = "Login" # Login of the robot session gRobotADPasswordStr = "Password" # Password for session gRobotKeyStr = "Robot_Template" gRDPSessionKeyStr = "RDP_Template" gRDPSessionHostStr = "localhost" # Rdp session host gRDPSessionPortStr = "3389" # Default 3389 gControlPanelKeyStr = "ControlPanel_Template" gControlPanelCheckRobotProcessFromOrchestratorUserBool = True # Check process activity from orchestrator GUI session (with help of task manager, when users on the same machine) # !! ATTENTION !! SCHEDULE TIME START STOP FILL BELOW IN ACTIVITY SECTION gRobotToOrchestratorKeyList = ["Storage",gRobotKeyStr,"RobotToOrchestrator"] gOrchestratorToRobotResetKeyList = ["Storage",gRobotKeyStr,"OrchestratorToRobotReset"] gOrchestratorToRobotResetSafeStopKeyList = gOrchestratorToRobotResetKeyList+["SafeTurnOffBool"] # Function, which is generate Dict for front-endswith def ControlPanelRenderDict(inGSettings): """result={ "HeaderLeftText":"", "HeaderRightText":"
", "DataStorageKey":"Robot_Name", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side "SubheaderText": "State: Turned on", "BodyKeyValueList":[ {"Key":"Session list","Value":""}, {"Key":"Session list","Value":""} ], "FooterText":"Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019", "FooterButtonX2List":[ {"Text":"Turn on", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickRunButton.replace("\\","\\\\")}, ], "FooterButtonX1List":[ {"Text":"Kill", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lOnClickForceCloseButton.replace("\\","\\\\")} ] }""" # START :: Create activities :: START # ## Robot START (create RDP session, send CMD to start process) lActivityROBOTStartList = [ { # Start RDP Session "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionConnect", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr, "inHostStr": gRDPSessionHostStr, "inPortStr": gRDPSessionPortStr, "inLoginStr": gRobotADLoginStr, "inPasswordStr": gRobotADPasswordStr} # Args dictionary }, { # Run robot file in RDP session "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionProcessStartIfNotRunning", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr, "inProcessNameWEXEStr": f"{gRobotProcessNameWOEXEStr}.exe", "inFilePathStr": gRobotStartFilePathStr, "inFlagGetAbsPathBool": False} # Args dictionary } ] lActivityROBOTStartEscaped = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet({json.dumps(['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'])},{json.dumps(lActivityROBOTStartList)});".replace("\"","\'") ## Robot SAFE STOP (SAFE STOP COMMAND (FROM ROBOT RULES), Logoff must do robot when safe turn off) lActivityROBOTSafeStopEscaped = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet({json.dumps(gOrchestratorToRobotResetSafeStopKeyList)},true);".replace("\"","\'") ## Robot FORCE STOP (create RDP session, send CMD to start process) lActivityROBOTStopList = [ { # Kill process "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionProcessStop", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr, "inProcessNameWEXEStr":f"{gRobotProcessNameWOEXEStr}.exe","inFlagForceCloseBool": True} # Args dictionary }, { # Logoff RDP Session "DefNameStr":"RDPSessionLogoff", # Function name in RobotRDPActive.Processor "ArgList":[], # Args list "ArgDict":{"inRDPSessionKeyStr": gRDPSessionKeyStr} # Args dictionary } ] lActivityROBOTStopEscaped = f"mGlobal.Processor.ServerValueSet({json.dumps(['RobotRDPActive','ActivityList'])},{json.dumps(lActivityROBOTStopList)});".replace("\"","\'") # END :: Create activities :: END # # START :: Init result dict template :: START # # lBodyKeyValue_r3_start=f'Start' lResultDict={ "HeaderLeftText":"ROBOT KEYWORD", "HeaderRightText":"ROBOT NAME", "DataStorageKey":gControlPanelKeyStr, # CLIENT SIDE:: Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side "SubheaderText":"", "BodyKeyValueList":[ {"Key":"Info","Value":"1"}, {"Key":"Info","Value":"2"}, {"Key":"Info","Value":"3"}, {"Key":"Statistic","Value":""} ], "FooterText":"Last update: 9:38:00 09.10.2019", "FooterButtonX2List":[ {"Text":"Turn on", "Color":"green", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityROBOTStartEscaped}, {"Text":"Safe turn off", "Color":"orange", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityROBOTSafeStopEscaped} ], "FooterButtonX1List":[ {"Text":"Kill", "Color":"red", "Link":"", "OnClick": lActivityROBOTStopEscaped} ], # "GlobalStorage": inGSettings.get("Storage",{}) # UNCOMMENT FOR DEBUG PURPOSE TO WATCH inGSettings on client side } # END :: Init result dict template :: END # # START :: Fill BodyKeyValueList :: START # # END :: Fill BodyKeyValueList :: END # # START :: Fill SubheaderText :: START # ## FILL Robot state by the check the RDP session state lSubheaderRunTrueText="State: Turned on" lSubheaderRunFalseText="State: Turned off" if gControlPanelCheckRobotProcessFromOrchestratorUserBool and gRDPSessionKeyStr in inGSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"]: lResultDict["SubheaderText"]=lSubheaderRunTrueText else: lResultDict["SubheaderText"]=lSubheaderRunFalseText # END :: Fill SubheaderText :: END # # Fill FooterText lResultDict["FooterText"]=f'Last update: {"%H:%M:%S %d.%m.%Y")}' return lResultDict # Technical def - Get item by the list of keys def TechDictKeyList_ItemGet(inDict, inKeyList, inDefault={}): lResult=inDict for lItem in inKeyList: if lResult: lResult = lResult.get(lItem,None) if lResult is None: lResult=inDefault return lResult # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #Orchestrator settings update def SettingsUpdate(inGSettings): #Add RobotRDPActive in control panel inGSettings["ControlPanelDict"]["RobotList"].append({"RenderFunction": ControlPanelRenderDict, "KeyStr": gControlPanelKeyStr}) return inGSettings