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3. How to use
- `About <#about>`__
- `How to use <#way-to-use>`__
- `Create python script <#create-python-script>`__
- `Execute python script <#execute-python-script>`__
The Robot tool is the main module for production process automation. It has no graphic/console interface. All low-level actions to OS are perfoming by the Robot tool in OpenRPA.
Way to use
You can use the robot by the several ways:
- In Python script
- In Studio script (n/a)
Create python script
In order to use robot just add Robot tool folder in work directory and add line "import GUI" in your script.
.. code-block:: python
import sys
import selenium # [Web app access](,-Firefox,-Opera))<br>
import GUI # [Win32 & UI Automation access]( <br>
import pyautogui #[Screen capture/recognition]( [#Mouse manipulation](<br>
import cv2 # [Computer vision](<br>
import keyboard #[Keyboard manipulation](<br>
Execute python script
The OpenRPA is fully portable solution. It contains own python enviroment both 32 and 64 bit versions. So, you can execute your python script in several ways:
- Execute in python x32 (\OpenRPA\Resources\WPy32-3720\python-3.7.2)
- Execute in python x64 (\OpenRPA\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64)
- Execute from .cmd file
Execute in the Python x32
To execute your python script in x32 bit version just write in command line from x32 python directory:
.. code-block:: python
cd "\OpenRPA\Resources\WPy32-3720\python-3.7.2"
python.exe "path to your python"
Execute in the Python x64
To execute your python script in x32 bit version just write in command line from x32 python directory:
.. code-block:: python
cd "\OpenRPA\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64"
python.exe "path to your python"
Execute from .cmd file
In order to simplify the execution process you can write several code lines in file with the .cmd extension:
.. code-block:: python
cd %~dp0
copy /Y ..\Resources\WPy32-3720\python-3.7.2\python.exe ..\Resources\WPy32-3720\python-3.7.2\OpenRPAOrchestrator.exe
pause >nul
Use in studio script (n/a)
.. code-block:: python
import sys
import GUI
import keyboard
import subprocess
import time
#Highlight the UI Object in Folder explorer<br>
#Wait 2 seconds<br>
#Loop: get child element of UI List<br>
for lItem in GUI.UIOSelector_Get_UIO([{"class_name":"CabinetWClass","backend":"uia"},{"ctrl_index":2},{"ctrl_index":0},{"ctrl_index":2},{"ctrl_index":0}]).children():<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; print(str(lItem))