import subprocess, json, psutil
import datetime
import time
import codecs
import os, win32security
import signal
import sys #Get input argument
import pdb
from . import Server
from . import Timer
from . import Processor
from . import BackwardCompatibility # Backward compatibility from v1.1.13
#from .Settings import Settings
import importlib
from importlib import util
import threading # Multi-threading for RobotRDPActive
from .RobotRDPActive import RobotRDPActive #Start robot rdp active
from .RobotScreenActive import Monitor #Start robot screen active
import uuid # Generate uuid
import datetime # datetime
#Единый глобальный словарь (За основу взять из Settings.py)
global gSettingsDict
# Defs to use in orchestrator
def OSCredentialsVerify(inUserStr, inPasswordStr, inDomainStr=""): ## Verify credentials in windows
hUser = win32security.LogonUser(
inUserStr,inDomainStr, inPasswordStr,
win32security.LOGON32_LOGON_NETWORK, win32security.LOGON32_PROVIDER_DEFAULT
except win32security.error:
return False
return True
def OSCMD(inCMDStr): ## OS send command in shell locally
lCMDCode = "cmd /c " + inCMDStr
lResultCMDRun = 1 # os.system(lCMDCode)
return lResultCMDRun
def OrchestratorRestart(inGSettings=None): ## Orchestrator restart
OrchestratorSessionSave(inGSettings=inGSettings) # Dump RDP List in file json
if inGSettings is not None:
lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
if lL: lL.info(f"Do restart")
# Restart session
os.execl(sys.executable, os.path.abspath(__file__), *sys.argv)
def OrchestratorSessionSave(inGSettings=None): ## Orchestrator session save
# Dump RDP List in file json
lFile = open("_SessionLast_RDPList.json", "w", encoding="utf-8")
lFile.write(json.dumps(gSettingsDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"])) # dump json to file
lFile.close() # Close the file
if inGSettings is not None:
lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
if lL: lL.info(
f"Orchestrator has dump the RDP list before the restart. The RDP List is {inGSettings['RobotRDPActive']['RDPList']}")
return True
## GSettings defs
def GSettingsKeyListValueSet(inGSettings, inValue, inKeyList=[]): # Set value in GSettings by the key list
lDict = inGSettings
for lItem2 in inKeyList[:-1]:
#Check if key - value exists
if lItem2 in lDict:
lDict[inKeyList[-1]] = inValue #Set value
return True
def GSettingsKeyListValueGet(inGSettings, inKeyList=[]): # Get the value from the GSettings by the key list
lDict = inGSettings
for lItem2 in inKeyList[:-1]:
#Check if key - value exists
if lItem2 in lDict:
return lDict.get(inKeyList[-1],None)
def GSettingsKeyListValueAppend(inGSettings, inValue, inKeyList=[]): # Append value in GSettings by the key list
lDict = inGSettings
for lItem2 in inKeyList[:-1]:
#Check if key - value exists
if lItem2 in lDict:
lDict[inKeyList[-1]].append(inValue) #Set value
return True
def GSettingsKeyListValueOperatorPlus(inGSettings, inValue, inKeyList=[]): # Operator plus value in GSettings by the key list
lDict = inGSettings
for lItem2 in inKeyList[:-1]:
#Check if key - value exists
if lItem2 in lDict:
lDict[inKeyList[-1]] += inValue #Set value
return True
## Process defs
def ProcessIsStarted(inProcessNameWOExeStr): # Check if process is started
Check if there is any running process that contains the given name processName.
#Iterate over the all the running process
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
# Check if process name contains the given name string.
if inProcessNameWOExeStr.lower() in proc.name().lower():
return True
except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess):
return False;
def ProcessStart(inPathStr, inArgList, inStopProcessNameWOExeStr=None): # Start process locally [optional: if task name is not started]
lStartProcessBool = True
if inStopProcessNameWOExeStr is not None: #Check if process running
lCheckTaskName = inStopProcessNameWOExeStr
if len(lCheckTaskName)>4:
if lCheckTaskName[-4:].upper() != ".EXE":
lCheckTaskName = lCheckTaskName+".exe"
lCheckTaskName = lCheckTaskName+".exe"
#Check if process exist
if not ProcessIsStarted(inProcessNameWOExeStr=lCheckTaskName): lStartProcessBool=True
if lStartProcessBool == True: # Start if flag is true
def ProcessStop(inProcessNameWOExeStr, inCloseForceBool, inUserNameStr = "%username%"): # Stop process
# Support input arg if with .exe
lProcessNameWExeStr = inProcessNameWOExeStr
if len(lProcessNameWExeStr) > 4:
if lProcessNameWExeStr[-4:].upper() != ".EXE":
lProcessNameWExeStr = lProcessNameWExeStr + ".exe"
lProcessNameWExeStr = lProcessNameWExeStr + ".exe"
# Flag Force
lActivityCloseCommand = 'taskkill /im ' + lProcessNameWExeStr
if inCloseForceBool == True:
lActivityCloseCommand += " /F"
# None - all users, %username% - current user, another str - another user
if inUserNameStr is not None:
lActivityCloseCommand += f' /fi "username eq {inUserNameStr}"'
# Kill process
# Python def - start module function
def PythonStart(inModulePathStr, inDefNameStr, inArgList=[], inArgDict={}, inLogger = None): # Python import module and start def
lModule=importlib.import_module(inModulePathStr) #Подключить модуль для вызова
lFunction=getattr(lModule,inDefNameStr) #Найти функцию
return lFunction(*inArgList,**inArgDict)
except Exception as e:
if inLogger: inLogger.exception("Loop activity error: module/function not founded")
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # Start orchestrator
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Interval gsettings auto cleaner
def GSettingsAutocleaner(inGSettings):
while True:
time.sleep(inGSettings["Autocleaner"]["IntervalSecFloat"]) # Wait for the next iteration
lL = inGSettings["Logger"]
if lL: lL.info(f"Autocleaner is running") # Info
lNowDatetime = datetime.datetime.now() # Get now time
# Clean old items in Client > Session > TechnicalSessionGUIDCache
lTechnicalSessionGUIDCacheNew = {}
for lItemKeyStr in inGSettings["Client"]["Session"]["TechnicalSessionGUIDCache"]:
lItemValue = inGSettings["Client"]["Session"]["TechnicalSessionGUIDCache"][lItemKeyStr]
if (lNowDatetime - lItemValue["InitDatetime"]).total_seconds() < inGSettings["Client"]["Session"]["LifetimeSecFloat"]: # Add if lifetime is ok
lTechnicalSessionGUIDCacheNew[lItemKeyStr]=lItemValue # Lifetime is ok - set
if lL: lL.debug(f"Client > Session > TechnicalSessionGUIDCache > lItemKeyStr: Lifetime is expired. Remove from gSettings") # Info
inGSettings["Client"]["Session"]["TechnicalSessionGUIDCache"] = lTechnicalSessionGUIDCacheNew # Set updated Cache
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Main def for orchestrator
def Orchestrator(inGSettings):
#mGlobalDict = Settings.Settings(sys.argv[1])
gSettingsDict = inGSettings # Alias for old name in alg
#Logger alias
lL = gSettingsDict["Logger"]
if lL: lL.info("Link the gSettings in submodules") #Logging
Processor.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Timer.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Timer.Processor.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Server.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict
Server.ProcessorOld.gSettingsDict = gSettingsDict # Backward compatibility
# Check _SessionLast_RDPList.json in working directory. if exist - load into gsettings
# GSettings
#"RobotRDPActive": {
# "RDPList": {
if os.path.exists("_SessionLast_RDPList.json"):
lFile = open("_SessionLast_RDPList.json", "r", encoding="utf-8")
lSessionLastRDPList = json.loads(lFile.read())
lFile.close() # Close the file
os.remove("_SessionLast_RDPList.json") # remove the temp file
gSettingsDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"]=lSessionLastRDPList # Set the last session dict
if lL: lL.warning(f"RDP Session List was restored from previous Orchestrator session")
#Инициализация настроечных параметров
lDaemonActivityLogDict={} #Словарь отработанных активностей, ключ - кортеж (<activityType>, <datetime>, <processPath || processName>, <processArgs>)
gSettingsDict["Server"]["WorkingDirectoryPathStr"] = os.getcwd() # Set working directory in g settings
# Init SettingsUpdate defs from file list (after RDP restore)
lSettingsUpdateFilePathList = gSettingsDict.get("OrchestratorStart", {}).get("DefSettingsUpdatePathList",[])
lSubmoduleFunctionName = "SettingsUpdate"
lSettingsPath = "\\".join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), __file__).split("\\")[:-1])
for lModuleFilePathItem in lSettingsUpdateFilePathList: # Import defs with try catch
try: # Try to init - go next if error and log in logger
lModuleName = lModuleFilePathItem[0:-3]
lFileFullPath = os.path.join(lSettingsPath, lModuleFilePathItem)
lTechSpecification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(lModuleName, lFileFullPath)
lTechModuleFromSpec = importlib.util.module_from_spec(lTechSpecification)
lTechSpecificationModuleLoader = lTechSpecification.loader.exec_module(lTechModuleFromSpec)
if lSubmoduleFunctionName in dir(lTechModuleFromSpec):
# Run SettingUpdate function in submodule
getattr(lTechModuleFromSpec, lSubmoduleFunctionName)(gSettingsDict)
except Exception as e:
if lL: lL.exception(f"Error when init .py file in orchestrator '{lModuleFilePathItem}'. Exception is below:")
# Turn on backward compatibility
BackwardCompatibility.Update(inGSettings= gSettingsDict)
#Инициализация сервера
lThreadServer = Server.RobotDaemonServer("ServerThread", gSettingsDict)
if lL: lL.info("Web server has been started") #Logging
# Init the RobotScreenActive in another thread
lRobotScreenActiveThread = threading.Thread(target= Monitor.CheckScreen)
lRobotScreenActiveThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lRobotScreenActiveThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL: lL.info("Robot Screen active has been started") #Logging
# Init the RobotRDPActive in another thread
lRobotRDPActiveThread = threading.Thread(target= RobotRDPActive.RobotRDPActive, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict})
lRobotRDPActiveThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lRobotRDPActiveThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL: lL.info("Robot RDP active has been started") #Logging
# Init autocleaner in another thread
lAutocleanerThread = threading.Thread(target= GSettingsAutocleaner, kwargs={"inGSettings":gSettingsDict})
lAutocleanerThread.daemon = True # Run the thread in daemon mode.
lAutocleanerThread.start() # Start the thread execution.
if lL: lL.info("Autocleaner thread has been started") #Logging
# Orchestrator start activity
if lL: lL.info("Orchestrator start activity run") #Logging
for lActivityItem in gSettingsDict["OrchestratorStart"]["ActivityList"]:
if lL: lL.info("Scheduler loop start") #Logging
gDaemonActivityLogDictRefreshSecInt = 10 # The second period for clear lDaemonActivityLogDict from old items
gDaemonActivityLogDictLastTime = time.time() # The second perioad for clean lDaemonActivityLogDict from old items
while True:
lCurrentDateTime = datetime.datetime.now()
#Циклический обход правил
# Periodically clear the lDaemonActivityLogDict
if time.time()-gDaemonActivityLogDictLastTime>=gDaemonActivityLogDictRefreshSecInt:
gDaemonActivityLogDictLastTime = time.time() # Update the time
for lIndex, lItem in enumerate(lDaemonActivityLogDict):
if lItem["ActivityEndDateTime"] and lCurrentDateTime<=lItem["ActivityEndDateTime"]:
# Activity is actual - do not delete now
# remove the activity - not actual
lIterationLastDateTime = lDaemonLastDateTime # Get current datetime before iterator (need for iterate all activities in loop)
# Iterate throught the activity list
for lIndex, lItem in enumerate(gSettingsDict["Scheduler"]["ActivityTimeList"]):
# Prepare GUID of the activity
lGUID = None
if "GUID" in lItem and lItem["GUID"]:
lGUID = lItem["GUID"]
lGUID = str(uuid.uuid4())
#Проверка дней недели, в рамках которых можно запускать активность
lItemWeekdayList=lItem.get("WeekdayList", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
if lCurrentDateTime.weekday() in lItemWeekdayList:
if lFlagSearchActivityType:
#Branch 1 - if has TimeHH:MM
if "TimeHH:MM" in lItem:
#Вид активности - запуск процесса
#Сформировать временной штамп, относительно которого надо будет проверять время
#часовой пояс пока не учитываем
#Убедиться в том, что время наступило
if (
lActivityDateTime>=lDaemonLastDateTime and
# Log info about activity
if lL: lL.info(f"Scheduler:: Activity is started. Scheduler item: {lItem}") #Logging
# Do the activity
lIterationLastDateTime = datetime.datetime.now() # Set the new datetime for the new processor activity
#Branch 2 - if TimeHH:MMStart, TimeHH:MMStop, ActivityIntervalSeconds
if "TimeHH:MMStart" in lItem and "TimeHH:MMStop" in lItem and "ActivityIntervalSeconds" in lItem:
#Сформировать временной штамп, относительно которого надо будет проверять время
#часовой пояс пока не учитываем
#Убедиться в том, что время наступило
if (
lCurrentDateTime<lActivityTimeEndDateTime and
lCurrentDateTime>=lActivityDateTime and
(lGUID,lActivityDateTime) not in lDaemonActivityLogDict):
#Запись в массив отработанных активностей
lDaemonActivityLogDict[(lGUID,lActivityDateTime)]={"ActivityStartDateTime":lCurrentDateTime, "ActivityEndDateTime":lActivityTimeEndDateTime}
#Запуск циклической процедуры
Timer.activityLoopStart(lItem["ActivityIntervalSeconds"], lActivityTimeEndDateTime, lItem["Activity"])
lDaemonLastDateTime = lIterationLastDateTime # Set the new datetime for the new processor activity
#Уснуть до следующего прогона
# Backward compatibility below to 1.2.0
def __deprecated_orchestrator_start__():
#Call Settings function from argv[1] file
lSubmoduleFunctionName = "Settings"
lFileFullPath = sys.argv[1]
lModuleName = (lFileFullPath.split("\\")[-1])[0:-3]
lTechSpecification = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(lModuleName, lFileFullPath)
lTechModuleFromSpec = importlib.util.module_from_spec(lTechSpecification)
lTechSpecificationModuleLoader = lTechSpecification.loader.exec_module(lTechModuleFromSpec)
gSettingsDict = None
if lSubmoduleFunctionName in dir(lTechModuleFromSpec):
# Run SettingUpdate function in submodule
gSettingsDict = getattr(lTechModuleFromSpec, lSubmoduleFunctionName)()
Orchestrator(inGSettings=gSettingsDict) # Call the orchestrator