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Build configuration file handling.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import re
import traceback
import types
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from os import getenv, path
from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterator, List, NamedTuple, Set, Tuple,
from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx40Warning
from sphinx.errors import ConfigError, ExtensionError
from sphinx.locale import _, __
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.i18n import format_date
from sphinx.util.osutil import cd
from sphinx.util.pycompat import execfile_
from sphinx.util.tags import Tags
from sphinx.util.typing import NoneType
if False:
# For type annotation
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
UNSERIALIZABLE_TYPES = (type, types.ModuleType, types.FunctionType)
copyright_year_re = re.compile(r'^((\d{4}-)?)(\d{4})(?=[ ,])')
ConfigValue = NamedTuple('ConfigValue', [('name', str),
('value', Any),
('rebuild', Union[bool, str])])
def is_serializable(obj: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if object is serializable or not."""
if isinstance(obj, UNSERIALIZABLE_TYPES):
return False
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
for key, value in obj.items():
if not is_serializable(key) or not is_serializable(value):
return False
elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, set)):
return all(is_serializable(i) for i in obj)
return True
class ENUM:
"""represents the config value should be a one of candidates.
app.add_config_value('latex_show_urls', 'no', None, ENUM('no', 'footnote', 'inline'))
def __init__(self, *candidates: str) -> None:
self.candidates = candidates
def match(self, value: Union[str, List, Tuple]) -> bool:
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
return all(item in self.candidates for item in value)
return value in self.candidates
# RemovedInSphinx40Warning
string_classes = [str] # type: List
class Config:
"""Configuration file abstraction.
The config object makes the values of all config values available as
It is exposed via the :py:attr:`sphinx.application.Application.config` and
:py:attr:`sphinx.environment.Environment.config` attributes. For example,
to get the value of :confval:`language`, use either ``app.config.language``
or ``env.config.language``.
# the values are: (default, what needs to be rebuilt if changed)
# If you add a value here, don't forget to include it in the
# file template as well as in the docs!
config_values = {
# general options
'project': ('Python', 'env', []),
'author': ('unknown', 'env', []),
'copyright': ('', 'html', []),
'version': ('', 'env', []),
'release': ('', 'env', []),
'today': ('', 'env', []),
# the real default is locale-dependent
'today_fmt': (None, 'env', [str]),
'language': (None, 'env', [str]),
'locale_dirs': (['locales'], 'env', []),
'figure_language_filename': ('{root}.{language}{ext}', 'env', [str]),
'master_doc': ('index', 'env', []),
'source_suffix': ({'.rst': 'restructuredtext'}, 'env', Any),
'source_encoding': ('utf-8-sig', 'env', []),
'source_parsers': ({}, 'env', []),
'exclude_patterns': ([], 'env', []),
'default_role': (None, 'env', [str]),
'add_function_parentheses': (True, 'env', []),
'add_module_names': (True, 'env', []),
'trim_footnote_reference_space': (False, 'env', []),
'show_authors': (False, 'env', []),
'pygments_style': (None, 'html', [str]),
'highlight_language': ('default', 'env', []),
'highlight_options': ({}, 'env', []),
'templates_path': ([], 'html', []),
'template_bridge': (None, 'html', [str]),
'keep_warnings': (False, 'env', []),
'suppress_warnings': ([], 'env', []),
'modindex_common_prefix': ([], 'html', []),
'rst_epilog': (None, 'env', [str]),
'rst_prolog': (None, 'env', [str]),
'trim_doctest_flags': (True, 'env', []),
'primary_domain': ('py', 'env', [NoneType]),
'needs_sphinx': (None, None, [str]),
'needs_extensions': ({}, None, []),
'manpages_url': (None, 'env', []),
'nitpicky': (False, None, []),
'nitpick_ignore': ([], None, []),
'numfig': (False, 'env', []),
'numfig_secnum_depth': (1, 'env', []),
'numfig_format': ({}, 'env', []), # will be initialized in init_numfig_format()
'math_number_all': (False, 'env', []),
'math_eqref_format': (None, 'env', [str]),
'math_numfig': (True, 'env', []),
'tls_verify': (True, 'env', []),
'tls_cacerts': (None, 'env', []),
'user_agent': (None, 'env', [str]),
'smartquotes': (True, 'env', []),
'smartquotes_action': ('qDe', 'env', []),
'smartquotes_excludes': ({'languages': ['ja'],
'builders': ['man', 'text']},
'env', []),
} # type: Dict[str, Tuple]
def __init__(self, config: Dict[str, Any] = {}, overrides: Dict[str, Any] = {}) -> None:
self.overrides = dict(overrides)
self.values = Config.config_values.copy()
self._raw_config = config
self.setup = config.get('setup', None) # type: Callable
if 'extensions' in self.overrides:
if isinstance(self.overrides['extensions'], str):
config['extensions'] = self.overrides.pop('extensions').split(',')
config['extensions'] = self.overrides.pop('extensions')
self.extensions = config.get('extensions', []) # type: List[str]
def read(cls, confdir: str, overrides: Dict = None, tags: Tags = None) -> "Config":
"""Create a Config object from configuration file."""
filename = path.join(confdir, CONFIG_FILENAME)
namespace = eval_config_file(filename, tags)
return cls(namespace, overrides or {})
def convert_overrides(self, name: str, value: Any) -> Any:
if not isinstance(value, str):
return value
defvalue = self.values[name][0]
if self.values[name][2] == Any:
return value
elif self.values[name][2] == {bool, str}:
if value == '0':
# given falsy string from command line option
return False
elif value == '1':
return True
return value
elif type(defvalue) is bool or self.values[name][2] == [bool]:
if value == '0':
# given falsy string from command line option
return False
return bool(value)
elif isinstance(defvalue, dict):
raise ValueError(__('cannot override dictionary config setting %r, '
'ignoring (use %r to set individual elements)') %
(name, name + '.key=value'))
elif isinstance(defvalue, list):
return value.split(',')
elif isinstance(defvalue, int):
return int(value)
except ValueError as exc:
raise ValueError(__('invalid number %r for config value %r, ignoring') %
(value, name)) from exc
elif hasattr(defvalue, '__call__'):
return value
elif defvalue is not None and not isinstance(defvalue, str):
raise ValueError(__('cannot override config setting %r with unsupported '
'type, ignoring') % name)
return value
def pre_init_values(self) -> None:
Initialize some limited config variables before initialize i18n and loading extensions
variables = ['needs_sphinx', 'suppress_warnings', 'language', 'locale_dirs']
for name in variables:
if name in self.overrides:
self.__dict__[name] = self.convert_overrides(name, self.overrides[name])
elif name in self._raw_config:
self.__dict__[name] = self._raw_config[name]
except ValueError as exc:
logger.warning("%s", exc)
def init_values(self) -> None:
config = self._raw_config
for valname, value in self.overrides.items():
if '.' in valname:
realvalname, key = valname.split('.', 1)
config.setdefault(realvalname, {})[key] = value
elif valname not in self.values:
logger.warning(__('unknown config value %r in override, ignoring'),
if isinstance(value, str):
config[valname] = self.convert_overrides(valname, value)
config[valname] = value
except ValueError as exc:
logger.warning("%s", exc)
for name in config:
if name in self.values:
self.__dict__[name] = config[name]
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
if name.startswith('_'):
raise AttributeError(name)
if name not in self.values:
raise AttributeError(__('No such config value: %s') % name)
default = self.values[name][0]
if hasattr(default, '__call__'):
return default(self)
return default
def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> str:
return getattr(self, name)
def __setitem__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
setattr(self, name, value)
def __delitem__(self, name: str) -> None:
delattr(self, name)
def __contains__(self, name: str) -> bool:
return name in self.values
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[ConfigValue, None, None]:
for name, value in self.values.items():
yield ConfigValue(name, getattr(self, name), value[1])
def add(self, name: str, default: Any, rebuild: Union[bool, str], types: Any) -> None:
if name in self.values:
raise ExtensionError(__('Config value %r already present') % name)
self.values[name] = (default, rebuild, types)
def filter(self, rebuild: Union[str, List[str]]) -> Iterator[ConfigValue]:
if isinstance(rebuild, str):
rebuild = [rebuild]
return (value for value in self if value.rebuild in rebuild)
def __getstate__(self) -> Dict:
"""Obtains serializable data for pickling."""
# remove potentially pickling-problematic values from config
__dict__ = {}
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key.startswith('_') or not is_serializable(value):
__dict__[key] = value
# create a picklable copy of values list
__dict__['values'] = {}
for key, value in self.values.items():
real_value = getattr(self, key)
if not is_serializable(real_value):
# omit unserializable value
real_value = None
# types column is also omitted
__dict__['values'][key] = (real_value, value[1], None)
return __dict__
def __setstate__(self, state: Dict) -> None:
def eval_config_file(filename: str, tags: Tags) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Evaluate a config file."""
namespace = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
namespace['__file__'] = filename
namespace['tags'] = tags
with cd(path.dirname(filename)):
# during executing config file, current dir is changed to ``confdir``.
execfile_(filename, namespace)
except SyntaxError as err:
msg = __("There is a syntax error in your configuration file: %s\n")
raise ConfigError(msg % err) from err
except SystemExit as exc:
msg = __("The configuration file (or one of the modules it imports) "
"called sys.exit()")
raise ConfigError(msg) from exc
except ConfigError:
# pass through ConfigError from as is. It will be shown in console.
except Exception as exc:
msg = __("There is a programmable error in your configuration file:\n\n%s")
raise ConfigError(msg % traceback.format_exc()) from exc
return namespace
def convert_source_suffix(app: "Sphinx", config: Config) -> None:
"""This converts old styled source_suffix to new styled one.
* old style: str or list
* new style: a dict which maps from fileext to filetype
source_suffix = config.source_suffix
if isinstance(source_suffix, str):
# if str, considers as default filetype (None)
# The default filetype is determined on later step.
# By default, it is considered as restructuredtext.
config.source_suffix = OrderedDict({source_suffix: None}) # type: ignore
elif isinstance(source_suffix, (list, tuple)):
# if list, considers as all of them are default filetype
config.source_suffix = OrderedDict([(s, None) for s in source_suffix]) # type: ignore # NOQA
elif isinstance(source_suffix, dict):
# if dict, convert it to OrderedDict
config.source_suffix = OrderedDict(config.source_suffix) # type: ignore
logger.warning(__("The config value `source_suffix' expects "
"a string, list of strings, or dictionary. "
"But `%r' is given." % source_suffix))
def init_numfig_format(app: "Sphinx", config: Config) -> None:
"""Initialize :confval:`numfig_format`."""
numfig_format = {'section': _('Section %s'),
'figure': _('Fig. %s'),
'table': _('Table %s'),
'code-block': _('Listing %s')}
# override default labels by configuration
config.numfig_format = numfig_format # type: ignore
def correct_copyright_year(app: "Sphinx", config: Config) -> None:
"""correct values of copyright year that are not coherent with
the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable (if set)
if getenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH') is not None:
for k in ('copyright', 'epub_copyright'):
if k in config:
replace = r'\g<1>%s' % format_date('%Y')
config[k] = copyright_year_re.sub(replace, config[k])
def check_confval_types(app: "Sphinx", config: Config) -> None:
"""check all values for deviation from the default value's type, since
that can result in TypeErrors all over the place NB.
for confval in config:
default, rebuild, annotations = config.values[]
if hasattr(default, '__call__'):
default = default(config) # evaluate default value
if default is None and not annotations:
continue # neither inferrable nor expliclitly annotated types
if annotations is Any:
# any type of value is accepted
elif isinstance(annotations, ENUM):
if not annotations.match(confval.value):
msg = __("The config value `{name}` has to be a one of {candidates}, "
"but `{current}` is given.")
if type(confval.value) is type(default):
if type(confval.value) in annotations:
common_bases = (set(type(confval.value).__bases__ + (type(confval.value),)) &
if common_bases:
continue # at least we share a non-trivial base class
if annotations:
msg = __("The config value `{name}' has type `{current.__name__}'; "
"expected {permitted}.")
wrapped_annotations = ["`{}'".format(c.__name__) for c in annotations]
if len(wrapped_annotations) > 2:
permitted = "{}, or {}".format(
", ".join(wrapped_annotations[:-1]),
permitted = " or ".join(wrapped_annotations)
msg = __("The config value `{name}' has type `{current.__name__}', "
"defaults to `{default.__name__}'.")
def check_unicode(config: Config) -> None:
"""check all string values for non-ASCII characters in bytestrings,
since that can result in UnicodeErrors all over the place
warnings.warn('sphinx.config.check_unicode() is deprecated.',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
nonascii_re = re.compile(br'[\x80-\xff]')
for name, value in config._raw_config.items():
if isinstance(value, bytes) and
logger.warning(__('the config value %r is set to a string with non-ASCII '
'characters; this can lead to Unicode errors occurring. '
'Please use Unicode strings, e.g. %r.'), name, 'Content')
def check_primary_domain(app: "Sphinx", config: Config) -> None:
primary_domain = config.primary_domain
if primary_domain and not app.registry.has_domain(primary_domain):
logger.warning(__('primary_domain %r not found, ignored.'), primary_domain)
config.primary_domain = None # type: ignore
def check_master_doc(app: "Sphinx", env: "BuildEnvironment", added: Set[str],
changed: Set[str], removed: Set[str]) -> Set[str]:
"""Adjust master_doc to 'contents' to support an old project which does not have
no master_doc setting.
if (app.config.master_doc == 'index' and
'index' not in app.project.docnames and
'contents' in app.project.docnames):
logger.warning(__('Since v2.0, Sphinx uses "index" as master_doc by default. '
'Please add "master_doc = \'contents\'" to your'))
app.config.master_doc = "contents" # type: ignore
return changed
def setup(app: "Sphinx") -> Dict[str, Any]:
app.connect('config-inited', convert_source_suffix, priority=800)
app.connect('config-inited', init_numfig_format, priority=800)
app.connect('config-inited', correct_copyright_year, priority=800)
app.connect('config-inited', check_confval_types, priority=800)
app.connect('config-inited', check_primary_domain, priority=800)
app.connect('env-get-outdated', check_master_doc)
return {
'version': 'builtin',
'parallel_read_safe': True,
'parallel_write_safe': True,