40 lines
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40 lines
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The OpenRPA package (from UnicodeLabs/Ivan Maslov)
__main__ file goes outside the package and used like a main file when the python runs module directly from start
#If run as python executable module, need to set python path in pyOpenRPA package to load subpackge
import sys
lFolderPath = "\\".join(__file__.split("\\")[:-2])
import traceback
from Robot.Utils import ProcessCommunicator
from Robot.Utils import JSONNormalize
from Robot import UIDesktop
#Run UIDesktop from new process. Communication with paren process by PIPE channel
#Определить разрядность процесса
buffer = ""
lJSONInputString = ""
while True:
#Reset the lProcessResponse
lProcessResponse = {"ErrorFlag": False}
#Ожидаем синхронно поступление объекта
lJSONInput = ProcessCommunicator.ProcessParentReadWaitObject()
lProcessResponse["ActivitySpecificationDict"] = lJSONInput
#Выполнить вызов функции
lFunction = getattr(UIDesktop, lJSONInput['ActivityName'])
lProcessResponse["Result"] = JSONNormalize.JSONNormalizeDictListStrIntBool(lFunction(*lJSONInput['ArgumentList'], **lJSONInput['ArgumentDict']))
except Exception as e:
lProcessResponse["Result"] = None
#Установить флаг ошибки
lProcessResponse["ErrorFlag"] = True
#Зафиксировать traceback
lProcessResponse["ErrorTraceback"] = traceback.format_exc()
#Зафиксировать Error message
lProcessResponse["ErrorMessage"] = str(e)
#Отправить ответ в родительский процесс
ProcessCommunicator.ProcessParentWriteObject(lProcessResponse) |