You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
2.8 KiB

{%- extends 'display_priority.j2' -%}
{% block in_prompt %}
{% endblock in_prompt %}
{% block output_prompt %}
{% endblock output_prompt %}
{% block input scoped%}
{%- if cell.source.strip() -%}
{{".. code:: "-}}
{%- if 'magics_language' in cell.metadata -%}
{{ cell.metadata.magics_language}}
{%- elif 'pygments_lexer' in nb.metadata.get('language_info', {}) -%}
{{ nb.metadata.language_info.pygments_lexer }}
{%- elif 'name' in nb.metadata.get('language_info', {}) -%}
{{ }}
{%- endif %}
{{ cell.source | indent}}
{% endif -%}
{% endblock input %}
{% block error %}
{{ super() }}
{% endblock error %}
{% block traceback_line %}
{{ line | indent | strip_ansi }}
{% endblock traceback_line %}
{% block execute_result %}
{% block data_priority scoped %}
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}
{% endblock execute_result %}
{% block stream %}
.. parsed-literal::
{{ output.text | indent }}
{% endblock stream %}
{% block data_svg %}
.. image:: {{ output.metadata.filenames['image/svg+xml'] | urlencode }}
{% endblock data_svg %}
{% block data_png %}
.. image:: {{ output.metadata.filenames['image/png'] | urlencode }}
{%- set width=output | get_metadata('width', 'image/png') -%}
{%- if width is not none %}
:width: {{ width }}px
{%- endif %}
{%- set height=output | get_metadata('height', 'image/png') -%}
{%- if height is not none %}
:height: {{ height }}px
{%- endif %}
{% endblock data_png %}
{% block data_jpg %}
.. image:: {{ output.metadata.filenames['image/jpeg'] | urlencode }}
{%- set width=output | get_metadata('width', 'image/jpeg') -%}
{%- if width is not none %}
:width: {{ width }}px
{%- endif %}
{%- set height=output | get_metadata('height', 'image/jpeg') -%}
{%- if height is not none %}
:height: {{ height }}px
{%- endif %}
{% endblock data_jpg %}
{% block data_markdown %}
{{['text/markdown'] | convert_pandoc("markdown", "rst") }}
{% endblock data_markdown %}
{% block data_latex %}
.. math::
{{['text/latex'] | strip_dollars | indent }}
{% endblock data_latex %}
{% block data_text scoped %}
.. parsed-literal::
{{['text/plain'] | indent }}
{% endblock data_text %}
{% block data_html scoped %}
.. raw:: html
{{['text/html'] | indent }}
{% endblock data_html %}
{% block markdowncell scoped %}
{{ cell.source | convert_pandoc("markdown", "rst") }}
{% endblock markdowncell %}
{%- block rawcell scoped -%}
{%- if cell.metadata.get('raw_mimetype', '').lower() in resources.get('raw_mimetypes', ['']) %}
{% endif -%}
{%- endblock rawcell -%}
{% block headingcell scoped %}
{{ ("#" * cell.level + cell.source) | replace('\n', ' ') | convert_pandoc("markdown", "rst") }}
{% endblock headingcell %}
{% block unknowncell scoped %}
unknown type {{cell.type}}
{% endblock unknowncell %}