You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Init Chrome web driver with extensions (if applicable)
# Import section
from selenium import webdriver
import time
import re # Regexp to extract info from string
import json
import datetime
import os
import re
import copy
import logging
# Store structure (.json)
"SearchKeyStr": "МСК_Тверской",
"SearchTitleStr": "Москва, район Тверской", # Title of the search [str]
"SearchURLStr": "", # URL of the CIAN search [str]
"SearchDatetimeStr": "2020-08-01 09:33:00.838081", # Date of data extraction, [str]
"SearchItems": {
"": { # Item URL with https
"TitleStr": "3-комн. кв., 31,4 м², 5/8 этаж", # Offer title [str]
"PriceFloat": 10000000.0, # Price [float]
"PriceSqmFloat": 133333.0, # CALCULATED Price per square meters [float]
"SqMFloat": 31.4, # Square meters in flat [float]
"FloorCurrentInt": 5, # Current floor [int]
"FloorTotalInt": 8, # Current floor [int]
"RoomCountInt": 3 # Room couint [int]
# Init the Chrome web driver
gChromeExeFullPath = r'..\Resources\GoogleChromePortable\App\Chrome-bin\chrome.exe'
gExtensionFullPathList = []
gWebDriverFullPath = r'..\Resources\SeleniumWebDrivers\Chrome\chromedriver_win32 v84.0.4147.30\chromedriver.exe'
def WebDriverInit(inWebDriverFullPath, inChromeExeFullPath, inExtensionFullPathList):
# Set full path to exe of the chrome
lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.binary_location = inChromeExeFullPath
# Add extensions
for lExtensionItemFullPath in inExtensionFullPathList:
lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance.add_extension (lExtensionItemFullPath)
# Run chrome instance
lWebDriverInstance = None
if inWebDriverFullPath:
# Run with specified web driver path
lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path = inWebDriverFullPath, options=lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
lWebDriverInstance = webdriver.Chrome(options = lWebDriverChromeOptionsInstance)
# Return the result
return lWebDriverInstance
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
# def to extract list of offers from one job
def OffersByJobExtractDict(inLogger, inWebDriver, inJob):
# BUG 0 - if timeout - retry the job +
# BUG 1 - do mouse scroll to to emulate user activity - cian can hold the robot
# BUG 2 - check the page to retry job offer if page is not next +
# BUG 3 - RE fall on Апартаменты-студия, 85,6 м², 4/8 этаж +
lRetryJobBool = True # Init flag if some error is raised - retry
while lRetryJobBool:
lRetryJobBool = False # Set false until some another action will appear
lResult = copy.deepcopy(inJob) # do copy the structure
lFilterURLStr = lResult["SearchURLStr"]
inWebDriver.get(lFilterURLStr) # Open the URL
lDatetimeNowStr = str(
"SearchDatetimeStr": lDatetimeNowStr, # Date of data extraction, [str]
"SearchItems": {} # prepare the result
# Get List of the page
lNextPageItemCSS = 'div[data-name="Pagination"] li[class*="active"] + li a'
lNextPageItem = inWebDriver.find_element_by_css_selector(lNextPageItemCSS)
lPageCounterInt = 1 # Init the page counter
while lNextPageItem:
lPageNumberInt = int(inWebDriver.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='li[class*="--active--"] span').text) # Get the current page int from web and check with iterator (if not equal - retry all job)
if lPageNumberInt == lPageCounterInt:
lOfferListCSSStr = 'div[data-name="Offers"] > div:not([data-name="BannerServicePlaceInternal"]):not([data-name="getBannerMarkup"]):not([data-name="AdFoxBannerTracker"])'
lOfferList = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(css_selector=lOfferListCSSStr)
for lOfferItem in lOfferList: # Processing the item, extract info
lOfferItemInfo = { # Item URL with https
"TitleStr": "3-комн. кв., 31,4 м², 5/8 этаж", # Offer title [str]
"PriceFloat": 10000000.0, # Price [float]
"PriceSqmFloat": 133333.0, # CALCULATED Price per square meters [float]
"SqMFloat": 31.4, # Square meters in flat [float]
"FloorCurrentInt": 5, # Current floor [int]
"FloorTotalInt": 8, # Current floor [int]
"RoomCountInt": 3 # Room couint [int]
lTitleStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[data-name="TopTitle"],div[data-name="Title"]').text # Extract title text
if inLogger:"Старт обработки предложения: {lTitleStr}")
lPriceStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[data-name="Price"] > div[class*="header"],div[data-name="TopPrice"] > div[class*="header"]').text # Extract total price
lURLStr = lOfferItem.find_element_by_css_selector(css_selector='a[class*="--header--"]').get_attribute("href") # Extract offer URL
lOfferItemInfo["TitleStr"] = lTitleStr # set the title
lPriceStr = lPriceStr.replace(" ","").replace("","") # Remove some extra symbols
lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] = round(float(lPriceStr),2) # Convert price to the float type
#Check if Апартаменты
if "АПАРТАМЕНТЫ" in lTitleStr.upper():
lREResult =".*, (\d*,?\d*) м², (\d*)/(\d*) эта.", lTitleStr) # run the re
lOfferItemInfo["RoomCountInt"] = 1 # Room count
lSqmStr =
lSqmStr= lSqmStr.replace(",",".")
lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"] = round(float(lSqmStr),2) # sqm count
lOfferItemInfo["FloorCurrentInt"] = int( # Floor current
lOfferItemInfo["FloorTotalInt"] = int( # Floor total
lOfferItemInfo["PriceSqmFloat"] = round(lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] / lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"],2) # Sqm per M
lREResult =".*(\d)-комн. .*, (\d*,?\d*) м², (\d*)/(\d*) эта.", lTitleStr) # run the re
lOfferItemInfo["RoomCountInt"] = int( # Room count
lSqmStr =
lSqmStr= lSqmStr.replace(",",".")
lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"] = round(float(lSqmStr),2) # sqm count
lOfferItemInfo["FloorCurrentInt"] = int( # Floor current
lOfferItemInfo["FloorTotalInt"] = int( # Floor total
lOfferItemInfo["PriceSqmFloat"] = round(lOfferItemInfo["PriceFloat"] / lOfferItemInfo["SqMFloat"],2) # Sqm per M
lResult['SearchItems'][lURLStr] = lOfferItemInfo # Set item in result dict
# Click next page item
lNextPageItem = None
lNextPageList = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(lNextPageItemCSS)
if len(lNextPageList)>0:
lNextPageItem = lNextPageList[0]
#lNextPageItem = WebDriverWait(lWebDriver, 10).until(EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div[data-name="Pagination"]')))
inWebDriver.execute_script("""document.querySelector('div[data-name="Pagination"] li[class*="active"] + li a').click()""")
except Exception as e:
time.sleep(0.5) # some init operations
# wait while preloader is active. If timeout - retry all job
lTimeFromFLoat = time.time() # get current time in float (seconds)
lDoWaitBool = True
while lDoWaitBool:
lPreloaderCSS = inWebDriver.find_elements_by_css_selector(css_selector='div[class*="--preloadOverlay--"]')
if len(lPreloaderCSS)>0: time.sleep(0.5) # preloader is here - wait
else: lDoWaitBool = False # Stop wait if preloader is dissappear
if (time.time() - lTimeFromFLoat) > 15: # check if timeout is more than 15 seconds
lRetryJobBool = True # Loading error on page - do break, then retry the job
if inLogger: inLogger.warning(f"Ожидание загрузки страницы более {15} с., Робот повторит задание сначала")
break # break the loop
if lRetryJobBool == True: # break the loop if RetryJobBool is true
lPageCounterInt = lPageCounterInt + 1 # Increment the page counter
lRetryJobBool = True
if inLogger: inLogger.warning(
f"Следующая страница по списку не была загружена. Была загружена страница: {lPageNumberInt}, Ожидалась страница: {lPageCounterInt}")
if lRetryJobBool == False: # break the loop if RetryJobBool is true
# Check dir - create if not exists
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('Datasets',lResult['SearchKeyStr'])):
# Save result in file
lFile = open(f"{os.path.join('Datasets',lResult['SearchKeyStr'],lDatetimeNowStr.replace(' ','_').replace('-','_').replace(':','_').replace('.','_'))}.json","w",encoding="utf-8")
# Инициализировать Google Chrome with selenium web driver
lWebDriver = WebDriverInit(inWebDriverFullPath = gWebDriverFullPath, inChromeExeFullPath = gChromeExeFullPath, inExtensionFullPathList = gExtensionFullPathList)
lFilterURLStr = ""
lJobItem = {
"SearchKeyStr": "МСК_Тверской",
"SearchTitleStr": "Москва, район Тверской", # Title of the search [str]
"SearchURLStr": lFilterURLStr,
# URL of the CIAN search [str]
OffersByJobExtractDict(inLogger = logging, inWebDriver = lWebDriver, inJob = lJobItem)