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# !ATTENTION - Current Control panel works only from pyOpenRPA v1.2.0!
from pyOpenRPA import Orchestrator
def ControlPanelRenderDict(inGSettings):
# Example of the JS code in Python code
lJSCheckVersion = f"""
if (!('VersionStr' in mGlobal)) {{
}} else {{
if (mGlobal.VersionStr != "{inGSettings["VersionStr"]}") {{
}} else {{
"HeaderLeftText":"Version check",
"DataStorageKey":"", #Use key for set current dict in mGlobal.DataStorage["DataStorageKey"] on client side
{"Key": "Client", "Value": '<div class="orchestrator-version" style="display:inline;"></div>'},
{"Key": "Server", "Value": inGSettings["VersionStr"]},
"GlobalStorage": "" # UNCOMMENT FOR DEBUG PURPOSE TO WATCH inGSettings on client side
return lResultDict
# Check in control panel, that process is runnning
#Orchestrator settings
def SettingsUpdate(inGSettings):
#Add RobotRDPActive in control panel
inGSettings["ControlPanelDict"]["RobotList"].append({"RenderFunction": ControlPanelRenderDict, "KeyStr": "VersionCheck"})
return inGSettings