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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
import sys
import requests
from Naked.settings import debug as DEBUG_FLAG
#[ HTTP class]
# handle HTTP requests
# Uses the requests external library to handle HTTP requests and response object (available on PyPI)
class HTTP():
def __init__(self, url="", request_timeout=10):
self.url = url
self.request_timeout = request_timeout
# HTTP response properties (assignment occurs with the HTTP request methods)
self.res = None # assigned with the requests external library response object after a HTTP method call
# [ get method ] (string) -
# HTTP GET request - returns text string
# returns data stream read from the URL (string)
# Default timeout = 10 s from class constructor
# Re-throws ConnectionError on failed connection (e.g. no site at URL)
# Test : :: test_http_get, test_http_get_response_change,
# test_http_post_reponse_change, test_http_get_response_check
def get(self, follow_redirects=True):
response = requests.get(self.url, timeout=self.request_timeout, allow_redirects=follow_redirects)
self.res = response # assign the response object from requests to a property on the instance of HTTP class
return response.text
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform GET request with the URL " + self.url + " using the get() method (")
raise e
# [ get_data method ] (binary data)
# HTTP GET request, return binary data
# returns data stream with raw binary data
def get_bin(self):
response = requests.get(self.url, timeout=self.request_timeout)
self.res = response # assign the response object from requests to a property on the instance
return response.content # return binary data instead of text (get() returns text)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform GET request with the URL " + self.url + " using the get_data() method (")
raise e
# [ get_bin_write_file method ] (boolean)
# open HTTP data stream with GET request, make file with the returned binary data
# file path is passed to the method by the developer
# set suppress_output to True if you want to suppress the d/l status information that is printed to the standard output stream
# return True on successful pull and write to disk
# Tests: :: test_http_get_binary
def get_bin_write_file(self, filepath="", suppress_output = False, overwrite_existing = False):
import os # used for os.fsync() method in the write
# Confirm that the file does not exist and prevent overwrite if it does (unless developer indicates otherwise)
if not overwrite_existing:
from Naked.toolshed.system import file_exists
if file_exists(filepath):
if not suppress_output:
print("Download aborted. A local file with the requested filename exists on the path.")
return False
if (filepath == "" and len(self.url) > 1):
filepath = self.url.split('/')[-1] # use the filename from URL and working directory as default if not specified
if not suppress_output:
sys.stdout.write("Downloading file from " + self.url + "...")
response = requests.get(self.url, timeout=self.request_timeout, stream=True)
self.res = response
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: # write as binary data
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=2048):
os.fsync(f.fileno()) # flush all internal buffers to disk
if not suppress_output:
print(" ")
print("Download complete.")
return True # return True if successful write
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform GET request and write file with the URL " + self.url + " using the get_bin_write_file() method (")
raise e
# [ get_txt_write_file method ] (boolean)
# open HTTP data stream with GET request, write file with utf-8 encoded text using returned text data
# file path is passed to the method by the developer (default is the base filename in the URL if not specified)
# return True on successful pull and write to disk
# Tests: :: test_http_get_text
def get_txt_write_file(self, filepath="", suppress_output = False, overwrite_existing = False):
import os # used for os.fsync() method in the write
# Confirm that the file does not exist and prevent overwrite if it does (unless developer indicates otherwise)
if not overwrite_existing:
from Naked.toolshed.system import file_exists
if file_exists(filepath):
if not suppress_output:
print("Download aborted. A local file with the requested filename exists on the path.")
return False
if (filepath == "" and len(self.url) > 1):
filepath = self.url.split('/')[-1] # use the filename from URL and working directory as default if not specified
if not suppress_output:
sys.stdout.write("Downloading file from " + self.url + "...")
response = requests.get(self.url, timeout=self.request_timeout, stream=True)
self.res = response
import codecs
with, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") as f: #write as text
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=2048):
chunk = chunk.decode('utf-8')
os.fsync(f.fileno()) # flush all internal buffers to disk
if not suppress_output:
print(" ")
print("Download complete.")
return True # return True if successful write
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform GET request and write file with the URL " + self.url + " using the get_data_write_txt() method (")
raise e
# [ head method ] (dictionary of strings)
# HTTP HEAD request
# returns a dictionary of the header strings
# test for a specific header on either the response dictionary or the instance res property
# Usage example:
# content_type = instance.res['content-type']
# Tests: :: test_http_head
def head(self):
response = requests.head(self.url, timeout=self.request_timeout)
self.res = response # assign the response object from requests to a property on the instance of HTTP class
return response.headers
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform a HEAD request with the head() method (")
raise e
# [ post method ] (string)
# HTTP POST request for text
# returns text from the URL as a string
def post(self, follow_redirects=True):
response =, timeout=self.request_timeout, allow_redirects=follow_redirects)
self.res = response # assign the response object from requests to a property on the instance of HTTP class
return response.text
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.exit("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform a POST request with the post() method (")
raise e
# [ post_bin method ] (binary data)
# HTTP POST request for binary data
# returns binary data from the URL
def post_bin(self):
response =, timeout=self.request_timeout)
self.res = response # assign the response object from requests to a property on the instance of HTTP class
return response.content
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.exit("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform POST request with the post_bin() method (")
raise e
# [ post_bin_write_file method ] (boolean = success of write)
# HTTP POST request, write binary file with the response data
# default filepath is the basename of the URL file, may be set by passing an argument to the method
# returns a boolean that indicates the success of the file write
def post_bin_write_file(self, filepath="", suppress_output = False, overwrite_existing = False):
import os # used for os.fsync() method in the write
# Confirm that the file does not exist and prevent overwrite if it does (unless developer indicates otherwise)
if not overwrite_existing:
from Naked.toolshed.system import file_exists
if file_exists(filepath):
if not suppress_output:
print("Download aborted. A local file with the requested filename exists on the path.")
return False
if (filepath == "" and len(self.url) > 1):
filepath = self.url.split('/')[-1] # use the filename from URL and working directory as default if not specified
if not suppress_output:
sys.stdout.write("Downloading file from " + self.url + "...") #provide information about the download to user
response =, timeout=self.request_timeout, stream=True)
self.res = response
with open(filepath, 'wb') as f: # write as binary data
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=2048):
os.fsync(f.fileno()) # flush all internal buffers to disk
if not suppress_output:
print(" ")
print("Download complete.") # provide user with completion information
return True # return True if successful write
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform POST request and write file with the URL " + self.url + " using the post_data_write_bin() method (")
raise e
# [ post_txt_write_file method ] (boolean = success of file write)
# HTTP POST request, write utf-8 encoded text file with the response data
# default filepath is the basename of the URL file, may be set by passing an argument to the method
# returns a boolean that indicates the success of the file write
def post_txt_write_file(self, filepath="", suppress_output = False, overwrite_existing = False):
import os # used for os.fsync() method in the write
# Confirm that the file does not exist and prevent overwrite if it does (unless developer indicates otherwise)
if not overwrite_existing:
from Naked.toolshed.system import file_exists
if file_exists(filepath):
if not suppress_output:
print("Download aborted. A local file with the requested filename exists on the path.")
return False
if (filepath == "" and len(self.url) > 1):
filepath = self.url.split('/')[-1] # use the filename from URL and working directory as default if not specified
if not suppress_output:
sys.stdout.write("Downloading file from " + self.url + "...") #provide information about the download to user
response =, timeout=self.request_timeout, stream=True)
self.res = response
import codecs
with, mode='w', encoding="utf-8") as f: # write as binary data
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=2048):
chunk = chunk.decode('utf-8')
os.fsync(f.fileno()) # flush all internal buffers to disk
if not suppress_output:
print(" ")
print("Download complete.") # provide user with completion information
return True # return True if successful write
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to perform POST request and write file with the URL " + self.url + " using the post_data_write_bin() method (")
raise e
# [ response method ]
# getter method for the requests library object that is assigned as a property
# on the HTTP class after a HTTP request method is run (e.g. get())
# Note: must run one of the HTTP request verbs to assign this property before use of getter (=None by default)
# Tests: :: test_http_get_response_check
def response(self):
return self.res
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to return the response from your HTTP request with the response() method (")
raise e
# [ get_status_ok method ] (boolean)
# return boolean whether HTTP response was in 200 status code range for GET request
# Note: this method runs its own GET request, does not need to be run separately
# Tests: ::
def get_status_ok(self):
self.get() #run the get request
if self.res and self.res.status_code:
return (self.res.status_code ==
return False
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to obtain the HTTP status with the get_status_ok() method (")
raise e
# [ post_status_ok method ] (boolean)
# return boolean whether HTTP response was in 200 status code range for POST request
# Note: method runs its own post method, not necessary to run separately
def post_status_ok(self):
try: #run the post request
if self.res and self.res.status_code:
return (self.res.status_code ==
return False
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ce:
return False
except Exception as e:
sys.stderr.write("Naked Framework Error: Unable to obtain the HTTP status with the post_status_ok() method (")
raise e
if __name__ == '__main__':
# http = HTTP("")
# data = http.get()
# print(data)
# from Naked.toolshed.file import FileWriter
# w = FileWriter("testfile.txt")
# w.write_utf8(data)
# http = HTTP()
# http.url = ""
# print(http.get())