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import ctypes
import comtypes.automation
import comtypes.typeinfo
import comtypes.client
import comtypes.client.lazybind
from comtypes import COMError, IUnknown, _is_object
import comtypes.hresult as hres
# These errors generally mean the property or method exists,
# but can't be used in this context - eg, property instead of a method, etc.
# Used to determine if we have a real error or not.
def Dispatch(obj):
# Wrap an object in a Dispatch instance, exposing methods and properties
# via fully dynamic dispatch
if isinstance(obj, _Dispatch):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, ctypes.POINTER(comtypes.automation.IDispatch)):
tinfo = obj.GetTypeInfo(0)
except (comtypes.COMError, WindowsError):
return _Dispatch(obj)
return comtypes.client.lazybind.Dispatch(obj, tinfo)
return obj
class MethodCaller:
# Wrong name: does not only call methods but also handle
# property accesses.
def __init__(self, _id, _obj):
self._id = _id
self._obj = _obj
def __call__(self, *args):
return self._obj._comobj.Invoke(self._id, *args)
def __getitem__(self, *args):
return self._obj._comobj.Invoke(self._id, *args,
def __setitem__(self, *args):
if _is_object(args[-1]):
self._obj._comobj.Invoke(self._id, *args,
self._obj._comobj.Invoke(self._id, *args,
class _Dispatch(object):
# Expose methods and properties via fully dynamic dispatch
def __init__(self, comobj):
self.__dict__["_comobj"] = comobj
self.__dict__["_ids"] = {} # Tiny optimization: trying not to use GetIDsOfNames more than once
self.__dict__["_methods"] = set()
def __enum(self):
e = self._comobj.Invoke(-4) # DISPID_NEWENUM
return e.QueryInterface(comtypes.automation.IEnumVARIANT)
def __cmp__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _Dispatch):
return 1
return cmp(self._comobj, other._comobj)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self._comobj)
def __getitem__(self, index):
enum = self.__enum()
if index > 0:
if 0 != enum.Skip(index):
raise IndexError("index out of range")
item, fetched = enum.Next(1)
if not fetched:
raise IndexError("index out of range")
return item
def QueryInterface(self, *args):
"QueryInterface is forwarded to the real com object."
return self._comobj.QueryInterface(*args)
def _FlagAsMethod(self, *names):
"""Flag these attribute names as being methods.
Some objects do not correctly differentiate methods and
properties, leading to problems when calling these methods.
Specifically, trying to say: ob.SomeFunc()
may yield an exception "None object is not callable"
In this case, an attempt to fetch the *property*has worked
and returned None, rather than indicating it is really a method.
Calling: ob._FlagAsMethod("SomeFunc")
should then allow this to work.
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__"):
raise AttributeError(name)
## tc = self._comobj.GetTypeInfo(0).QueryInterface(comtypes.typeinfo.ITypeComp)
## dispid = tc.Bind(name)[1].memid
dispid = self._ids.get(name)
if not dispid:
dispid = self._comobj.GetIDsOfNames(name)[0]
self._ids[name] = dispid
if name in self._methods:
result = MethodCaller(dispid, self)
self.__dict__[name] = result
return result
flags = comtypes.automation.DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET
result = self._comobj.Invoke(dispid, _invkind=flags)
except COMError as err:
(hresult, text, details) = err.args
if hresult in ERRORS_BAD_CONTEXT:
result = MethodCaller(dispid, self)
self.__dict__[name] = result
# The line break is important for 2to3 to work correctly
# The line break is important for 2to3 to work correctly
return result
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
dispid = self._ids.get(name)
if not dispid:
dispid = self._comobj.GetIDsOfNames(name)[0]
self._ids[name] = dispid
# Detect whether to use DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT or
flags = 8 if _is_object(value) else 4
return self._comobj.Invoke(dispid, value, _invkind=flags)
def __iter__(self):
return _Collection(self.__enum())
## def __setitem__(self, index, value):
## self._comobj.Invoke(-3, index, value,
## _invkind=comtypes.automation.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUT|comtypes.automation.DISPATCH_PROPERTYPUTREF)
class _Collection(object):
def __init__(self, enum):
self.enum = enum
def __next__(self):
item, fetched = self.enum.Next(1)
if fetched:
return item
raise StopIteration
def __iter__(self):
return self
__all__ = ["Dispatch"]