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import sys, os
import logging
##logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Add comtypes to sys.path (if this is run from a SVN checkout)
sys.path.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), r"..\..")))
import comtypes
from comtypes.hresult import S_OK
import comtypes.server.connectionpoints
# Create the wrapper in the comtypes.gen package, it will be named
# TestComServerLib; the name is derived from the 'library ' statement
# in the IDL file
if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
import comtypes.client
# pathname of the type library file
tlbfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "TestDispServer.tlb")
# if running as frozen app (dll or exe), the wrapper should be in
# the library archive, so we don't need to generate it.
# Import the wrapper
from comtypes.gen import TestDispServerLib
# Implement the CoClass by defining a subclass of the
# TestDispServerLib.TestDispServer class in the wrapper file. The
# COMObject base class provides default implementations of the
# IUnknown, IDispatch, IPersist, IProvideClassInfo,
# IProvideClassInfo2, and ISupportErrorInfo interfaces.
# The ConnectableObjectMixin class provides connectionpoints (events).
class TestDispServer(
TestDispServerLib.TestDispServer, # the coclass from the typelib wrapper
# The default interface from the typelib MUST be the first
# interface, other interfaces can follow
_com_interfaces_ = TestDispServerLib.TestDispServer._com_interfaces_ + \
# registry entries
_reg_threading_ = "Both"
_reg_progid_ = "TestDispServerLib.TestDispServer.1"
_reg_novers_progid_ = "TestDispServerLib.TestDispServer"
_reg_desc_ = "comtypes COM server sample for testing"
_reg_clsctx_ = comtypes.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | comtypes.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
# DTestDispServer methods
def DTestDispServer_eval(self, this, expr, presult):
self.Fire_Event(0, "EvalStarted", expr)
# The following two are equivalent, but the former is more generic:
presult[0] = eval(expr)
##presult[0].value = eval(expr)
self.Fire_Event(0, "EvalCompleted", expr, presult[0].value)
return S_OK
def DTestDispServer_eval2(self, expr):
self.Fire_Event(0, "EvalStarted", expr)
result = eval(expr)
self.Fire_Event(0, "EvalCompleted", expr, result)
return result
def DTestDispServer__get_id(self, this, pid):
pid[0] = id(self)
return S_OK
def DTestDispServer_Exec(self, this, what):
return S_OK
def DTestDispServer_Exec2(self, what):
_name = "spam, spam, spam"
# Implementation of the DTestDispServer::Name propget
def DTestDispServer__get_name(self, this, pname):
pname[0] = self._name
return S_OK
# Implementation of the DTestDispServer::Name propput
def DTestDispServer__set_name(self, this, name):
self._name = name
return S_OK
# Implementation of the DTestDispServer::SetName method
def DTestDispServer_sEtNaMe(self, name):
self._name = name
if __name__ == "__main__":
from comtypes.server.register import UseCommandLine