You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

433 lines
14 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import random
from bisect import bisect_left
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from itertools import cycle
from operator import itemgetter, add
from ..utils import funcname, import_required
from ..core import istask
from ..compatibility import apply
_BOKEH_MISSING_MSG = "Diagnostics plots require `bokeh` to be installed"
_TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG = "Diagnostics plots require `toolz` to be installed"
def unquote(expr):
if istask(expr):
if expr[0] in (tuple, list, set):
return expr[0](map(unquote, expr[1]))
elif (expr[0] == dict and
isinstance(expr[1], list) and
isinstance(expr[1][0], list)):
return dict(map(unquote, expr[1]))
return expr
def pprint_task(task, keys, label_size=60):
"""Return a nicely formatted string for a task.
Value within dask graph to render as text
keys: iterable
List of keys within dask graph
label_size: int (optional)
Maximum size of output label, defaults to 60
>>> from operator import add, mul
>>> dsk = {'a': 1,
... 'b': 2,
... 'c': (add, 'a', 'b'),
... 'd': (add, (mul, 'a', 'b'), 'c'),
... 'e': (sum, ['a', 'b', 5]),
... 'f': (add,),
... 'g': []}
>>> pprint_task(dsk['c'], dsk)
'add(_, _)'
>>> pprint_task(dsk['d'], dsk)
'add(mul(_, _), _)'
>>> pprint_task(dsk['e'], dsk)
'sum([_, _, *])'
>>> pprint_task(dsk['f'], dsk)
>>> pprint_task(dsk['g'], dsk)
if istask(task):
func = task[0]
if func is apply:
head = funcname(task[1])
tail = ')'
args = unquote(task[2]) if len(task) > 2 else ()
kwargs = unquote(task[3]) if len(task) > 3 else {}
if hasattr(func, 'funcs'):
head = '('.join(funcname(f) for f in func.funcs)
tail = ')' * len(func.funcs)
head = funcname(task[0])
tail = ')'
args = task[1:]
kwargs = {}
if args or kwargs:
label_size2 = int((label_size - len(head) - len(tail)) //
(len(args) + len(kwargs)))
pprint = lambda t: pprint_task(t, keys, label_size2)
if args:
if label_size2 > 5:
args = ', '.join(pprint(t) for t in args)
args = '...'
args = ''
if kwargs:
if label_size2 > 5:
kwargs = ', ' + ', '.join('{0}={1}'.format(k, pprint(v))
for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items()))
kwargs = ', ...'
kwargs = ''
return '{0}({1}{2}{3}'.format(head, args, kwargs, tail)
elif isinstance(task, list):
if not task:
return '[]'
elif len(task) > 3:
result = pprint_task(task[:3], keys, label_size)
return result[:-1] + ', ...]'
label_size2 = int((label_size - 2 - 2 * len(task)) // len(task))
args = ', '.join(pprint_task(t, keys, label_size2) for t in task)
return '[{0}]'.format(args)
if task in keys:
return '_'
return '*'
except TypeError:
return '*'
def get_colors(palette, funcs):
"""Get a dict mapping funcs to colors from palette.
palette : string
Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of
funcs : iterable
Iterable of function names
palettes = import_required('bokeh.palettes', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG)
tz = import_required('toolz', _TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG)
unique_funcs = list(sorted(tz.unique(funcs)))
n_funcs = len(unique_funcs)
palette_lookup = palettes.all_palettes[palette]
keys = list(sorted(palette_lookup.keys()))
index = keys[min(bisect_left(keys, n_funcs), len(keys) - 1)]
palette = palette_lookup[index]
# Some bokeh palettes repeat colors, we want just the unique set
palette = list(tz.unique(palette))
if len(palette) > n_funcs:
# Consistently shuffle palette - prevents just using low-range
color_lookup = dict(zip(unique_funcs, cycle(palette)))
return [color_lookup[n] for n in funcs]
def visualize(profilers, file_path=None, show=True, save=True, **kwargs):
"""Visualize the results of profiling in a bokeh plot.
If multiple profilers are passed in, the plots are stacked vertically.
profilers : profiler or list
Profiler or list of profilers.
file_path : string, optional
Name of the plot output file.
show : boolean, optional
If True (default), the plot is opened in a browser.
save : boolean, optional
If True (default), the plot is saved to disk.
Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override
all defaults set by visualize.
The completed bokeh plot object.
bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG)
import bokeh
if LooseVersion(bokeh.__version__) >= "0.12.10":
from import state
in_notebook = state.curstate().notebook
from import _state
in_notebook = _state._notebook
if not in_notebook:
file_path = file_path or "profile.html"
if not isinstance(profilers, list):
profilers = [profilers]
figs = [prof._plot(**kwargs) for prof in profilers]
# Stack the plots
if len(figs) == 1:
p = figs[0]
top = figs[0]
for f in figs[1:]:
f.x_range = top.x_range
f.title = None
f.min_border_top = 20
f.plot_height -= 30
for f in figs[:-1]:
f.xaxis.axis_label = None
f.min_border_bottom = 20
f.plot_height -= 30
for f in figs:
f.min_border_left = 75
f.min_border_right = 75
p = bp.gridplot([[f] for f in figs])
if show:
if file_path and save:
return p
def _get_figure_keywords():
bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG)
o =
return o
def plot_tasks(results, dsk, palette='Viridis', label_size=60, **kwargs):
"""Visualize the results of profiling in a bokeh plot.
results : sequence
Output of Profiler.results
dsk : dict
The dask graph being profiled.
palette : string, optional
Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of
label_size: int (optional)
Maximum size of output labels in plot, defaults to 60
Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override
all defaults set by visualize.
The completed bokeh plot object.
bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG)
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
tz = import_required('toolz', _TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG)
defaults = dict(title="Profile Results",
plot_width=800, plot_height=300)
defaults.update((k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in
if results:
keys, tasks, starts, ends, ids = zip(*results)
id_group = tz.groupby(itemgetter(4), results)
timings = dict((k, [i.end_time - i.start_time for i in v]) for (k, v) in
id_lk = dict((t[0], n) for (n, t) in enumerate(sorted(timings.items(),
key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)))
left = min(starts)
right = max(ends)
p = bp.figure(y_range=[str(i) for i in range(len(id_lk))],
x_range=[0, right - left], **defaults)
data = {}
data['width'] = width = [e - s for (s, e) in zip(starts, ends)]
data['x'] = [w / 2 + s - left for (w, s) in zip(width, starts)]
data['y'] = [id_lk[i] + 1 for i in ids]
data['function'] = funcs = [pprint_task(i, dsk, label_size) for i in tasks]
data['color'] = get_colors(palette, funcs)
data['key'] = [str(i) for i in keys]
source = bp.ColumnDataSource(data=data)
p.rect(source=source, x='x', y='y', height=1, width='width',
color='color', line_color='gray')
p = bp.figure(y_range=[str(i) for i in range(8)], x_range=[0, 10],
p.grid.grid_line_color = None
p.axis.axis_line_color = None
p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None
p.yaxis.axis_label = "Worker ID"
p.xaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)"
hover =
hover.tooltips = """
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">Key:</span>&nbsp;
<span style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Monaco, monospace;">@key</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">Task:</span>&nbsp;
<span style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Monaco, monospace;">@function</span>
hover.point_policy = 'follow_mouse'
return p
def plot_resources(results, palette='Viridis', **kwargs):
"""Plot resource usage in a bokeh plot.
results : sequence
Output of ResourceProfiler.results
palette : string, optional
Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of
Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override
all defaults set by plot_resources.
The completed bokeh plot object.
bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG)
from bokeh import palettes
from bokeh.models import LinearAxis, Range1d
defaults = dict(title="Profile Results",
plot_width=800, plot_height=300)
defaults.update((k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in
if results:
t, mem, cpu = zip(*results)
left, right = min(t), max(t)
t = [i - left for i in t]
p = bp.figure(y_range=fix_bounds(0, max(cpu), 100),
x_range=fix_bounds(0, right - left, 1),
t = mem = cpu = []
p = bp.figure(y_range=(0, 100), x_range=(0, 1), **defaults)
colors = palettes.all_palettes[palette][6]
p.line(t, cpu, color=colors[0], line_width=4, legend='% CPU')
p.yaxis.axis_label = "% CPU"
p.extra_y_ranges = {'memory': Range1d(*fix_bounds(min(mem) if mem else 0,
max(mem) if mem else 100,
p.line(t, mem, color=colors[2], y_range_name='memory', line_width=4,
p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name='memory', axis_label='Memory (MB)'),
p.xaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)"
return p
def fix_bounds(start, end, min_span):
"""Adjust end point to ensure span of at least `min_span`"""
return start, max(end, start + min_span)
def plot_cache(results, dsk, start_time, metric_name, palette='Viridis',
label_size=60, **kwargs):
"""Visualize the results of profiling in a bokeh plot.
results : sequence
Output of CacheProfiler.results
dsk : dict
The dask graph being profiled.
start_time : float
Start time of the profile.
metric_name : string
Metric used to measure cache size
palette : string, optional
Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of
label_size: int (optional)
Maximum size of output labels in plot, defaults to 60
Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override
all defaults set by visualize.
The completed bokeh plot object.
bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG)
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
tz = import_required('toolz', _TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG)
defaults = dict(title="Profile Results",
plot_width=800, plot_height=300)
defaults.update((k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in
if results:
starts, ends = list(zip(*results))[3:]
tics = list(sorted(tz.unique(starts + ends)))
groups = tz.groupby(lambda d: pprint_task(d[1], dsk, label_size), results)
data = {}
for k, vals in groups.items():
cnts = dict.fromkeys(tics, 0)
for v in vals:
cnts[v.cache_time] += v.metric
cnts[v.free_time] -= v.metric
data[k] = [0] + list(tz.accumulate(add, tz.pluck(1, sorted(cnts.items()))))
tics = [0] + [i - start_time for i in tics]
p = bp.figure(x_range=[0, max(tics)], **defaults)
for (key, val), color in zip(data.items(), get_colors(palette, data.keys())):
p.line('x', 'y', line_color=color, line_width=3,
source=bp.ColumnDataSource({'x': tics, 'y': val,
'label': [key for i in val]}))
p = bp.figure(y_range=[0, 10], x_range=[0, 10], **defaults)
p.yaxis.axis_label = "Cache Size ({0})".format(metric_name)
p.xaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)"
hover =
hover.tooltips = """
<span style="font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold;">Task:</span>&nbsp;
<span style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Monaco, monospace;">@label</span>
return p