You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

728 lines
32 KiB

import re
from contextlib import contextmanager
from parso.python.errors import ErrorFinder, ErrorFinderConfig
from parso.normalizer import Rule
from parso.python.tree import search_ancestor, Flow, Scope
_IMPORT_TYPES = ('import_name', 'import_from')
_SUITE_INTRODUCERS = ('classdef', 'funcdef', 'if_stmt', 'while_stmt',
'for_stmt', 'try_stmt', 'with_stmt')
_NON_STAR_TYPES = ('term', 'import_from', 'power')
_OPENING_BRACKETS = '(', '[', '{'
_CLOSING_BRACKETS = ')', ']', '}'
_FACTOR = '+', '-', '~'
_ALLOW_SPACE = '*', '+', '-', '**', '/', '//', '@'
_BITWISE_OPERATOR = '<<', '>>', '|', '&', '^'
_NEEDS_SPACE = ('=', '%', '->',
'<', '>', '==', '>=', '<=', '<>', '!=',
'+=', '-=', '*=', '@=', '/=', '%=', '&=', '|=', '^=', '<<=',
'>>=', '**=', '//=')
_IMPLICIT_INDENTATION_TYPES = ('dictorsetmaker', 'argument')
_POSSIBLE_SLICE_PARENTS = ('subscript', 'subscriptlist', 'sliceop')
class IndentationTypes(object):
BACKSLASH = object()
SUITE = object()
IMPLICIT = object()
class IndentationNode(object):
type = IndentationTypes.SUITE
def __init__(self, config, indentation, parent=None):
self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation = indentation
self.parent = parent
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__
def get_latest_suite_node(self):
n = self
while n is not None:
if n.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE:
return n
n = n.parent
class BracketNode(IndentationNode):
def __init__(self, config, leaf, parent, in_suite_introducer=False):
self.leaf = leaf
# Figure out here what the indentation is. For chained brackets
# we can basically use the previous indentation.
previous_leaf = leaf
n = parent
if n.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT:
n = n.parent
while True:
if hasattr(n, 'leaf') and previous_leaf.line != n.leaf.line:
previous_leaf = previous_leaf.get_previous_leaf()
if not isinstance(n, BracketNode) or previous_leaf != n.leaf:
n = n.parent
parent_indentation = n.indentation
next_leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf()
if '\n' in next_leaf.prefix:
# This implies code like:
# foobarbaz(
# a,
# b,
# )
self.bracket_indentation = parent_indentation \
+ config.closing_bracket_hanging_indentation
self.indentation = parent_indentation + config.indentation
self.type = IndentationTypes.HANGING_BRACKET
# Implies code like:
# foobarbaz(
# a,
# b,
# )
expected_end_indent = leaf.end_pos[1]
if '\t' in config.indentation:
self.indentation = None
self.indentation = ' ' * expected_end_indent
self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation
self.type = IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET
if in_suite_introducer and parent.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE \
and self.indentation == parent_indentation + config.indentation:
self.indentation += config.indentation
# The closing bracket should have the same indentation.
self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation
self.parent = parent
class ImplicitNode(BracketNode):
Implicit indentation after keyword arguments, default arguments,
annotations and dict values.
def __init__(self, config, leaf, parent):
super(ImplicitNode, self).__init__(config, leaf, parent)
self.type = IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT
next_leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf()
if leaf == ':' and '\n' not in next_leaf.prefix:
self.indentation += ' '
class BackslashNode(IndentationNode):
type = IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH
def __init__(self, config, parent_indentation, containing_leaf, spacing, parent=None):
expr_stmt = search_ancestor(containing_leaf, 'expr_stmt')
if expr_stmt is not None:
equals = expr_stmt.children[-2]
if '\t' in config.indentation:
# TODO unite with the code of BracketNode
self.indentation = None
# If the backslash follows the equals, use normal indentation
# otherwise it should align with the equals.
if equals.end_pos == spacing.start_pos:
self.indentation = parent_indentation + config.indentation
# +1 because there is a space.
self.indentation = ' ' * (equals.end_pos[1] + 1)
self.indentation = parent_indentation + config.indentation
self.bracket_indentation = self.indentation
self.parent = parent
def _is_magic_name(name):
return name.value.startswith('__') and name.value.endswith('__')
class PEP8Normalizer(ErrorFinder):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(PEP8Normalizer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._previous_part = None
self._previous_leaf = None
self._on_newline = True
self._newline_count = 0
self._wanted_newline_count = None
self._max_new_lines_in_prefix = 0
self._new_statement = True
self._implicit_indentation_possible = False
# The top of stack of the indentation nodes.
self._indentation_tos = self._last_indentation_tos = \
IndentationNode(self._config, indentation='')
self._in_suite_introducer = False
if ' ' in self._config.indentation:
self._indentation_type = 'spaces'
self._wrong_indentation_char = '\t'
self._indentation_type = 'tabs'
self._wrong_indentation_char = ' '
def visit_node(self, node):
with super(PEP8Normalizer, self).visit_node(node):
with self._visit_node(node):
def _visit_node(self, node):
typ = node.type
if typ in 'import_name':
names = node.get_defined_names()
if len(names) > 1:
for name in names[:1]:
self.add_issue(name, 401, 'Multiple imports on one line')
elif typ == 'lambdef':
expr_stmt = node.parent
# Check if it's simply defining a single name, not something like
# or x[1], where using a lambda could make more sense.
if expr_stmt.type == 'expr_stmt' and any(n.type == 'name' for n in expr_stmt.children[:-2:2]):
self.add_issue(node, 731, 'Do not assign a lambda expression, use a def')
elif typ == 'try_stmt':
for child in node.children:
# Here we can simply check if it's an except, because otherwise
# it would be an except_clause.
if child.type == 'keyword' and child.value == 'except':
self.add_issue(child, 722, 'Do not use bare except, specify exception instead')
elif typ == 'comparison':
for child in node.children:
if child.type not in ('atom_expr', 'power'):
if len(child.children) > 2:
trailer = child.children[1]
atom = child.children[0]
if trailer.type == 'trailer' and atom.type == 'name' \
and atom.value == 'type':
self.add_issue(node, 721, "Do not compare types, use 'isinstance()")
elif typ == 'file_input':
endmarker = node.children[-1]
prev = endmarker.get_previous_leaf()
prefix = endmarker.prefix
if (not prefix.endswith('\n') and (
prefix or prev is None or prev.value != '\n')):
self.add_issue(endmarker, 292, "No newline at end of file")
if typ in _IMPORT_TYPES:
simple_stmt = node.parent
module = simple_stmt.parent
#if module.type == 'simple_stmt':
if module.type == 'file_input':
index = module.children.index(simple_stmt)
for child in module.children[:index]:
children = [child]
if child.type == 'simple_stmt':
# Remove the newline.
children = child.children[:-1]
found_docstring = False
for c in children:
if c.type == 'string' and not found_docstring:
found_docstring = True
if c.type == 'expr_stmt' and \
all(_is_magic_name(n) for n in c.get_defined_names()):
if c.type in _IMPORT_TYPES or isinstance(c, Flow):
self.add_issue(node, 402, 'Module level import not at top of file')
implicit_indentation_possible = typ in _IMPLICIT_INDENTATION_TYPES
in_introducer = typ in _SUITE_INTRODUCERS
if in_introducer:
self._in_suite_introducer = True
elif typ == 'suite':
if self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH:
self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent
self._indentation_tos = IndentationNode(
self._indentation_tos.indentation + self._config.indentation,
elif implicit_indentation_possible:
self._implicit_indentation_possible = True
if typ == 'suite':
assert self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE
self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent
# If we dedent, no lines are needed anymore.
self._wanted_newline_count = None
elif implicit_indentation_possible:
self._implicit_indentation_possible = False
if self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT:
self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent
elif in_introducer:
self._in_suite_introducer = False
if typ in ('classdef', 'funcdef'):
self._wanted_newline_count = self._get_wanted_blank_lines_count()
def _check_tabs_spaces(self, spacing):
if self._wrong_indentation_char in spacing.value:
self.add_issue(spacing, 101, 'Indentation contains ' + self._indentation_type)
return True
return False
def _get_wanted_blank_lines_count(self):
suite_node = self._indentation_tos.get_latest_suite_node()
return int(suite_node.parent is None) + 1
def _reset_newlines(self, spacing, leaf, is_comment=False):
self._max_new_lines_in_prefix = \
max(self._max_new_lines_in_prefix, self._newline_count)
wanted = self._wanted_newline_count
if wanted is not None:
# Need to substract one
blank_lines = self._newline_count - 1
if wanted > blank_lines and leaf.type != 'endmarker':
# In case of a comment we don't need to add the issue, yet.
if not is_comment:
# TODO end_pos wrong.
code = 302 if wanted == 2 else 301
message = "expected %s blank line, found %s" \
% (wanted, blank_lines)
self.add_issue(spacing, code, message)
self._wanted_newline_count = None
self._wanted_newline_count = None
if not is_comment:
wanted = self._get_wanted_blank_lines_count()
actual = self._max_new_lines_in_prefix - 1
val = leaf.value
needs_lines = (
val == '@' and leaf.parent.type == 'decorator'
or (
val == 'class'
or val == 'async' and leaf.get_next_leaf() == 'def'
or val == 'def' and self._previous_leaf != 'async'
) and leaf.parent.parent.type != 'decorated'
if needs_lines and actual < wanted:
func_or_cls = leaf.parent
suite = func_or_cls.parent
if suite.type == 'decorated':
suite = suite.parent
# The first leaf of a file or a suite should not need blank
# lines.
if suite.children[int(suite.type == 'suite')] != func_or_cls:
code = 302 if wanted == 2 else 301
message = "expected %s blank line, found %s" \
% (wanted, actual)
self.add_issue(spacing, code, message)
self._max_new_lines_in_prefix = 0
self._newline_count = 0
def visit_leaf(self, leaf):
super(PEP8Normalizer, self).visit_leaf(leaf)
for part in leaf._split_prefix():
if part.type == 'spacing':
# This part is used for the part call after for.
self._visit_part(part, part.create_spacing_part(), leaf)
self._visit_part(leaf, part, leaf)
# Cleanup
self._last_indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos
self._new_statement = leaf.type == 'newline'
# TODO does this work? with brackets and stuff?
if leaf.type == 'newline' and \
self._indentation_tos.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH:
self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent
if leaf.value == ':' and leaf.parent.type in _SUITE_INTRODUCERS:
self._in_suite_introducer = False
elif leaf.value == 'elif':
self._in_suite_introducer = True
if not self._new_statement:
self._reset_newlines(part, leaf)
self._max_blank_lines = 0
self._previous_leaf = leaf
return leaf.value
def _visit_part(self, part, spacing, leaf):
value = part.value
type_ = part.type
if type_ == 'error_leaf':
if value == ',' and part.parent.type == 'dictorsetmaker':
self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent
node = self._indentation_tos
if type_ == 'comment':
if value.startswith('##'):
# Whole blocks of # should not raise an error.
if value.lstrip('#'):
self.add_issue(part, 266, "Too many leading '#' for block comment.")
elif self._on_newline:
if not re.match(r'#:? ', value) and not value == '#' \
and not (value.startswith('#!') and part.start_pos == (1, 0)):
self.add_issue(part, 265, "Block comment should start with '# '")
if not re.match(r'#:? [^ ]', value):
self.add_issue(part, 262, "Inline comment should start with '# '")
self._reset_newlines(spacing, leaf, is_comment=True)
elif type_ == 'newline':
if self._newline_count > self._get_wanted_blank_lines_count():
self.add_issue(part, 303, "Too many blank lines (%s)" % self._newline_count)
elif leaf in ('def', 'class') \
and leaf.parent.parent.type == 'decorated':
self.add_issue(part, 304, "Blank lines found after function decorator")
self._newline_count += 1
if type_ == 'backslash':
# TODO is this enough checking? What about ==?
if node.type != IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH:
if node.type != IndentationTypes.SUITE:
self.add_issue(part, 502, 'The backslash is redundant between brackets')
indentation = node.indentation
if self._in_suite_introducer and node.type == IndentationTypes.SUITE:
indentation += self._config.indentation
self._indentation_tos = BackslashNode(
elif self._on_newline:
indentation = spacing.value
if node.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH \
and self._previous_part.type == 'newline':
self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent
if not self._check_tabs_spaces(spacing):
should_be_indentation = node.indentation
if type_ == 'comment':
# Comments can be dedented. So we have to care for that.
n = self._last_indentation_tos
while True:
if len(indentation) > len(n.indentation):
should_be_indentation = n.indentation
self._last_indentation_tos = n
if n == node:
n = n.parent
if self._new_statement:
if type_ == 'newline':
if indentation:
self.add_issue(spacing, 291, 'Trailing whitespace')
elif indentation != should_be_indentation:
s = '%s %s' % (len(self._config.indentation), self._indentation_type)
self.add_issue(part, 111, 'Indentation is not a multiple of ' + s)
if value in '])}':
should_be_indentation = node.bracket_indentation
should_be_indentation = node.indentation
if self._in_suite_introducer and indentation == \
node.get_latest_suite_node().indentation \
+ self._config.indentation:
self.add_issue(part, 129, "Line with same indent as next logical block")
elif indentation != should_be_indentation:
if not self._check_tabs_spaces(spacing) and part.value != '\n':
if value in '])}':
if node.type == IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET:
self.add_issue(part, 124, "Closing bracket does not match visual indentation")
self.add_issue(part, 123, "Losing bracket does not match indentation of opening bracket's line")
if len(indentation) < len(should_be_indentation):
if node.type == IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET:
self.add_issue(part, 128, 'Continuation line under-indented for visual indent')
elif node.type == IndentationTypes.BACKSLASH:
self.add_issue(part, 122, 'Continuation line missing indentation or outdented')
elif node.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT:
self.add_issue(part, 135, 'xxx')
self.add_issue(part, 121, 'Continuation line under-indented for hanging indent')
if node.type == IndentationTypes.VERTICAL_BRACKET:
self.add_issue(part, 127, 'Continuation line over-indented for visual indent')
elif node.type == IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT:
self.add_issue(part, 136, 'xxx')
self.add_issue(part, 126, 'Continuation line over-indented for hanging indent')
self._check_spacing(part, spacing)
self._check_line_length(part, spacing)
# -------------------------------
# Finalizing. Updating the state.
# -------------------------------
if value and value in '()[]{}' and type_ != 'error_leaf' \
and part.parent.type != 'error_node':
if value in _OPENING_BRACKETS:
self._indentation_tos = BracketNode(
self._config, part,
assert node.type != IndentationTypes.IMPLICIT
self._indentation_tos = self._indentation_tos.parent
elif value in ('=', ':') and self._implicit_indentation_possible \
and part.parent.type in _IMPLICIT_INDENTATION_TYPES:
indentation = node.indentation
self._indentation_tos = ImplicitNode(
self._config, part, parent=self._indentation_tos
self._on_newline = type_ in ('newline', 'backslash', 'bom')
self._previous_part = part
self._previous_spacing = spacing
def _check_line_length(self, part, spacing):
if part.type == 'backslash':
last_column = part.start_pos[1] + 1
last_column = part.end_pos[1]
if last_column > self._config.max_characters \
and spacing.start_pos[1] <= self._config.max_characters :
# Special case for long URLs in multi-line docstrings or comments,
# but still report the error when the 72 first chars are whitespaces.
report = True
if part.type == 'comment':
splitted = part.value[1:].split()
if len(splitted) == 1 \
and (part.end_pos[1] - len(splitted[0])) < 72:
report = False
if report:
'Line too long (%s > %s characters)' %
(last_column, self._config.max_characters),
def _check_spacing(self, part, spacing):
def add_if_spaces(*args):
if spaces:
return self.add_issue(*args)
def add_not_spaces(*args):
if not spaces:
return self.add_issue(*args)
spaces = spacing.value
prev = self._previous_part
if prev is not None and prev.type == 'error_leaf' or part.type == 'error_leaf':
type_ = part.type
if '\t' in spaces:
self.add_issue(spacing, 223, 'Used tab to separate tokens')
elif type_ == 'comment':
if len(spaces) < self._config.spaces_before_comment:
self.add_issue(spacing, 261, 'At least two spaces before inline comment')
elif type_ == 'newline':
add_if_spaces(spacing, 291, 'Trailing whitespace')
elif len(spaces) > 1:
self.add_issue(spacing, 221, 'Multiple spaces used')
message = "Whitespace after '%s'" % part.value
add_if_spaces(spacing, 201, message)
elif part in _CLOSING_BRACKETS:
message = "Whitespace before '%s'" % part.value
add_if_spaces(spacing, 202, message)
elif part in (',', ';') or part == ':' \
and part.parent.type not in _POSSIBLE_SLICE_PARENTS:
message = "Whitespace before '%s'" % part.value
add_if_spaces(spacing, 203, message)
elif prev == ':' and prev.parent.type in _POSSIBLE_SLICE_PARENTS:
pass # TODO
elif prev in (',', ';', ':'):
add_not_spaces(spacing, 231, "missing whitespace after '%s'")
elif part == ':': # Is a subscript
elif part in ('*', '**') and part.parent.type not in _NON_STAR_TYPES \
or prev in ('*', '**') \
and prev.parent.type not in _NON_STAR_TYPES:
elif prev in _FACTOR and prev.parent.type == 'factor':
elif prev == '@' and prev.parent.type == 'decorator':
pass # TODO should probably raise an error if there's a space here
elif part in _NEEDS_SPACE or prev in _NEEDS_SPACE:
if part == '=' and part.parent.type in ('argument', 'param') \
or prev == '=' and prev.parent.type in ('argument', 'param'):
if part == '=':
param = part.parent
param = prev.parent
if param.type == 'param' and param.annotation:
add_not_spaces(spacing, 252, 'Expected spaces around annotation equals')
add_if_spaces(spacing, 251, 'Unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals')
elif part in _BITWISE_OPERATOR or prev in _BITWISE_OPERATOR:
add_not_spaces(spacing, 227, 'Missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator')
elif part == '%' or prev == '%':
add_not_spaces(spacing, 228, 'Missing whitespace around modulo operator')
message_225 = 'Missing whitespace between tokens'
add_not_spaces(spacing, 225, message_225)
elif type_ == 'keyword' or prev.type == 'keyword':
add_not_spaces(spacing, 275, 'Missing whitespace around keyword')
prev_spacing = self._previous_spacing
if prev in _ALLOW_SPACE and spaces != prev_spacing.value \
and '\n' not in self._previous_leaf.prefix:
message = "Whitespace before operator doesn't match with whitespace after"
self.add_issue(spacing, 229, message)
if spaces and part not in _ALLOW_SPACE and prev not in _ALLOW_SPACE:
message_225 = 'Missing whitespace between tokens'
#print('xy', spacing)
#self.add_issue(spacing, 225, message_225)
# TODO why only brackets?
message = "Whitespace before '%s'" % part.value
add_if_spaces(spacing, 211, message)
def _analyse_non_prefix(self, leaf):
typ = leaf.type
if typ == 'name' and leaf.value in ('l', 'O', 'I'):
if leaf.is_definition():
message = "Do not define %s named 'l', 'O', or 'I' one line"
if leaf.parent.type == 'class' and == leaf:
self.add_issue(leaf, 742, message % 'classes')
elif leaf.parent.type == 'function' and == leaf:
self.add_issue(leaf, 743, message % 'function')
self.add_issuadd_issue(741, message % 'variables', leaf)
elif leaf.value == ':':
if isinstance(leaf.parent, (Flow, Scope)) and leaf.parent.type != 'lambdef':
next_leaf = leaf.get_next_leaf()
if next_leaf.type != 'newline':
if leaf.parent.type == 'funcdef':
self.add_issue(next_leaf, 704, 'Multiple statements on one line (def)')
self.add_issue(next_leaf, 701, 'Multiple statements on one line (colon)')
elif leaf.value == ';':
if leaf.get_next_leaf().type in ('newline', 'endmarker'):
self.add_issue(leaf, 703, 'Statement ends with a semicolon')
self.add_issue(leaf, 702, 'Multiple statements on one line (semicolon)')
elif leaf.value in ('==', '!='):
comparison = leaf.parent
index = comparison.children.index(leaf)
left = comparison.children[index - 1]
right = comparison.children[index + 1]
for node in left, right:
if node.type == 'keyword' or node.type == 'name':
if node.value == 'None':
message = "comparison to None should be 'if cond is None:'"
self.add_issue(leaf, 711, message)
elif node.value in ('True', 'False'):
message = "comparison to False/True should be 'if cond is True:' or 'if cond:'"
self.add_issue(leaf, 712, message)
elif leaf.value in ('in', 'is'):
comparison = leaf.parent
if comparison.type == 'comparison' and comparison.parent.type == 'not_test':
if leaf.value == 'in':
self.add_issue(leaf, 713, "test for membership should be 'not in'")
self.add_issue(leaf, 714, "test for object identity should be 'is not'")
elif typ == 'string':
# Checking multiline strings
for i, line in enumerate(leaf.value.splitlines()[1:]):
indentation = re.match(r'[ \t]*', line).group(0)
start_pos = leaf.line + i, len(indentation)
# TODO check multiline indentation.
elif typ == 'endmarker':
if self._newline_count >= 2:
self.add_issue(leaf, 391, 'Blank line at end of file')
def add_issue(self, node, code, message):
if self._previous_leaf is not None:
if search_ancestor(self._previous_leaf, 'error_node') is not None:
if self._previous_leaf.type == 'error_leaf':
if search_ancestor(node, 'error_node') is not None:
if code in (901, 903):
# 901 and 903 are raised by the ErrorFinder.
super(PEP8Normalizer, self).add_issue(node, code, message)
# Skip ErrorFinder here, because it has custom behavior.
super(ErrorFinder, self).add_issue(node, code, message)
class PEP8NormalizerConfig(ErrorFinderConfig):
normalizer_class = PEP8Normalizer
Normalizing to PEP8. Not really implemented, yet.
def __init__(self, indentation=' ' * 4, hanging_indentation=None,
max_characters=79, spaces_before_comment=2):
self.indentation = indentation
if hanging_indentation is None:
hanging_indentation = indentation
self.hanging_indentation = hanging_indentation
self.closing_bracket_hanging_indentation = ''
self.break_after_binary = False
self.max_characters = max_characters
self.spaces_before_comment = spaces_before_comment
# TODO this is not yet ready.
class BlankLineAtEnd(Rule):
code = 392
message = 'Blank line at end of file'
def is_issue(self, leaf):
return self._newline_count >= 2