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import Quartz
import pygetwindow
def getAllTitles():
"""Returns a list of strings of window titles for all visible windows.
# Source:
windows = Quartz.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(Quartz.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | Quartz.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, Quartz.kCGNullWindowID)
return ['%s %s' % (win[Quartz.kCGWindowOwnerName], win.get(Quartz.kCGWindowName, '')) for win in windows]
def getFocusedWindow():
"""Returns a Window object of the currently focused Window."""
# Source:
windows = Quartz.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(Quartz.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | Quartz.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, Quartz.kCGNullWindowID)
for win in windows:
if win['kCGWindowLayer'] == 0:
return '%s %s' % (win[Quartz.kCGWindowOwnerName], win.get(Quartz.kCGWindowName, '')) # Temporary. For now, we'll just return the title of the focused window.
raise Exception('Could not find a focused window.') # Temporary hack.
def getWindowsAt(x, y):
windows = Quartz.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(Quartz.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | Quartz.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, Quartz.kCGNullWindowID)
matches = []
for win in windows:
w = win['kCGWindowBounds']
if pygetwindow.pointInRect(x, y, w['X'], w['Y'], w['Width'], w['Height']):
matches.append('%s %s' % (win[Quartz.kCGWindowOwnerName], win.get(Quartz.kCGWindowName, '')))
return matches
def focusWindow():
# TEMP - this is not a real api, I'm just using this name to store these notes for now.
# Source:
# Source:
def getWindowGeometry(title):
# TEMP - this is not a real api, I'm just using this name to stoe these notes for now.
windows = Quartz.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(Quartz.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | Quartz.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, Quartz.kCGNullWindowID)
for win in windows:
if title in '%s %s' % (win[Quartz.kCGWindowOwnerName], win.get(Quartz.kCGWindowName, '')):
w = win['kCGWindowBounds']
return (w['X'], w['Y'], w['Width'], w['Height'])
def isVisible(title):
# TEMP - this is not a real api, I'm just using this name to stoe these notes for now.
windows = Quartz.CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo(Quartz.kCGWindowListExcludeDesktopElements | Quartz.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, Quartz.kCGNullWindowID)
for win in windows:
if title in '%s %s' % (win[Quartz.kCGWindowOwnerName], win.get(Quartz.kCGWindowName, '')):
return win['kCGWindowAlpha'] != 0.0
def isMinimized():
# TEMP - this is not a real api, I'm just using this name to stoe these notes for now.
# Source:
# Use the kCGWindowIsOnscreen to check this. Minimized windows are considered to not be on the screen. (But I'm not sure if there are other situations where a window is "off screen".)
# I'm not sure how kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly interferes with this.
# TODO: This class doesn't work yet. I've copied the Win32Window class and will make adjustments as needed here.
class MacOSWindow():
def __init__(self, hWnd):
self._hWnd = hWnd # TODO fix this, this is a LP_c_long insead of an int.
def _onRead(attrName):
r = _getWindowRect(self._hWnd)
self._rect._left = r.left # Setting _left directly to skip the onRead.
self._rect._top = # Setting _top directly to skip the onRead.
self._rect._width = r.right - r.left # Setting _width directly to skip the onRead.
self._rect._height = r.bottom - # Setting _height directly to skip the onRead.
def _onChange(oldBox, newBox):
self.resizeTo(newBox.width, newBox.height)
r = _getWindowRect(self._hWnd)
self._rect = pyrect.Rect(r.left,, r.right - r.left, r.bottom -, onChange=_onChange, onRead=_onRead)
def __str__(self):
r = _getWindowRect(self._hWnd)
width = r.right - r.left
height = r.bottom -
return '<%s left="%s", top="%s", width="%s", height="%s", title="%s">' % (self.__class__.__name__, r.left,, width, height, self.title)
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(hWnd=%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._hWnd)
def __eq__(self, other):
return isinstance(other, Win32Window) and self._hWnd == other._hWnd
def close(self):
"""Closes this window. This may trigger "Are you sure you want to
quit?" dialogs or other actions that prevent the window from
actually closing. This is identical to clicking the X button on the
result = ctypes.windll.user32.PostMessageA(self._hWnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
if result == 0:
def minimize(self):
"""Minimizes this window."""
ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(self._hWnd, SW_MINIMIZE)
def maximize(self):
"""Maximizes this window."""
ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(self._hWnd, SW_MAXIMIZE)
def restore(self):
"""If maximized or minimized, restores the window to it's normal size."""
ctypes.windll.user32.ShowWindow(self._hWnd, SW_RESTORE)
def focus(self):
"""Focus this window and make it the foreground window."""
result = ctypes.windll.user32.SetForegroundWindow(self._hWnd)
if result == 0:
def resizeRel(self, widthOffset, heightOffset):
"""Resizes the window relative to its current size."""
result = ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowPos(self._hWnd, HWND_TOP, self.left,, self.width + widthOffset, self.height + heightOffset, 0)
if result == 0:
def resizeTo(self, newWidth, newHeight):
"""Resizes the window to a new width and height."""
result = ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowPos(self._hWnd, HWND_TOP, self.left,, newWidth, newHeight, 0)
if result == 0:
def moveRel(self, xOffset, yOffset):
"""Moves the window relative to its current position."""
result = ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowPos(self._hWnd, HWND_TOP, self.left + xOffset, + yOffset, self.width, self.height, 0)
if result == 0:
def moveTo(self, newLeft, newTop):
"""Moves the window to new coordinates on the screen."""
result = ctypes.windll.user32.SetWindowPos(self._hWnd, HWND_TOP, newLeft, newTop, self.width, self.height, 0)
if result == 0:
def isMinimized(self):
"""Returns True if the window is currently minimized."""
return ctypes.windll.user32.IsIconic(self._hWnd) != 0
def isMaximized(self):
"""Returns True if the window is currently maximized."""
return ctypes.windll.user32.IsZoomed(self._hWnd) != 0
def isFocused(self):
"""Returns True if the window is currently the focused, foreground window."""
return getFocusedWindow() == self
def title(self):
"""Returns the window title as a string."""
return _getWindowText(self._hWnd)
def visible(self):
return isWindowVisible(self._hWnd)
# Wrappers for pyrect.Rect object's properties.
def left(self):
return self._rect.left
def left(self, value):
#import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
self._rect.left # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.left = value
def right(self):
return self._rect.right
def right(self, value):
self._rect.right # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.right = value
def top(self):
def top(self, value): # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object. = value
def bottom(self):
return self._rect.bottom
def bottom(self, value):
self._rect.bottom # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.bottom = value
def topleft(self):
return self._rect.topleft
def topleft(self, value):
self._rect.topleft # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.topleft = value
def topright(self):
return self._rect.topright
def topright(self, value):
self._rect.topright # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.topright = value
def bottomleft(self):
return self._rect.bottomleft
def bottomleft(self, value):
self._rect.bottomleft # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.bottomleft = value
def bottomright(self):
return self._rect.bottomright
def bottomright(self, value):
self._rect.bottomright # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.bottomright = value
def midleft(self):
return self._rect.midleft
def midleft(self, value):
self._rect.midleft # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.midleft = value
def midright(self):
return self._rect.midright
def midright(self, value):
self._rect.midright # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.midright = value
def midtop(self):
return self._rect.midtop
def midtop(self, value):
self._rect.midtop # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.midtop = value
def midbottom(self):
return self._rect.midbottom
def midbottom(self, value):
self._rect.midbottom # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.midbottom = value
def center(self):
def center(self, value): # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object. = value
def centerx(self):
return self._rect.centerx
def centerx(self, value):
self._rect.centerx # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.centerx = value
def centery(self):
return self._rect.centery
def centery(self, value):
self._rect.centery # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.centery = value
def width(self):
return self._rect.width
def width(self, value):
self._rect.width # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.width = value
def height(self):
return self._rect.height
def height(self, value):
self._rect.height # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.height = value
def size(self):
return self._rect.size
def size(self, value):
self._rect.size # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.size = value
def area(self):
return self._rect.area
def area(self, value):
self._rect.area # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object.
self._rect.area = value
def box(self):
def box(self, value): # Run rect's onRead to update the Rect object. = value