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This module provides means to detect the App Engine environment.
import os
def is_appengine():
return is_local_appengine() or is_prod_appengine() or is_prod_appengine_mvms()
def is_appengine_sandbox():
return is_appengine() and not is_prod_appengine_mvms()
def is_local_appengine():
return (
"APPENGINE_RUNTIME" in os.environ
and "Development/" in os.environ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]
def is_prod_appengine():
return (
"APPENGINE_RUNTIME" in os.environ
and "Google App Engine/" in os.environ["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]
and not is_prod_appengine_mvms()
def is_prod_appengine_mvms():
return os.environ.get("GAE_VM", False) == "true"