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- Consolidated processor from old orchestrator and from RDPActive processor (one threaded). Look in GSettings
- - Support old orchestrator structure Processor.
- - - Create BackwardCompatibility def to update structure from old to new processor
- - Support orchestrator start
- - Support scheduler
- - Support old items
- Backward compatibility from 1.1.13
- Add ArgLogger key in Processor struct item
- Old function will be tranformated in Orchestrator defs (from pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator import Orchestrator):
- - def OSCredentialsVerify(inUserStr, inPasswordStr, inDomainStr=""): ## Verify credentials in windows
- - def OSCMD(inCMDStr): ## OS send command in shell locally
- - def OrchestratorRestart(inGSettings=None): ## Orchestrator restart
- - def OrchestratorSessionSave(inGSettings=None): ## Orchestrator session save
- - def GSettingsKeyListValueSet(inGSettings, inValue, inKeyList=[]): # Set value in GSettings by the key list
- - def GSettingsKeyListValueAppend(inGSettings, inValue, inKeyList=[]): # Append value in GSettings by the key list
- - def GSettingsKeyListValueOperatorPlus(inGSettings, inValue, inKeyList=[]): # Operator plus value in GSettings by the key list
- - def GSettingsKeyListValueGet(inGSettings, inKeyList=[]): # Get the value from the GSettings by the key list
- - def ProcessIsStarted(inProcessNameWOExeStr): # Check if process is started
- - def ProcessStart(inPathStr, inArgList, inStopProcessNameWOExeStr=None): # Start process locally [optional: if task name is not started]
- - def ProcessStop(inProcessNameWOExeStr, inCloseForceBool, inUserNameStr = "%username%"): # Stop process
- - def PythonStart(inModulePathStr, inDefNameStr, inArgList=[], inArgDict={}, inLogger = None): # Python import module and start def
- - Add pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Core module technical defs
- - - def IsProcessorThread() return True or False
- Orchestrator WEB fix: Don't request screenshot if no modal is active in front
- Add Version field in Orchestrator back + front
- Add front autorefresh if front/back pyOpenRPA versions are differs (see
- Add absolute/relative import for the control panels
- Add new Orchestrator defs:
- - def OrchestratorUACUpdate(inGSettings, inADLoginStr, inADStr="", inADIsDefaultBool=True, inURLList=[], inCPAllowKeyList=[]): - Update user access
- - def OrchestratorUACSuperTokenUpdate(inGSettings, inSuperTokenStr): # Add supertoken for the all access (it is need for the robot communication without human)
- Create Web HTML / JS generators [pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Web.Basic]
- - def JSEscapeForHTMLInline(inJSStr): # Escape JS to the safe JS for the inline JS in HTML tags ATTENTION! Use it only if want to paste JS into HTML tag - not in <script>
- - def HTMLLinkURL(inURLStr, inTitleStr=None, inColorStr=None): # Generate HTML code of the simple URL link by the URL
- - def HTMLLinkJSOnClick(inJSOnClickStr, inTitleStr, inColorStr=None): # Generate HTML code of the simple URL link by the JS when onclick
- Add URL "/pyOpenRPA/ServerData" - consolidated function - in test
- Create new support - CP def can return {"CPKeyStr":{"HTMLStr":"", DataDict:{}}}
- Create CP 2 HTML generator for the backward compatibility
- Orchestrator WEB GUI update - Administrator mode - add log view - in progress
- - Add Server def /pyOpenRPA/ServerLogs
- - Create logger handler for the Client DumpLog
- Create /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute
- Create /pyOpenRPA/Processor
- Orchestrator.OSCMD Listen output and send to logger
- Orchestrator.OSCMD Add 2 input args inLogger + inRunAsyncBool
- WEB Update CMD Input line (tranfer to Log view). Change /Utils/Processor to /pyOpenRPA/ActivityListExecute
- Defs has been added in ProcessorAliasDict as Alias with own def name
- WEB Remove client freeze when back is
- Create new pyOpenRPA UAC Client hierarchy SettingsTemplate.__UACClientAdminCreate__ - need to update functionallity
- Orchestrator WEB: Update WEB to the new UACClient
- Create pyOpenRPA.Agent - just prototype, need test
- Create Agent support in Orchestrator (/pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A and /pyOpenRPA/Agent/A2O)
- Orch: /pyOpenRPA/ServerData - add sub dict "AgentDict"
- Orch WEB: Create Agent render
- Orch web: Fix eror in serverDataRender when error render
- Agent: Add CMD to kill agent because it is in background mode
- Orch: Add handler to set connection when Agent listen orch (/pyOpenRPA/Agent/O2A)
- Orch start processor Dict in own thread (Processor.ProcessorRunSync(inGSettings))
- Agent: Create Processor in Agent similarly to Orchestrator (pyOpenRPA.Agent.Processor == pyOpenRPA.Orchestrator.Processor)
- Agent: Add Agent defs as Alias in ProcessorDict
- Agent Add 2 defs:
- - def OSFileTextDataStrCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileDataStr, inEncodingStr = "utf-8",inGSettings = None): # Create text file by the string
- - def OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str,inGSettings = None): # Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition)
- - def OSCMD(inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inGSettings = None): # Send CMD to OS. Result return to log + Orchestrator by the A2O connection
- Orc: Add Agent Defs
- - def AgentActivityItemAdd(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inActivityItemDict): # Add activity in AgentDict
- - def AgentOSCMD(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inCMDStr): # Send to agent activity item to OSCMD
- - def AgentOSFileBinaryDataBytesCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataBytes): # Send binary file to Agent (Bytes)
- - def AgentOSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str): # Send binary file to Agent (base64 string)
- - def AgentOSFileTextDataStrCreate(inGSettings, inHostNameStr, inUserStr, inFilePathStr, inFileDataStr, inEncodingStr = "utf-8"): # Send text file to Agent (string)
- Orc WEB: Create mGlobal.pyOpenRPA.ActivityListExecute({}) to test some activities from the front
- Orc - add log about send activity to agent
- Orc RoleHierarchy - support RDP, Support Agent + buttons
After 2 month test prefinal with new improovements (+RobotRDPActive in Orchestrator + Easy ControlPanelTemplate)
Beta before 1.1.0 (new way of OpenRPA with improvements. Sorry, but no backward compatibility)/ Backward compatibility will start from 1.0.1
Minor fix in RobotRDPActive
Menu changes - look git
Orchestrator new engine - test 2 is ready. Go to PIP
RobotScreenActive - robot, which monitor the active screen and run Console session if screen disappear
RobotRDPActive minor Fix in str conv
RobotRDPActive first version is ready!
Robot UIDesktop bug fix in Safe other process function
*Dont upload to PyPi* - Not tested
Created safe call function in UIDesktop
Safe call in UIDesktop for:
- UIOSelectorUIOActivity_Run_Dict
- UIOSelector_Exist_Bool
- UIOSelector_Highlight
- UIOSelector_FocusHighlight
- UIOSelector_SearchChildByMouse_UIOTree
- UIOSelector_GetChildList_UIOList
- UIOSelector_Get_UIOInfoList
- UIOSelector_Get_UIOInfo
- UIOSelector_Get_UIOActivityList
1.0.1 Beta
Refactoring (Studio Orchestrator in pyOpenRPA package)
1.0.1 Beta
MinorFix in pyOpenRPA.Core
MinorFix in pyOpenRPA.Core