218 lines
8.7 KiB
218 lines
8.7 KiB
"""Test suite for the profile module."""
import sys
import pstats
import unittest
import os
from difflib import unified_diff
from io import StringIO
from test.support.os_helper import TESTFN, unlink, temp_dir, change_cwd
from contextlib import contextmanager
import profile
from test.profilee import testfunc, timer
from test.support.script_helper import assert_python_failure, assert_python_ok
class ProfileTest(unittest.TestCase):
profilerclass = profile.Profile
profilermodule = profile
methodnames = ['print_stats', 'print_callers', 'print_callees']
expected_max_output = ':0(max)'
def tearDown(self):
def get_expected_output(self):
return _ProfileOutput
def do_profiling(cls):
results = []
prof = cls.profilerclass(timer, 0.001)
start_timer = timer()
prof.runctx("testfunc()", globals(), locals())
results.append(timer() - start_timer)
for methodname in cls.methodnames:
s = StringIO()
stats = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=s)
getattr(stats, methodname)()
output = s.getvalue().splitlines()
mod_name = testfunc.__module__.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
# Only compare against stats originating from the test file.
# Prevents outside code (e.g., the io module) from causing
# unexpected output.
output = [line.rstrip() for line in output if mod_name in line]
return results
def test_cprofile(self):
results = self.do_profiling()
expected = self.get_expected_output()
self.assertEqual(results[0], 1000)
fail = []
for i, method in enumerate(self.methodnames):
a = expected[method]
b = results[i+1]
if a != b:
fail.append(f"\nStats.{method} output for "
f"{self.profilerclass.__name__} "
"does not fit expectation:")
fail.extend(unified_diff(a.split('\n'), b.split('\n'),
if fail:
def test_calling_conventions(self):
# Issue #5330: profile and cProfile wouldn't report C functions called
# with keyword arguments. We test all calling conventions.
stmts = [
"max([0], key=int)",
"max([0], **dict(key=int))",
"max(*([0],), key=int)",
"max(*([0],), **dict(key=int))",
for stmt in stmts:
s = StringIO()
prof = self.profilerclass(timer, 0.001)
prof.runctx(stmt, globals(), locals())
stats = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=s)
res = s.getvalue()
self.assertIn(self.expected_max_output, res,
"Profiling {0!r} didn't report max:\n{1}".format(stmt, res))
def test_run(self):
with silent():
self.profilermodule.run("int('1')", filename=TESTFN)
def test_runctx(self):
with silent():
self.profilermodule.runctx("testfunc()", globals(), locals())
self.profilermodule.runctx("testfunc()", globals(), locals(),
def test_run_profile_as_module(self):
# Test that -m switch needs an argument
assert_python_failure('-m', self.profilermodule.__name__, '-m')
# Test failure for not-existent module
assert_python_failure('-m', self.profilermodule.__name__,
'-m', 'random_module_xyz')
# Test successful run
assert_python_ok('-m', self.profilermodule.__name__,
'-m', 'timeit', '-n', '1')
def test_output_file_when_changing_directory(self):
with temp_dir() as tmpdir, change_cwd(tmpdir):
with open('demo.py', 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write('import os; os.chdir("dest")')
'-m', self.profilermodule.__name__,
'-o', 'out.pstats',
def regenerate_expected_output(filename, cls):
filename = filename.rstrip('co')
print('Regenerating %s...' % filename)
results = cls.do_profiling()
newfile = []
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('#--cut'):
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write("_ProfileOutput = {}\n")
for i, method in enumerate(cls.methodnames):
f.write('_ProfileOutput[%r] = """\\\n%s"""\n' % (
method, results[i+1]))
f.write('\nif __name__ == "__main__":\n main()\n')
def silent():
stdout = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = StringIO()
sys.stdout = stdout
def main():
if '-r' not in sys.argv:
regenerate_expected_output(__file__, ProfileTest)
# Don't remove this comment. Everything below it is auto-generated.
_ProfileOutput = {}
_ProfileOutput['print_stats'] = """\
28 27.972 0.999 27.972 0.999 profilee.py:110(__getattr__)
1 269.996 269.996 999.769 999.769 profilee.py:25(testfunc)
23/3 149.937 6.519 169.917 56.639 profilee.py:35(factorial)
20 19.980 0.999 19.980 0.999 profilee.py:48(mul)
2 39.986 19.993 599.830 299.915 profilee.py:55(helper)
4 115.984 28.996 119.964 29.991 profilee.py:73(helper1)
2 -0.006 -0.003 139.946 69.973 profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect)
8 311.976 38.997 399.912 49.989 profilee.py:88(helper2)
8 63.976 7.997 79.960 9.995 profilee.py:98(subhelper)"""
_ProfileOutput['print_callers'] = """\
:0(append) <- profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964
:0(exc_info) <- profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964
:0(hasattr) <- profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964
profilee.py:88(helper2)(8) 399.912
profilee.py:110(__getattr__) <- :0(hasattr)(12) 11.964
profilee.py:98(subhelper)(16) 79.960
profilee.py:25(testfunc) <- <string>:1(<module>)(1) 999.767
profilee.py:35(factorial) <- profilee.py:25(testfunc)(1) 999.769
profilee.py:35(factorial)(20) 169.917
profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect)(2) 139.946
profilee.py:48(mul) <- profilee.py:35(factorial)(20) 169.917
profilee.py:55(helper) <- profilee.py:25(testfunc)(2) 999.769
profilee.py:73(helper1) <- profilee.py:55(helper)(4) 599.830
profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect) <- profilee.py:55(helper)(2) 599.830
profilee.py:88(helper2) <- profilee.py:55(helper)(6) 599.830
profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect)(2) 139.946
profilee.py:98(subhelper) <- profilee.py:88(helper2)(8) 399.912"""
_ProfileOutput['print_callees'] = """\
:0(hasattr) -> profilee.py:110(__getattr__)(12) 27.972
<string>:1(<module>) -> profilee.py:25(testfunc)(1) 999.769
profilee.py:110(__getattr__) ->
profilee.py:25(testfunc) -> profilee.py:35(factorial)(1) 169.917
profilee.py:55(helper)(2) 599.830
profilee.py:35(factorial) -> profilee.py:35(factorial)(20) 169.917
profilee.py:48(mul)(20) 19.980
profilee.py:48(mul) ->
profilee.py:55(helper) -> profilee.py:73(helper1)(4) 119.964
profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect)(2) 139.946
profilee.py:88(helper2)(6) 399.912
profilee.py:73(helper1) -> :0(append)(4) -0.004
profilee.py:84(helper2_indirect) -> profilee.py:35(factorial)(2) 169.917
profilee.py:88(helper2)(2) 399.912
profilee.py:88(helper2) -> :0(hasattr)(8) 11.964
profilee.py:98(subhelper)(8) 79.960
profilee.py:98(subhelper) -> profilee.py:110(__getattr__)(16) 27.972"""
if __name__ == "__main__":