2235 lines
76 KiB

# coding: utf-8
"""JupyterLab command handler"""
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import contextlib
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
import errno
import glob
import hashlib
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
import os.path as osp
import re
import shutil
import site
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from threading import Event
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen, urljoin, quote
from urllib.error import URLError
import warnings
from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_config_path
from jupyterlab_server.process import which, Process, WatchHelper, list2cmdline
from notebook.nbextensions import GREEN_ENABLED, GREEN_OK, RED_DISABLED, RED_X
from traitlets import HasTraits, Bool, Unicode, Instance, default
from .semver import Range, gte, lt, lte, gt, make_semver
from .jlpmapp import YARN_PATH, HERE
from .coreconfig import _get_default_core_data, CoreConfig
# The regex for expecting the webpack output.
WEBPACK_EXPECT = re.compile(r'.*/index.out.js')
# The dev mode directory.
DEV_DIR = osp.abspath(os.path.join(HERE, '..', 'dev_mode'))
# If we are pinning the package, rename it `pin@<alias>`
PIN_PREFIX = 'pin@'
# Default Yarn registry used in default yarn.lock
YARN_DEFAULT_REGISTRY = 'https://registry.yarnpkg.com'
class ProgressProcess(Process):
def __init__(self, cmd, logger=None, cwd=None, kill_event=None,
"""Start a subprocess that can be run asynchronously.
cmd: list
The command to run.
logger: :class:`~logger.Logger`, optional
The logger instance.
cwd: string, optional
The cwd of the process.
kill_event: :class:`~threading.Event`, optional
An event used to kill the process operation.
env: dict, optional
The environment for the process.
if not isinstance(cmd, (list, tuple)):
raise ValueError('Command must be given as a list')
if kill_event and kill_event.is_set():
raise ValueError('Process aborted')
self.logger = _ensure_logger(logger)
self._last_line = ''
self.cmd = cmd
self.logger.debug('> ' + list2cmdline(cmd))
self.proc = self._create_process(
self._kill_event = kill_event or Event()
def wait(self):
cache = []
proc = self.proc
kill_event = self._kill_event
spinner = itertools.cycle(['-', '\\', '|', '/'])
while proc.poll() is None:
sys.stdout.write(next(spinner)) # write the next character
sys.stdout.flush() # flush stdout buffer (actual character display)
if kill_event.is_set():
raise ValueError('Process was aborted')
out, _ = proc.communicate(timeout=.1)
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
return self.terminate()
def pjoin(*args):
"""Join paths to create a real path.
return osp.abspath(osp.join(*args))
def get_user_settings_dir():
"""Get the configured JupyterLab user settings directory.
settings_dir = os.environ.get('JUPYTERLAB_SETTINGS_DIR')
settings_dir = settings_dir or pjoin(
jupyter_config_path()[0], 'lab', 'user-settings'
return osp.abspath(settings_dir)
def get_workspaces_dir():
"""Get the configured JupyterLab workspaces directory.
workspaces_dir = os.environ.get('JUPYTERLAB_WORKSPACES_DIR')
workspaces_dir = workspaces_dir or pjoin(
jupyter_config_path()[0], 'lab', 'workspaces'
return osp.abspath(workspaces_dir)
def get_app_dir():
"""Get the configured JupyterLab app directory.
# Default to the override environment variable.
if os.environ.get('JUPYTERLAB_DIR'):
return osp.abspath(os.environ['JUPYTERLAB_DIR'])
# Use the default locations for data_files.
app_dir = pjoin(sys.prefix, 'share', 'jupyter', 'lab')
# Check for a user level install.
# Ensure that USER_BASE is defined
if hasattr(site, 'getuserbase'):
userbase = getattr(site, 'USER_BASE', None)
if HERE.startswith(userbase) and not app_dir.startswith(userbase):
app_dir = pjoin(userbase, 'share', 'jupyter', 'lab')
# Check for a system install in '/usr/local/share'.
elif (sys.prefix.startswith('/usr') and not
osp.exists(app_dir) and
app_dir = '/usr/local/share/jupyter/lab'
return osp.abspath(app_dir)
def dedupe_yarn(path, logger=None):
""" `yarn-deduplicate` with the `fewer` strategy to minimize total
packages installed in a given staging directory
This means a extension (or dependency) _could_ cause a downgrade of an
version expected at publication time, but core should aggressively set
pins above, for example, known-bad versions
had_dupes = ProgressProcess(
['node', YARN_PATH, 'yarn-deduplicate', '-s', 'fewer', '--fail'],
cwd=path, logger=logger
).wait() != 0
if had_dupes:
yarn_proc = ProgressProcess(['node', YARN_PATH], cwd=path, logger=logger)
def ensure_node_modules(cwd, logger=None):
"""Ensure that node_modules is up to date.
Returns true if the node_modules was updated.
logger = _ensure_logger(logger)
yarn_proc = ProgressProcess(['node', YARN_PATH, 'check', '--verify-tree'], cwd=cwd, logger=logger)
ret = yarn_proc.wait()
# Update node_modules if needed.
if ret != 0:
yarn_proc = ProgressProcess(['node', YARN_PATH], cwd=cwd, logger=logger)
parent = pjoin(HERE, '..')
dedupe_yarn(parent, logger)
return ret != 0
def ensure_dev(logger=None):
"""Ensure that the dev assets are available.
parent = pjoin(HERE, '..')
logger = _ensure_logger(logger)
target = pjoin(parent, 'dev_mode', 'static')
# Determine whether to build.
if ensure_node_modules(parent, logger) or not osp.exists(target):
yarn_proc = ProgressProcess(['node', YARN_PATH, 'build'], cwd=parent,
def ensure_core(logger=None):
"""Ensure that the core assets are available.
staging = pjoin(HERE, 'staging')
logger = _ensure_logger(logger)
# Determine whether to build.
target = pjoin(HERE, 'static', 'index.html')
if not osp.exists(target):
ensure_node_modules(staging, logger)
yarn_proc = ProgressProcess(['node', YARN_PATH, 'build'], cwd=staging,
def ensure_app(app_dir):
"""Ensure that an application directory is available.
If it does not exist, return a list of messages to prompt the user.
if osp.exists(pjoin(app_dir, 'static', 'index.html')):
msgs = ['JupyterLab application assets not found in "%s"' % app_dir,
'Please run `jupyter lab build` or use a different app directory']
return msgs
def watch_packages(logger=None):
"""Run watch mode for the source packages.
logger: :class:`~logger.Logger`, optional
The logger instance.
A list of `WatchHelper` objects.
parent = pjoin(HERE, '..')
logger = _ensure_logger(logger)
ensure_node_modules(parent, logger)
ts_dir = osp.abspath(osp.join(HERE, '..', 'packages', 'metapackage'))
# Run typescript watch and wait for the string indicating it is done.
ts_regex = r'.* Found 0 errors\. Watching for file changes\.'
ts_proc = WatchHelper(['node', YARN_PATH, 'run', 'watch'],
cwd=ts_dir, logger=logger, startup_regex=ts_regex)
return [ts_proc]
def watch_dev(logger=None):
"""Run watch mode in a given directory.
logger: :class:`~logger.Logger`, optional
The logger instance.
A list of `WatchHelper` objects.
logger = _ensure_logger(logger)
package_procs = watch_packages(logger)
# Run webpack watch and wait for compilation.
wp_proc = WatchHelper(['node', YARN_PATH, 'run', 'watch'],
cwd=DEV_DIR, logger=logger,
return package_procs + [wp_proc]
class AppOptions(HasTraits):
"""Options object for build system"""
def __init__(self, logger=None, core_config=None, **kwargs):
if core_config is not None:
kwargs['core_config'] = core_config
if logger is not None:
kwargs['logger'] = logger
# use the default if app_dir is empty
if 'app_dir' in kwargs and not kwargs['app_dir']:
super(AppOptions, self).__init__(**kwargs)
app_dir = Unicode(help='The application directory')
use_sys_dir = Bool(
help=('Whether to shadow the default app_dir if that is set to a '
'non-default value'))
logger = Instance(logging.Logger, help='The logger to use')
core_config = Instance(CoreConfig, help='Configuration for core data')
kill_event = Instance(Event, args=(), help='Event for aborting call')
registry = Unicode(help="NPM packages registry URL")
def _default_logger(self):
return logging.getLogger('jupyterlab')
# These defaults need to be dynamic to pick up
# any changes to env vars:
def _default_app_dir(self):
return get_app_dir()
def _default_core_config(self):
return CoreConfig()
def _default_registry(self):
config = _yarn_config(self.logger)["yarn config"]
return config.get("registry", YARN_DEFAULT_REGISTRY)
def _ensure_options(options):
"""Helper to use deprecated kwargs for AppOption"""
if options is None:
return AppOptions()
elif issubclass(options.__class__, AppOptions):
return options
return AppOptions(**options)
def watch(app_options=None):
"""Watch the application.
app_dir: string, optional
The application directory.
logger: :class:`~logger.Logger`, optional
The logger instance.
A list of processes to run asynchronously.
app_options = _ensure_options(app_options)
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.watch()
def install_extension(extension, app_options=None, pin=None):
"""Install an extension package into JupyterLab.
The extension is first validated.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
app_options = _ensure_options(app_options)
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.install_extension(extension, pin=pin)
def uninstall_extension(name=None, app_options=None, all_=False):
"""Uninstall an extension by name or path.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
app_options = _ensure_options(app_options)
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
if all_ is True:
return handler.uninstall_all_extensions()
return handler.uninstall_extension(name)
def update_extension(name=None, all_=False, app_dir=None, app_options=None):
"""Update an extension by name, or all extensions.
Either `name` must be given as a string, or `all_` must be `True`.
If `all_` is `True`, the value of `name` is ignored.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
app_options = _ensure_options(app_options)
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
if all_ is True:
return handler.update_all_extensions()
return handler.update_extension(name)
def clean(app_options=None):
"""Clean the JupyterLab application directory."""
app_options = _ensure_options(app_options)
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
logger = app_options.logger
app_dir = app_options.app_dir
logger.info('Cleaning %s...', app_dir)
if app_dir == pjoin(HERE, 'dev'):
raise ValueError('Cannot clean the dev app')
if app_dir == pjoin(HERE, 'core'):
raise ValueError('Cannot clean the core app')
if app_options.all:
logger.info('Removing everything in %s...', app_dir)
_rmtree_star(app_dir, logger)
possibleTargets = ['extensions', 'settings', 'staging', 'static']
targets = [t for t in possibleTargets if getattr(app_options, t)]
for name in targets:
target = pjoin(app_dir, name)
if osp.exists(target):
logger.info('Removing %s...', name)
_rmtree(target, logger)
logger.info('%s not present, skipping...', name)
if app_options.all or app_options.extensions:
logger.info('All of your extensions have been removed, and will need to be reinstalled')
def build(name=None, version=None, static_url=None,
command='build:prod', kill_event=None,
clean_staging=False, app_options=None):
"""Build the JupyterLab application.
app_options = _ensure_options(app_options)
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.build(name=name, version=version, static_url=static_url,
command=command, clean_staging=clean_staging)
def get_app_info(app_options=None):
"""Get a dictionary of information about the app.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.info
def enable_extension(extension, app_options=None):
"""Enable a JupyterLab extension.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.toggle_extension(extension, False)
def disable_extension(extension, app_options=None):
"""Disable a JupyterLab package.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.toggle_extension(extension, True)
def check_extension(extension, installed=False, app_options=None):
"""Check if a JupyterLab extension is enabled or disabled.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.check_extension(extension, installed)
def build_check(app_options=None):
"""Determine whether JupyterLab should be built.
Returns a list of messages.
app_options = _ensure_options(app_options)
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.build_check()
def list_extensions(app_options=None):
"""List the extensions.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.list_extensions()
def link_package(path, app_options=None):
"""Link a package against the JupyterLab build.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.link_package(path)
def unlink_package(package, app_options=None):
"""Unlink a package from JupyterLab by path or name.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.unlink_package(package)
def get_app_version(app_options=None):
"""Get the application version."""
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.info['version']
def get_latest_compatible_package_versions(names, app_options=None):
"""Get the latest compatible version of a list of packages.
handler = _AppHandler(app_options)
return handler.latest_compatible_package_versions(names)
def read_package(target):
"""Read the package data in a given target tarball.
tar = tarfile.open(target, "r")
f = tar.extractfile('package/package.json')
data = json.loads(f.read().decode('utf8'))
data['jupyterlab_extracted_files'] = [
f.path[len('package/'):] for f in tar.getmembers()
return data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implementation details
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class _AppHandler(object):
def __init__(self, options):
"""Create a new _AppHandler object
options = _ensure_options(options)
self.app_dir = options.app_dir
self.sys_dir = get_app_dir() if options.use_sys_dir else self.app_dir
self.logger = options.logger
self.core_data = options.core_config._data
self.info = self._get_app_info()
self.kill_event = options.kill_event
self.registry = options.registry
def install_extension(self, extension, existing=None, pin=None):
"""Install an extension package into JupyterLab.
The extension is first validated.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
extension = _normalize_path(extension)
extensions = self.info['extensions']
# Check for a core extensions.
if extension in self.info['core_extensions']:
config = self._read_build_config()
uninstalled = config.get('uninstalled_core_extensions', [])
if extension in uninstalled:
self.logger.info('Installing core extension %s' % extension)
config['uninstalled_core_extensions'] = uninstalled
return True
return False
# Create the app dirs if needed.
# Install the package using a temporary directory.
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
info = self._install_extension(extension, tempdir, pin=pin)
name = info['name']
# Local directories get name mangled and stored in metadata.
if info['is_dir']:
config = self._read_build_config()
local = config.setdefault('local_extensions', dict())
local[name] = info['source']
# Remove an existing extension with the same name and different path
if name in extensions:
other = extensions[name]
if other['path'] != info['path'] and other['location'] == 'app':
return True
def build(self, name=None, version=None, static_url=None,
command='build:prod:minimize', clean_staging=False):
"""Build the application.
# resolve the build type
parts = command.split(':')
if len(parts) < 2:
elif parts[1] == 'none':
parts[1] = ('dev' if self.info['linked_packages'] or self.info['local_extensions'] else
command = ':'.join(parts)
self.logger.info('Building jupyterlab assets (%s)' % command)
# Set up the build directory.
app_dir = self.app_dir
name=name, version=version, static_url=static_url,
staging = pjoin(app_dir, 'staging')
# Make sure packages are installed.
ret = self._run(['node', YARN_PATH, 'install', '--non-interactive'], cwd=staging)
if ret != 0:
msg = 'npm dependencies failed to install'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
dedupe_yarn(staging, self.logger)
# Build the app.
ret = self._run(['node', YARN_PATH, 'run', command], cwd=staging)
if ret != 0:
msg = 'JupyterLab failed to build'
raise RuntimeError(msg)
def watch(self):
"""Start the application watcher and then run the watch in
the background.
staging = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'staging')
# Make sure packages are installed.
self._run(['node', YARN_PATH, 'install'], cwd=staging)
dedupe_yarn(staging, self.logger)
proc = WatchHelper(['node', YARN_PATH, 'run', 'watch'],
cwd=pjoin(self.app_dir, 'staging'),
return [proc]
def list_extensions(self):
"""Print an output of the extensions.
logger = self.logger
info = self.info
print('JupyterLab v%s' % info['version'])
if info['extensions']:
info['compat_errors'] = self._get_extension_compat()
print('Known labextensions:')
self._list_extensions(info, 'app')
self._list_extensions(info, 'sys')
print('No installed extensions')
local = info['local_extensions']
if local:
print('\n local extensions:')
for name in sorted(local):
print(' %s: %s' % (name, local[name]))
linked_packages = info['linked_packages']
if linked_packages:
print('\n linked packages:')
for key in sorted(linked_packages):
source = linked_packages[key]['source']
print(' %s: %s' % (key, source))
uninstalled_core = info['uninstalled_core']
if uninstalled_core:
print('\nUninstalled core extensions:')
[print(' %s' % item) for item in sorted(uninstalled_core)]
disabled_core = info['disabled_core']
if disabled_core:
print('\nDisabled core extensions:')
[print(' %s' % item) for item in sorted(disabled_core)]
messages = self.build_check(fast=True)
if messages:
print('\nBuild recommended, please run `jupyter lab build`:')
[print(' %s' % item) for item in messages]
def build_check(self, fast=False):
"""Determine whether JupyterLab should be built.
Returns a list of messages.
app_dir = self.app_dir
local = self.info['local_extensions']
linked = self.info['linked_packages']
messages = []
# Check for no application.
pkg_path = pjoin(app_dir, 'static', 'package.json')
if not osp.exists(pkg_path):
return ['No built application']
static_data = self.info['static_data']
old_jlab = static_data['jupyterlab']
old_deps = static_data.get('dependencies', dict())
# Look for mismatched version.
static_version = old_jlab.get('version', '')
core_version = old_jlab['version']
if LooseVersion(static_version) != LooseVersion(core_version):
msg = 'Version mismatch: %s (built), %s (current)'
return [msg % (static_version, core_version)]
# Look for mismatched extensions.
new_package = self._get_package_template(silent=fast)
new_jlab = new_package['jupyterlab']
new_deps = new_package.get('dependencies', dict())
for ext_type in ['extensions', 'mimeExtensions']:
# Extensions that were added.
for ext in new_jlab[ext_type]:
if ext not in old_jlab[ext_type]:
messages.append('%s needs to be included in build' % ext)
# Extensions that were removed.
for ext in old_jlab[ext_type]:
if ext not in new_jlab[ext_type]:
messages.append('%s needs to be removed from build' % ext)
# Look for mismatched dependencies
for (pkg, dep) in new_deps.items():
if pkg not in old_deps:
# Skip local and linked since we pick them up separately.
if pkg in local or pkg in linked:
if old_deps[pkg] != dep:
msg = '%s changed from %s to %s'
messages.append(msg % (pkg, old_deps[pkg], new_deps[pkg]))
# Look for updated local extensions.
for (name, source) in local.items():
if fast:
dname = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions')
if self._check_local(name, source, dname):
messages.append('%s content changed' % name)
# Look for updated linked packages.
for (name, item) in linked.items():
if fast:
dname = pjoin(app_dir, 'staging', 'linked_packages')
if self._check_local(name, item['source'], dname):
messages.append('%s content changed' % name)
return messages
def uninstall_extension(self, name):
"""Uninstall an extension by name.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
# Allow for uninstalled core extensions.
if name in self.info['core_extensions']:
config = self._read_build_config()
uninstalled = config.get('uninstalled_core_extensions', [])
if name not in uninstalled:
self.logger.info('Uninstalling core extension %s' % name)
config['uninstalled_core_extensions'] = uninstalled
return True
return False
local = self.info['local_extensions']
for (extname, data) in self.info['extensions'].items():
path = data['path']
if extname == name:
msg = 'Uninstalling %s from %s' % (name, osp.dirname(path))
# Handle local extensions.
if extname in local:
config = self._read_build_config()
data = config.setdefault('local_extensions', dict())
del data[extname]
return True
self.logger.warn('No labextension named "%s" installed' % name)
return False
def uninstall_all_extensions(self):
"""Uninstalls all extensions
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise
should_rebuild = False
for (extname, _) in self.info['extensions'].items():
uninstalled = self.uninstall_extension(extname)
should_rebuild = should_rebuild or uninstalled
return should_rebuild
def update_all_extensions(self):
"""Update all non-local extensions.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
should_rebuild = False
for (extname, _) in self.info['extensions'].items():
if extname in self.info['local_extensions']:
updated = self._update_extension(extname)
# Rebuild if at least one update happens:
should_rebuild = should_rebuild or updated
return should_rebuild
def update_extension(self, name):
"""Update an extension by name.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
if name not in self.info['extensions']:
self.logger.warning('No labextension named "%s" installed' % name)
return False
return self._update_extension(name)
def _update_extension(self, name):
"""Update an extension by name.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
data = self.info['extensions'][name]
if data["alias_package_source"]:
self.logger.warn("Skipping updating pinned extension '%s'." % name)
return False
latest = self._latest_compatible_package_version(name)
except URLError:
return False
if latest is None:
self.logger.warn('No compatible version found for %s!' % (name,))
return False
if latest == data['version']:
self.logger.info('Extension %r already up to date' % name)
return False
self.logger.info('Updating %s to version %s' % (name, latest))
return self.install_extension('%s@%s' % (name, latest))
def link_package(self, path):
"""Link a package at the given path.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
path = _normalize_path(path)
if not osp.exists(path) or not osp.isdir(path):
msg = 'Cannot install "%s" only link local directories'
raise ValueError(msg % path)
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
info = self._extract_package(path, tempdir)
messages = _validate_extension(info['data'])
if not messages:
return self.install_extension(path)
# Warn that it is a linked package.
self.logger.warning('Installing %s as a linked package because it does not have extension metadata:', path)
[self.logger.warning(' %s' % m) for m in messages]
# Add to metadata.
config = self._read_build_config()
linked = config.setdefault('linked_packages', dict())
linked[info['name']] = info['source']
return True
def unlink_package(self, path):
"""Unlink a package by name or at the given path.
A ValueError is raised if the path is not an unlinkable package.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
path = _normalize_path(path)
config = self._read_build_config()
linked = config.setdefault('linked_packages', dict())
found = None
for (name, source) in linked.items():
if name == path or source == path:
found = name
if found:
del linked[found]
local = config.setdefault('local_extensions', dict())
for (name, source) in local.items():
if name == path or source == path:
found = name
if found:
del local[found]
path = self.info['extensions'][found]['path']
if not found:
raise ValueError('No linked package for %s' % path)
return True
def toggle_extension(self, extension, value):
"""Enable or disable a lab extension.
Returns `True` if a rebuild is recommended, `False` otherwise.
config = self._read_page_config()
disabled = config.setdefault('disabledExtensions', [])
did_something = False
if value and extension not in disabled:
did_something = True
elif not value and extension in disabled:
did_something = True
if did_something:
return did_something
def check_extension(self, extension, check_installed_only=False):
"""Check if a lab extension is enabled or disabled
info = self.info
if extension in info["core_extensions"]:
return self._check_core_extension(
extension, info, check_installed_only)
if extension in info["linked_packages"]:
self.logger.info('%s:%s' % (extension, GREEN_ENABLED))
return True
return self._check_common_extension(
extension, info, check_installed_only)
def _check_core_extension(self, extension, info, check_installed_only):
"""Check if a core extension is enabled or disabled
if extension in info['uninstalled_core']:
self.logger.info('%s:%s' % (extension, RED_X))
return False
if check_installed_only:
self.logger.info('%s: %s' % (extension, GREEN_OK))
return True
if extension in info['disabled_core']:
self.logger.info('%s: %s' % (extension, RED_DISABLED))
return False
self.logger.info('%s:%s' % (extension, GREEN_ENABLED))
return True
def _check_common_extension(self, extension, info, check_installed_only):
"""Check if a common (non-core) extension is enabled or disabled
if extension not in info['extensions']:
self.logger.info('%s:%s' % (extension, RED_X))
return False
errors = self._get_extension_compat()[extension]
if errors:
self.logger.info('%s:%s (compatibility errors)' %
(extension, RED_X))
return False
if check_installed_only:
self.logger.info('%s: %s' % (extension, GREEN_OK))
return True
if _is_disabled(extension, info['disabled']):
self.logger.info('%s: %s' % (extension, RED_DISABLED))
return False
self.logger.info('%s:%s' % (extension, GREEN_ENABLED))
return True
def _get_app_info(self):
"""Get information about the app.
info = dict()
info['core_data'] = core_data = self.core_data
info['extensions'] = extensions = self._get_extensions(core_data)
page_config = self._read_page_config()
info['disabled'] = page_config.get('disabledExtensions', [])
info['local_extensions'] = self._get_local_extensions()
info['linked_packages'] = self._get_linked_packages()
info['app_extensions'] = app = []
info['sys_extensions'] = sys = []
for (name, data) in extensions.items():
data['is_local'] = name in info['local_extensions']
if data['location'] == 'app':
info['uninstalled_core'] = self._get_uninstalled_core_extensions()
info['static_data'] = _get_static_data(self.app_dir)
app_data = info['static_data'] or core_data
info['version'] = app_data['jupyterlab']['version']
info['staticUrl'] = app_data['jupyterlab'].get('staticUrl', '')
info['sys_dir'] = self.sys_dir
info['app_dir'] = self.app_dir
info['core_extensions'] = core_extensions = _get_core_extensions(
disabled_core = []
for key in core_extensions:
if key in info['disabled']:
info['disabled_core'] = disabled_core
return info
def _populate_staging(self, name=None, version=None, static_url=None,
"""Set up the assets in the staging directory.
app_dir = self.app_dir
staging = pjoin(app_dir, 'staging')
if clean and osp.exists(staging):
self.logger.info("Cleaning %s", staging)
_rmtree(staging, self.logger)
if not version:
version = self.info['core_data']['jupyterlab']['version']
# Look for mismatched version.
pkg_path = pjoin(staging, 'package.json')
if osp.exists(pkg_path):
with open(pkg_path) as fid:
data = json.load(fid)
if data['jupyterlab'].get('version', '') != version:
_rmtree(staging, self.logger)
for fname in ['index.js', 'webpack.config.js',
'.yarnrc', 'yarn.js']:
target = pjoin(staging, fname)
shutil.copy(pjoin(HERE, 'staging', fname), target)
# Ensure a clean templates directory
templates = pjoin(staging, 'templates')
if osp.exists(templates):
_rmtree(templates, self.logger)
shutil.copytree(pjoin(HERE, 'staging', 'templates'), templates)
except shutil.Error as error:
# `copytree` throws an error if copying to + from NFS even though
# the copy is successful (see https://bugs.python.org/issue24564
# and https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyterlab/issues/5233)
real_error = '[Errno 22]' not in str(error) and '[Errno 5]' not in str(error)
if real_error or not osp.exists(templates):
# Ensure a clean linked packages directory.
linked_dir = pjoin(staging, 'linked_packages')
if osp.exists(linked_dir):
_rmtree(linked_dir, self.logger)
# Template the package.json file.
# Update the local extensions.
extensions = self.info['extensions']
removed = False
for (key, source) in self.info['local_extensions'].items():
# Handle a local extension that was removed.
if key not in extensions:
config = self._read_build_config()
data = config.setdefault('local_extensions', dict())
del data[key]
removed = True
dname = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions')
self._update_local(key, source, dname, extensions[key],
# Update the list of local extensions if any were removed.
if removed:
self.info['local_extensions'] = self._get_local_extensions()
# Update the linked packages.
linked = self.info['linked_packages']
for (key, item) in linked.items():
dname = pjoin(staging, 'linked_packages')
self._update_local(key, item['source'], dname, item,
# Then get the package template.
data = self._get_package_template()
if version:
data['jupyterlab']['version'] = version
if name:
data['jupyterlab']['name'] = name
if static_url:
data['jupyterlab']['staticUrl'] = static_url
pkg_path = pjoin(staging, 'package.json')
with open(pkg_path, 'w') as fid:
json.dump(data, fid, indent=4)
# copy known-good yarn.lock if missing
lock_path = pjoin(staging, 'yarn.lock')
lock_template = pjoin(HERE, 'staging', 'yarn.lock')
if self.registry != YARN_DEFAULT_REGISTRY: # Replace on the fly the yarn repository see #3658
with open(lock_template, encoding='utf-8') as f:
template = f.read()
template = template.replace(YARN_DEFAULT_REGISTRY, self.registry.strip("/"))
with open(lock_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
elif not osp.exists(lock_path):
shutil.copy(lock_template, lock_path)
def _get_package_template(self, silent=False):
"""Get the template the for staging package.json file.
logger = self.logger
data = self.info['core_data']
local = self.info['local_extensions']
linked = self.info['linked_packages']
extensions = self.info['extensions']
jlab = data['jupyterlab']
def format_path(path):
path = osp.relpath(path, pjoin(self.app_dir, 'staging'))
path = 'file:' + path.replace(os.sep, '/')
if os.name == 'nt':
path = path.lower()
return path
jlab['linkedPackages'] = dict()
# Handle local extensions.
for (key, source) in local.items():
jlab['linkedPackages'][key] = source
data['resolutions'][key] = source
# Handle linked packages.
for (key, item) in linked.items():
path = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'staging', 'linked_packages')
path = pjoin(path, item['filename'])
data['dependencies'][key] = format_path(path)
jlab['linkedPackages'][key] = item['source']
data['resolutions'][key] = format_path(path)
# Handle extensions
compat_errors = self._get_extension_compat()
for (key, value) in extensions.items():
# Reject incompatible extensions with a message.
errors = compat_errors[key]
if errors:
if not silent:
logger, key, value['version'], errors
data['dependencies'][key] = format_path(value['path'])
jlab_data = value['jupyterlab']
for item in ['extension', 'mimeExtension']:
ext = jlab_data.get(item, False)
if not ext:
if ext is True:
ext = ''
jlab[item + 's'][key] = ext
# Handle uninstalled core extensions.
for item in self.info['uninstalled_core']:
if item in jlab['extensions']:
elif item in jlab['mimeExtensions']:
# Remove from dependencies as well.
if item in data['dependencies']:
return data
def _check_local(self, name, source, dname):
"""Check if a local package has changed.
`dname` is the directory name of existing package tar archives.
# Extract the package in a temporary directory.
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
info = self._extract_package(source, tempdir)
# Test if the file content has changed.
# This relies on `_extract_package` adding the hashsum
# to the filename, allowing a simple exist check to
# compare the hash to the "cache" in dname.
target = pjoin(dname, info['filename'])
return not osp.exists(target)
def _update_local(self, name, source, dname, data, dtype):
"""Update a local dependency. Return `True` if changed.
# Extract the package in a temporary directory.
existing = data['filename']
if not osp.exists(pjoin(dname, existing)):
existing = ''
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
info = self._extract_package(source, tempdir)
# Bail if the file content has not changed.
if info['filename'] == existing:
return existing
shutil.move(info['path'], pjoin(dname, info['filename']))
# Remove the previous tarball and return the new file name.
if existing:
os.remove(pjoin(dname, existing))
data['filename'] = info['filename']
data['path'] = pjoin(data['tar_dir'], data['filename'])
return info['filename']
def _get_extensions(self, core_data):
"""Get the extensions for the application.
app_dir = self.app_dir
extensions = dict()
# Get system level packages.
sys_path = pjoin(self.sys_dir, 'extensions')
app_path = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'extensions')
extensions = self._get_extensions_in_dir(self.sys_dir, core_data)
# Look in app_dir if different.
app_path = pjoin(app_dir, 'extensions')
if app_path == sys_path or not osp.exists(app_path):
return extensions
extensions.update(self._get_extensions_in_dir(app_dir, core_data))
return extensions
def _get_extensions_in_dir(self, dname, core_data):
"""Get the extensions in a given directory.
extensions = dict()
location = 'app' if dname == self.app_dir else 'sys'
for target in glob.glob(pjoin(dname, 'extensions', '*.tgz')):
data = read_package(target)
deps = data.get('dependencies', dict())
name = data['name']
jlab = data.get('jupyterlab', dict())
path = osp.abspath(target)
filename = osp.basename(target)
if filename.startswith(PIN_PREFIX):
alias = filename[len(PIN_PREFIX):-len(".tgz")]
alias = None
# homepage, repository are optional
if 'homepage' in data:
url = data['homepage']
elif 'repository' in data and isinstance(data['repository'], dict):
url = data['repository'].get('url', '')
url = ''
extensions[alias or name] = dict(path=path,
# Only save the package name if the extension name is an alias
alias_package_source=name if alias else None,
return extensions
def _get_extension_compat(self):
"""Get the extension compatibility info.
compat = dict()
core_data = self.info['core_data']
for (name, data) in self.info['extensions'].items():
deps = data['dependencies']
compat[name] = _validate_compatibility(name, deps, core_data)
return compat
def _get_local_extensions(self):
"""Get the locally installed extensions.
return self._get_local_data('local_extensions')
def _get_linked_packages(self):
"""Get the linked packages.
info = self._get_local_data('linked_packages')
dname = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'staging', 'linked_packages')
for (name, source) in info.items():
info[name] = dict(source=source, filename='', tar_dir=dname)
if not osp.exists(dname):
return info
for path in glob.glob(pjoin(dname, '*.tgz')):
path = osp.abspath(path)
data = read_package(path)
name = data['name']
if name not in info:
self.logger.warn('Removing orphaned linked package %s' % name)
item = info[name]
item['filename'] = osp.basename(path)
item['path'] = path
item['version'] = data['version']
item['data'] = data
return info
def _get_uninstalled_core_extensions(self):
"""Get the uninstalled core extensions.
config = self._read_build_config()
return config.get('uninstalled_core_extensions', [])
def _ensure_app_dirs(self):
"""Ensure that the application directories exist"""
dirs = ['extensions', 'settings', 'staging', 'schemas', 'themes']
for dname in dirs:
path = pjoin(self.app_dir, dname)
if not osp.exists(path):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
def _list_extensions(self, info, ext_type):
"""List the extensions of a given type.
logger = self.logger
names = info['%s_extensions' % ext_type]
if not names:
dname = info['%s_dir' % ext_type]
error_accumulator = {}
logger.info(' %s dir: %s' % (ext_type, dname))
for name in sorted(names):
data = info['extensions'][name]
version = data['version']
errors = info['compat_errors'][name]
extra = ''
if _is_disabled(name, info['disabled']):
extra += ' %s' % RED_DISABLED
extra += ' %s' % GREEN_ENABLED
if errors:
extra += ' %s' % RED_X
extra += ' %s' % GREEN_OK
if data['is_local']:
extra += '*'
# If we have the package name in the data, this means this extension's name is the alias name
alias_package_source = data['alias_package_source']
if alias_package_source:
logger.info(' %s %s v%s%s' % (name, alias_package_source, version, extra))
logger.info(' %s v%s%s' % (name, version, extra))
if errors:
error_accumulator[name] = (version, errors)
# Write all errors at end:
_log_multiple_compat_errors(logger, error_accumulator)
def _read_build_config(self):
"""Get the build config data for the app dir.
target = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'settings', 'build_config.json')
if not osp.exists(target):
return {}
with open(target) as fid:
return json.load(fid)
def _write_build_config(self, config):
"""Write the build config to the app dir.
target = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'settings', 'build_config.json')
with open(target, 'w') as fid:
json.dump(config, fid, indent=4)
def _read_page_config(self):
"""Get the page config data for the app dir.
target = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'settings', 'page_config.json')
if not osp.exists(target):
return {}
with open(target) as fid:
return json.load(fid)
def _write_page_config(self, config):
"""Write the build config to the app dir.
target = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'settings', 'page_config.json')
with open(target, 'w') as fid:
json.dump(config, fid, indent=4)
def _get_local_data(self, source):
"""Get the local data for extensions or linked packages.
config = self._read_build_config()
data = config.setdefault(source, dict())
dead = []
for (name, source) in data.items():
if not osp.exists(source):
for name in dead:
link_type = source.replace('_', ' ')
msg = '**Note: Removing dead %s "%s"' % (link_type, name)
del data[name]
if dead:
return data
def _install_extension(self, extension, tempdir, pin=None):
"""Install an extension with validation and return the name and path.
info = self._extract_package(extension, tempdir, pin=pin)
data = info['data']
# Check for compatible version unless:
# - A specific version was requested (@ in name,
# but after first char to allow for scope marker).
# - Package is locally installed.
allow_fallback = '@' not in extension[1:] and not info['is_dir']
name = info['name']
# Verify that the package is an extension.
messages = _validate_extension(data)
if messages:
msg = '"%s" is not a valid extension:\n%s'
msg = msg % (extension, '\n'.join(messages))
if allow_fallback:
version = self._latest_compatible_package_version(name)
except URLError:
raise ValueError(msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
# Verify package compatibility.
deps = data.get('dependencies', dict())
errors = _validate_compatibility(extension, deps, self.core_data)
if errors:
msg = _format_compatibility_errors(
data['name'], data['version'], errors
if allow_fallback:
version = self._latest_compatible_package_version(name)
except URLError:
# We cannot add any additional information to error message
raise ValueError(msg)
if version and name:
self.logger.debug('Incompatible extension:\n%s', name)
self.logger.debug('Found compatible version: %s', version)
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir2:
return self._install_extension(
'%s@%s' % (name, version), tempdir2)
# Extend message to better guide the user what to do:
conflicts = '\n'.join(msg.splitlines()[2:])
msg = ''.join((
raise ValueError(msg)
# Move the file to the app directory.
target = pjoin(self.app_dir, 'extensions', info['filename'])
if osp.exists(target):
shutil.move(info['path'], target)
info['path'] = target
return info
def _extract_package(self, source, tempdir, pin=None):
"""Call `npm pack` for an extension.
The pack command will download the package tar if `source` is
a package name, or run `npm pack` locally if `source` is a
is_dir = osp.exists(source) and osp.isdir(source)
if is_dir and not osp.exists(pjoin(source, 'node_modules')):
self._run(['node', YARN_PATH, 'install'], cwd=source)
info = dict(source=source, is_dir=is_dir)
ret = self._run([which('npm'), 'pack', source], cwd=tempdir)
if ret != 0:
msg = '"%s" is not a valid npm package'
raise ValueError(msg % source)
path = glob.glob(pjoin(tempdir, '*.tgz'))[0]
info['data'] = read_package(path)
if is_dir:
info['sha'] = sha = _tarsum(path)
target = path.replace('.tgz', '-%s.tgz' % sha)
shutil.move(path, target)
info['path'] = target
info['path'] = path
if pin:
old_path = info['path']
new_path = pjoin(osp.dirname(old_path), '{}{}.tgz'.format(PIN_PREFIX, pin))
shutil.move(old_path, new_path)
info['path'] = new_path
info['filename'] = osp.basename(info['path'])
info['name'] = info['data']['name']
info['version'] = info['data']['version']
return info
def _latest_compatible_package_version(self, name):
"""Get the latest compatible version of a package"""
core_data = self.info['core_data']
metadata = _fetch_package_metadata(self.registry, name, self.logger)
except URLError:
versions = metadata.get('versions', {})
# Sort pre-release first, as we will reverse the sort:
def sort_key(key_value):
return _semver_key(key_value[0], prerelease_first=True)
for version, data in sorted(versions.items(),
deps = data.get('dependencies', {})
errors = _validate_compatibility(name, deps, core_data)
if not errors:
# Found a compatible version
# skip deprecated versions
if 'deprecated' in data:
'Disregarding compatible version of package as it is deprecated: %s@%s'
% (name, version)
# Verify that the version is a valid extension.
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
info = self._extract_package(
'%s@%s' % (name, version), tempdir)
if _validate_extension(info['data']):
# Invalid, do not consider other versions
# Valid
return version
def latest_compatible_package_versions(self, names):
"""Get the latest compatible versions of several packages
Like _latest_compatible_package_version, but optimized for
retrieving the latest version for several packages in one go.
core_data = self.info['core_data']
keys = []
for name in names:
metadata = _fetch_package_metadata(self.registry, name, self.logger)
except URLError:
versions = metadata.get('versions', {})
# Sort pre-release first, as we will reverse the sort:
def sort_key(key_value):
return _semver_key(key_value[0], prerelease_first=True)
for version, data in sorted(versions.items(),
# skip deprecated versions
if 'deprecated' in data:
deps = data.get('dependencies', {})
errors = _validate_compatibility(name, deps, core_data)
if not errors:
# Found a compatible version
keys.append('%s@%s' % (name, version))
break # break inner for
versions = {}
if not keys:
return versions
with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
ret = self._run([which('npm'), 'pack'] + keys, cwd=tempdir)
if ret != 0:
msg = '"%s" is not a valid npm package'
raise ValueError(msg % keys)
for key in keys:
fname = key[0].replace('@', '') + key[1:].replace('@', '-').replace('/', '-') + '.tgz'
data = read_package(os.path.join(tempdir, fname))
# Verify that the version is a valid extension.
if not _validate_extension(data):
# Valid
versions[data['name']] = data['version']
return versions
def _format_no_compatible_package_version(self, name):
"""Get the latest compatible version of a package"""
core_data = self.info['core_data']
# Whether lab version is too new:
lab_newer_than_latest = False
# Whether the latest version of the extension depend on a "future" version
# of a singleton package (from the perspective of current lab version):
latest_newer_than_lab = False
metadata = _fetch_package_metadata(self.registry, name, self.logger)
except URLError:
versions = metadata.get('versions', {})
# Sort pre-release first, as we will reverse the sort:
def sort_key(key_value):
return _semver_key(key_value[0], prerelease_first=True)
store = tuple(sorted(versions.items(), key=sort_key, reverse=True))
latest_deps = store[0][1].get('dependencies', {})
core_deps = core_data['resolutions']
singletons = core_data['jupyterlab']['singletonPackages']
for (key, value) in latest_deps.items():
if key in singletons:
# Drop prereleases in comparisons to allow extension authors
# to not have to update their versions for each
# Jupyterlab prerelease version.
c = _compare_ranges(core_deps[key], value, drop_prerelease1=True)
lab_newer_than_latest = lab_newer_than_latest or c < 0
latest_newer_than_lab = latest_newer_than_lab or c > 0
if lab_newer_than_latest:
# All singleton deps in current version of lab are newer than those
# in the latest version of the extension
return ("The extension \"%s\" does not yet support the current version of "
"JupyterLab.\n" % name)
parts = ["No version of {extension} could be found that is compatible with "
"the current version of JupyterLab."]
if latest_newer_than_lab:
parts.extend(("However, it seems to support a new version of JupyterLab.",
"Consider upgrading JupyterLab."))
return " ".join(parts).format(extension=name)
def _run(self, cmd, **kwargs):
"""Run the command using our logger and abort callback.
Returns the exit code.
if self.kill_event.is_set():
raise ValueError('Command was killed')
kwargs['logger'] = self.logger
kwargs['kill_event'] = self.kill_event
proc = ProgressProcess(cmd, **kwargs)
return proc.wait()
def _node_check(logger):
"""Check for the existence of nodejs with the correct version.
node = which('node')
output = subprocess.check_output([node, 'node-version-check.js'], cwd=HERE)
except Exception:
data = CoreConfig()._data
ver = data['engines']['node']
msg = 'Please install nodejs %s before continuing. nodejs may be installed using conda or directly from the nodejs website.' % ver
raise ValueError(msg)
def _yarn_config(logger):
"""Get the yarn configuration.
{"yarn config": dict, "npm config": dict} if unsuccessfull the subdictionary are empty
configuration = {"yarn config": {}, "npm config": {}}
node = which('node')
except ValueError: # Node not found == user with no need for building jupyterlab
logger.debug("NodeJS was not found. Yarn user configuration is ignored.")
return configuration
output_binary = subprocess.check_output([node, YARN_PATH, 'config', 'list', '--json'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=HERE)
output = output_binary.decode('utf-8')
lines = iter(output.splitlines())
for line in lines:
info = json.loads(line)
if info["type"] == "info":
key = info["data"]
inspect = json.loads(next(lines))
if inspect["type"] == "inspect":
configuration[key] = inspect["data"]
except StopIteration:
logger.debug("Yarn configuration loaded.")
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
logger.error("Fail to get yarn configuration. {!s}{!s}".format(e.stderr.decode('utf-8'), e.output.decode('utf-8')))
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Fail to get yarn configuration. {!s}".format(e))
return configuration
def _ensure_logger(logger=None):
"""Ensure that we have a logger"""
return logger or logging.getLogger('jupyterlab')
def _normalize_path(extension):
"""Normalize a given extension if it is a path.
extension = osp.expanduser(extension)
if osp.exists(extension):
extension = osp.abspath(extension)
return extension
def _rmtree(path, logger):
"""Remove a tree, logging errors"""
def onerror(*exc_info):
logger.debug('Error in shutil.rmtree', exc_info=exc_info)
shutil.rmtree(path, onerror=onerror)
def _unlink(path, logger):
"""Remove a file, logging errors"""
except Exception:
logger.debug('Error in os.unlink', exc_info=sys.exc_info())
def _rmtree_star(path, logger):
"""Remove all files/trees within a dir, logging errors"""
for filename in os.listdir(path):
file_path = os.path.join(path, filename)
if os.path.isfile(file_path) or os.path.islink(file_path):
_unlink(file_path, logger)
elif os.path.isdir(file_path):
_rmtree(file_path, logger)
def _validate_extension(data):
"""Detect if a package is an extension using its metadata.
Returns any problems it finds.
jlab = data.get('jupyterlab', None)
if jlab is None:
return ['No `jupyterlab` key']
if not isinstance(jlab, dict):
return ['The `jupyterlab` key must be a JSON object']
extension = jlab.get('extension', False)
mime_extension = jlab.get('mimeExtension', False)
themePath = jlab.get('themePath', '')
schemaDir = jlab.get('schemaDir', '')
messages = []
if not extension and not mime_extension:
messages.append('No `extension` or `mimeExtension` key present')
if extension == mime_extension:
msg = '`mimeExtension` and `extension` must point to different modules'
files = data['jupyterlab_extracted_files']
main = data.get('main', 'index.js')
if not main.endswith('.js'):
main += '.js'
if extension is True:
extension = main
elif extension and not extension.endswith('.js'):
extension += '.js'
if mime_extension is True:
mime_extension = main
elif mime_extension and not mime_extension.endswith('.js'):
mime_extension += '.js'
if extension and extension not in files:
messages.append('Missing extension module "%s"' % extension)
if mime_extension and mime_extension not in files:
messages.append('Missing mimeExtension module "%s"' % mime_extension)
if themePath and not any(f.startswith(themePath) for f in files):
messages.append('themePath is empty: "%s"' % themePath)
if schemaDir and not any(f.startswith(schemaDir) for f in files):
messages.append('schemaDir is empty: "%s"' % schemaDir)
return messages
def _tarsum(input_file):
Compute the recursive sha sum of a tar file.
tar = tarfile.open(input_file, "r")
chunk_size = 100 * 1024
h = hashlib.new("sha1")
for member in tar:
if not member.isfile():
f = tar.extractfile(member)
data = f.read(chunk_size)
while data:
data = f.read(chunk_size)
return h.hexdigest()
def _get_static_data(app_dir):
"""Get the data for the app static dir.
target = pjoin(app_dir, 'static', 'package.json')
if os.path.exists(target):
with open(target) as fid:
return json.load(fid)
return None
def _validate_compatibility(extension, deps, core_data):
"""Validate the compatibility of an extension.
core_deps = core_data['resolutions']
singletons = core_data['jupyterlab']['singletonPackages']
errors = []
for (key, value) in deps.items():
if key in singletons:
# Drop prereleases in comparisons to allow extension authors
# to not have to update their versions for each
# Jupyterlab prerelease version.
overlap = _test_overlap(core_deps[key], value, drop_prerelease1=True)
if overlap is False:
errors.append((key, core_deps[key], value))
return errors
def _test_overlap(spec1, spec2, drop_prerelease1=False, drop_prerelease2=False):
"""Test whether two version specs overlap.
Returns `None` if we cannot determine compatibility,
otherwise whether there is an overlap
cmp = _compare_ranges(spec1, spec2, drop_prerelease1=drop_prerelease1,
if cmp is None:
return cmp == 0
def _compare_ranges(spec1, spec2, drop_prerelease1=False, drop_prerelease2=False):
"""Test whether two version specs overlap.
Returns `None` if we cannot determine compatibility,
otherwise return 0 if there is an overlap, 1 if
spec1 is lower/older than spec2, and -1 if spec1
is higher/newer than spec2.
# Test for overlapping semver ranges.
r1 = Range(spec1, True)
r2 = Range(spec2, True)
# If either range is empty, we cannot verify.
if not r1.range or not r2.range:
# Set return_value to a sentinel value
return_value = False
# r1.set may be a list of ranges if the range involved an ||, so we need to test for overlaps between each pair.
for r1set, r2set in itertools.product(r1.set, r2.set):
x1 = r1set[0].semver
x2 = r1set[-1].semver
y1 = r2set[0].semver
y2 = r2set[-1].semver
if x1.prerelease and drop_prerelease1:
x1 = x1.inc('patch')
if y1.prerelease and drop_prerelease2:
y1 = y1.inc('patch')
o1 = r1set[0].operator
o2 = r2set[0].operator
# We do not handle (<) specifiers.
if (o1.startswith('<') or o2.startswith('<')):
# Handle single value specifiers.
lx = lte if x1 == x2 else lt
ly = lte if y1 == y2 else lt
gx = gte if x1 == x2 else gt
gy = gte if x1 == x2 else gt
# Handle unbounded (>) specifiers.
def noop(x, y, z):
return True
if x1 == x2 and o1.startswith('>'):
lx = noop
if y1 == y2 and o2.startswith('>'):
ly = noop
# Check for overlap.
if (gte(x1, y1, True) and ly(x1, y2, True) or
gy(x2, y1, True) and ly(x2, y2, True) or
gte(y1, x1, True) and lx(y1, x2, True) or
gx(y2, x1, True) and lx(y2, x2, True)
# if we ever find an overlap, we can return immediately
return 0
if gte(y1, x2, True):
if return_value is False:
# We can possibly return 1
return_value = 1
elif return_value == -1:
# conflicting information, so we must return None
return_value = None
if gte(x1, y2, True):
if return_value is False:
return_value = -1
elif return_value == 1:
# conflicting information, so we must return None
return_value = None
raise AssertionError('Unexpected case comparing version ranges')
if return_value is False:
return_value = None
return return_value
def _is_disabled(name, disabled=[]):
"""Test whether the package is disabled.
for pattern in disabled:
if name == pattern:
return True
if re.compile(pattern).match(name) is not None:
return True
return False
def _format_compatibility_errors(name, version, errors):
"""Format a message for compatibility errors.
msgs = []
l0 = 10
l1 = 10
for error in errors:
pkg, jlab, ext = error
jlab = str(Range(jlab, True))
ext = str(Range(ext, True))
msgs.append((pkg, jlab, ext))
l0 = max(l0, len(pkg) + 1)
l1 = max(l1, len(jlab) + 1)
msg = '\n"%s@%s" is not compatible with the current JupyterLab'
msg = msg % (name, version)
msg += '\nConflicting Dependencies:\n'
msg += 'JupyterLab'.ljust(l0)
msg += 'Extension'.ljust(l1)
msg += 'Package\n'
for (pkg, jlab, ext) in msgs:
msg += jlab.ljust(l0) + ext.ljust(l1) + pkg + '\n'
return msg
def _log_multiple_compat_errors(logger, errors_map):
"""Log compatibility errors for multiple extensions at once"""
outdated = []
others = []
for name, (version, errors) in errors_map.items():
age = _compat_error_age(errors)
if age > 0:
if outdated:
logger.warn('\n '.join(
['\n The following extension are outdated:'] +
outdated +
['\n Consider running "jupyter labextension update --all" '
'to check for updates.\n']
for name in others:
version, errors = errors_map[name]
msg = _format_compatibility_errors(name, version, errors)
logger.warn(msg + '\n')
def _log_single_compat_errors(logger, name, version, errors):
"""Log compatability errors for a single extension"""
age = _compat_error_age(errors)
if age > 0:
logger.warn('The extension "%s" is outdated.\n', name)
msg = _format_compatibility_errors(name, version, errors)
logger.warn(msg + '\n')
def _compat_error_age(errors):
"""Compare all incompatabilites for an extension.
Returns a number > 0 if all extensions are older than that supported by lab.
Returns a number < 0 if all extensions are newer than that supported by lab.
Returns 0 otherwise (i.e. a mix).
# Do any extensions depend on too old lab packages?
any_older = False
# Do any extensions depend on too new lab packages?
any_newer = False
for _, jlab, ext in errors:
# Drop prereleases in comparisons to allow extension authors
# to not have to update their versions for each
# Jupyterlab prerelease version.
c = _compare_ranges(ext, jlab, drop_prerelease1=True)
any_newer = any_newer or c < 0
any_older = any_older or c > 0
if any_older and not any_newer:
return 1
elif any_newer and not any_older:
return -1
return 0
def _get_core_extensions(core_data):
"""Get the core extensions.
data = core_data['jupyterlab']
return list(data['extensions']) + list(data['mimeExtensions'])
def _semver_prerelease_key(prerelease):
"""Sort key for prereleases.
Precedence for two pre-release versions with the same
major, minor, and patch version MUST be determined by
comparing each dot separated identifier from left to
right until a difference is found as follows:
identifiers consisting of only digits are compare
numerically and identifiers with letters or hyphens
are compared lexically in ASCII sort order. Numeric
identifiers always have lower precedence than non-
numeric identifiers. A larger set of pre-release
fields has a higher precedence than a smaller set,
if all of the preceding identifiers are equal.
for entry in prerelease:
if isinstance(entry, int):
# Assure numerics always sort before string
yield ('', entry)
# Use ASCII compare:
yield (entry,)
def _semver_key(version, prerelease_first=False):
"""A sort key-function for sorting semver version string.
The default sorting order is ascending (0.x -> 1.x -> 2.x).
If `prerelease_first`, pre-releases will come before
ALL other semver keys (not just those with same version).
I.e (1.0-pre, 2.0-pre -> 0.x -> 1.x -> 2.x).
Otherwise it will sort in the standard way that it simply
comes before any release with shared version string
(0.x -> 1.0-pre -> 1.x -> 2.0-pre -> 2.x).
v = make_semver(version, True)
if prerelease_first:
key = (0,) if v.prerelease else (1,)
key = ()
key = key + (v.major, v.minor, v.patch)
if not prerelease_first:
# NOT having a prerelease is > having one
key = key + (0,) if v.prerelease else (1,)
if v.prerelease:
key = key + tuple(_semver_prerelease_key(
return key
def _fetch_package_metadata(registry, name, logger):
"""Fetch the metadata for a package from the npm registry"""
req = Request(
urljoin(registry, quote(name, safe='@')),
'Accept': ('application/vnd.npm.install-v1+json;'
' q=1.0, application/json; q=0.8, */*')
logger.debug('Fetching URL: %s' % (req.full_url))
except AttributeError:
logger.debug('Fetching URL: %s' % (req.get_full_url()))
with contextlib.closing(urlopen(req)) as response:
return json.loads(response.read().decode('utf-8'))
except URLError as exc:
'Failed to fetch package metadata for %r: %r',
name, exc)
if __name__ == '__main__':