You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

354 lines
14 KiB

import inspect
from traitlets import ClassBasedTraitType, Undefined, warn
# Traitlet's 5.x includes a set of utilities for building
# description strings for objects. Traitlets 5.x does not
# support Python 3.6, but notebook does; instead
# notebook uses traitlets 4.3.x which doesn't have
# this `descriptions` submodule. This chunk in the except
# clause is a copy-and-paste from traitlets 5.0.5.
from traitlets.utils.descriptions import describe
except ImportError:
import inspect
import re
import types
def describe(article, value, name=None, verbose=False, capital=False):
"""Return string that describes a value
article : str or None
A definite or indefinite article. If the article is
indefinite (i.e. "a" or "an") the appropriate one
will be infered. Thus, the arguments of ``describe``
can themselves represent what the resulting string
will actually look like. If None, then no article
will be prepended to the result. For non-articled
description, values that are instances are treated
definitely, while classes are handled indefinitely.
value : any
The value which will be named.
name : str or None (default: None)
Only applies when ``article`` is "the" - this
``name`` is a definite reference to the value.
By default one will be infered from the value's
type and repr methods.
verbose : bool (default: False)
Whether the name should be concise or verbose. When
possible, verbose names include the module, and/or
class name where an object was defined.
capital : bool (default: False)
Whether the first letter of the article should
be capitalized or not. By default it is not.
Indefinite description:
>>> describe("a", object())
'an object'
>>> describe("a", object)
'an object'
>>> describe("a", type(object))
'a type'
Definite description:
>>> describe("the", object())
"the object at '0x10741f1b0'"
>>> describe("the", object)
"the type 'object'"
>>> describe("the", type(object))
"the type 'type'"
Definitely named description:
>>> describe("the", object(), "I made")
'the object I made'
>>> describe("the", object, "I will use")
'the object I will use'
if isinstance(article, str):
article = article.lower()
if not inspect.isclass(value):
typename = type(value).__name__
typename = value.__name__
if verbose:
typename = _prefix(value) + typename
if article == "the" or (article is None and not inspect.isclass(value)):
if name is not None:
result = f"{typename} {name}"
if article is not None:
return add_article(result, True, capital)
return result
tick_wrap = False
if inspect.isclass(value):
name = value.__name__
elif isinstance(value, types.FunctionType):
name = value.__name__
tick_wrap = True
elif isinstance(value, types.MethodType):
name = value.__func__.__name__
tick_wrap = True
elif type(value).__repr__ in (object.__repr__, type.__repr__):
name = f"at '{id(value):x}'"
verbose = False
name = repr(value)
verbose = False
if verbose:
name = _prefix(value) + name
if tick_wrap:
name = name.join("''")
return describe(article, value, name=name,
verbose=verbose, capital=capital)
elif article in ("a", "an") or article is None:
if article is None:
return typename
return add_article(typename, False, capital)
raise ValueError(
f"The 'article' argument should be 'the', 'a', 'an', or None not {article!r}"
def add_article(name, definite=False, capital=False):
"""Returns the string with a prepended article.
The input does not need to begin with a charater.
definite : bool (default: False)
Whether the article is definite or not.
Indefinite articles being 'a' and 'an',
while 'the' is definite.
capital : bool (default: False)
Whether the added article should have
its first letter capitalized or not.
if definite:
result = "the " + name
first_letters = re.compile(r'[\W_]+').sub('', name)
if first_letters[:1].lower() in 'aeiou':
result = 'an ' + name
result = 'a ' + name
if capital:
return result[0].upper() + result[1:]
return result
class TypeFromClasses(ClassBasedTraitType):
"""A trait whose value must be a subclass of a class in a specified list of classes."""
def __init__(self, default_value=Undefined, klasses=None, **kwargs):
"""Construct a Type trait
A Type trait specifies that its values must be subclasses of
a class in a list of possible classes.
If only ``default_value`` is given, it is used for the ``klasses`` as
well. If neither are given, both default to ``object``.
default_value : class, str or None
The default value must be a subclass of klass. If an str,
the str must be a fully specified class name, like ''.
The string is resolved into real class, when the parent
:class:`HasTraits` class is instantiated.
klasses : list of class, str [ default object ]
Values of this trait must be a subclass of klass. The klass
may be specified in a string like: ''.
The string is resolved into real class, when the parent
:class:`HasTraits` class is instantiated.
allow_none : bool [ default False ]
Indicates whether None is allowed as an assignable value.
if default_value is Undefined:
new_default_value = object if (klasses is None) else klasses
new_default_value = default_value
if klasses is None:
if (default_value is None) or (default_value is Undefined):
klasses = [object]
klasses = [default_value]
# OneOfType requires a list of klasses to be specified (different than Type).
if not isinstance(klasses, (list, tuple, set)):
raise TraitError("`klasses` must be a list of class names (type is str) or classes.")
for klass in klasses:
if not (inspect.isclass(klass) or isinstance(klass, str)):
raise TraitError("A OneOfType trait must specify a list of classes.")
# Store classes.
self.klasses = klasses
super().__init__(new_default_value, **kwargs)
def subclass_from_klasses(self, value):
"Check that a given class is a subclasses found in the klasses list."
return any(issubclass(value, klass) for klass in self.importable_klasses)
def validate(self, obj, value):
"""Validates that the value is a valid object instance."""
if isinstance(value, str):
value = self._resolve_string(value)
except ImportError:
raise TraitError(
f"The '{}' trait of {obj} instance must be a type, "
f"but {value!r} could not be imported"
if self.subclass_from_klasses(value):
return value
except Exception:
self.error(obj, value)
def info(self):
"""Returns a description of the trait."""
result = "a subclass of "
for klass in self.klasses:
if not isinstance(klass, str):
klass = klass.__module__ + '.' + klass.__name__
result += f"{klass} or "
# Strip the last "or"
result = result.strip(" or ")
if self.allow_none:
return result + ' or None'
return result
def instance_init(self, obj):
def _resolve_classes(self):
# Resolve all string names to actual classes.
self.importable_klasses = []
for klass in self.klasses:
if isinstance(klass, str):
klass = self._resolve_string(klass)
warn(f"{klass} is not importable. Is it installed?", ImportWarning)
if isinstance(self.default_value, str):
self.default_value = self._resolve_string(self.default_value)
def default_value_repr(self):
value = self.default_value
if isinstance(value, str):
return repr(value)
return repr(f'{value.__module__}.{value.__name__}')
class InstanceFromClasses(ClassBasedTraitType):
"""A trait whose value must be an instance of a class in a specified list of classes.
The value can also be an instance of a subclass of the specified classes.
Subclasses can declare default classes by overriding the klass attribute
def __init__(self, klasses=None, args=None, kw=None, **kwargs):
"""Construct an Instance trait.
This trait allows values that are instances of a particular
class or its subclasses. Our implementation is quite different
from that of enthough.traits as we don't allow instances to be used
for klass and we handle the ``args`` and ``kw`` arguments differently.
klasses : list of classes or class_names (str)
The class that forms the basis for the trait. Class names
can also be specified as strings, like ''.
args : tuple
Positional arguments for generating the default value.
kw : dict
Keyword arguments for generating the default value.
allow_none : bool [ default False ]
Indicates whether None is allowed as a value.
If both ``args`` and ``kw`` are None, then the default value is None.
If ``args`` is a tuple and ``kw`` is a dict, then the default is
created as ``klass(*args, **kw)``. If exactly one of ``args`` or ``kw`` is
None, the None is replaced by ``()`` or ``{}``, respectively.
# If class
if klasses is None:
self.klasses = klasses
# Verify all elements are either classes or strings.
elif all(inspect.isclass(k) or isinstance(k, str) for k in klasses):
self.klasses = klasses
raise TraitError(
f'The klasses attribute must be a list of class names or classes not: {klass!r}'
if (kw is not None) and not isinstance(kw, dict):
raise TraitError("The 'kw' argument must be a dict or None.")
if (args is not None) and not isinstance(args, tuple):
raise TraitError("The 'args' argument must be a tuple or None.")
self.default_args = args
self.default_kwargs = kw
def instance_from_importable_klasses(self, value):
"Check that a given class is a subclasses found in the klasses list."
return any(isinstance(value, klass) for klass in self.importable_klasses)
def validate(self, obj, value):
if self.instance_from_importable_klasses(value):
return value
self.error(obj, value)
def info(self):
result = "an instance of "
for klass in self.klasses:
if isinstance(klass, str):
result += klass
result += describe("a", klass)
result += " or "
result = result.strip(" or ")
if self.allow_none:
result += ' or None'
return result
def instance_init(self, obj):
def _resolve_classes(self):
# Resolve all string names to actual classes.
self.importable_klasses = []
for klass in self.klasses:
if isinstance(klass, str):
klass = self._resolve_string(klass)
warn(f"{klass} is not importable. Is it installed?", ImportWarning)
def make_dynamic_default(self):
if (self.default_args is None) and (self.default_kwargs is None):
return None
return self.klass(*(self.default_args or ()),
**(self.default_kwargs or {}))
def default_value_repr(self):
return repr(self.make_dynamic_default())
def from_string(self, s):
return _safe_literal_eval(s)