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import abc
import attr
from ._util import AlreadyUsedError, remove_tb_frames
__all__ = ['Error', 'Outcome', 'Value', 'acapture', 'capture']
def capture(sync_fn, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run ``sync_fn(*args, **kwargs)`` and capture the result.
Either a :class:`Value` or :class:`Error` as appropriate.
return Value(sync_fn(*args, **kwargs))
except BaseException as exc:
exc = remove_tb_frames(exc, 1)
return Error(exc)
async def acapture(async_fn, *args, **kwargs):
"""Run ``await async_fn(*args, **kwargs)`` and capture the result.
Either a :class:`Value` or :class:`Error` as appropriate.
return Value(await async_fn(*args, **kwargs))
except BaseException as exc:
exc = remove_tb_frames(exc, 1)
return Error(exc)
@attr.s(repr=False, init=False, slots=True)
class Outcome(abc.ABC):
"""An abstract class representing the result of a Python computation.
This class has two concrete subclasses: :class:`Value` representing a
value, and :class:`Error` representing an exception.
In addition to the methods described below, comparison operators on
:class:`Value` and :class:`Error` objects (``==``, ``<``, etc.) check that
the other object is also a :class:`Value` or :class:`Error` object
respectively, and then compare the contained objects.
:class:`Outcome` objects are hashable if the contained objects are
_unwrapped = attr.ib(default=False, eq=False, init=False)
def _set_unwrapped(self):
if self._unwrapped:
raise AlreadyUsedError
object.__setattr__(self, '_unwrapped', True)
def unwrap(self):
"""Return or raise the contained value or exception.
These two lines of code are equivalent::
x = fn(*args)
x = outcome.capture(fn, *args).unwrap()
def send(self, gen):
"""Send or throw the contained value or exception into the given
generator object.
gen: A generator object supporting ``.send()`` and ``.throw()``
async def asend(self, agen):
"""Send or throw the contained value or exception into the given async
generator object.
agen: An async generator object supporting ``.asend()`` and
``.athrow()`` methods.
@attr.s(frozen=True, repr=False, slots=True)
class Value(Outcome):
"""Concrete :class:`Outcome` subclass representing a regular value.
value = attr.ib()
"""The contained value."""
def __repr__(self):
return f'Value({self.value!r})'
def unwrap(self):
return self.value
def send(self, gen):
return gen.send(self.value)
async def asend(self, agen):
return await agen.asend(self.value)
@attr.s(frozen=True, repr=False, slots=True)
class Error(Outcome):
"""Concrete :class:`Outcome` subclass representing a raised exception.
error = attr.ib(validator=attr.validators.instance_of(BaseException))
"""The contained exception object."""
def __repr__(self):
return f'Error({self.error!r})'
def unwrap(self):
# Tracebacks show the 'raise' line below out of context, so let's give
# this variable a name that makes sense out of context.
captured_error = self.error
raise captured_error
# We want to avoid creating a reference cycle here. Python does
# collect cycles just fine, so it wouldn't be the end of the world
# if we did create a cycle, but the cyclic garbage collector adds
# latency to Python programs, and the more cycles you create, the
# more often it runs, so it's nicer to avoid creating them in the
# first place. For more details see:
# In particuar, by deleting this local variables from the 'unwrap'
# methods frame, we avoid the 'captured_error' object's
# __traceback__ from indirectly referencing 'captured_error'.
del captured_error, self
def send(self, it):
return it.throw(self.error)
async def asend(self, agen):
return await agen.athrow(self.error)