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import collections
import re
from colorsys import hls_to_rgb
from .parser import parse_one_component_value
class RGBA(collections.namedtuple('RGBA', ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'alpha'])):
"""An RGBA color.
A tuple of four floats in the 0..1 range: ``(red, green, blue, alpha)``.
.. attribute:: red
Convenience access to the red channel. Same as ``rgba[0]``.
.. attribute:: green
Convenience access to the green channel. Same as ``rgba[1]``.
.. attribute:: blue
Convenience access to the blue channel. Same as ``rgba[2]``.
.. attribute:: alpha
Convenience access to the alpha channel. Same as ``rgba[3]``.
def parse_color(input):
"""Parse a color value as defined in `CSS Color Level 3
:type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable`
:param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`.
* :obj:`None` if the input is not a valid color value.
(No exception is raised.)
* The string ``'currentColor'`` for the ``currentColor`` keyword
* Or a :class:`RGBA` object for every other values
(including keywords, HSL and HSLA.)
The alpha channel is clipped to [0, 1]
but red, green, or blue can be out of range
(eg. ``rgb(-10%, 120%, 0%)`` is represented as
``(-0.1, 1.2, 0, 1)``.)
if isinstance(input, str):
token = parse_one_component_value(input, skip_comments=True)
token = input
if token.type == 'ident':
return _COLOR_KEYWORDS.get(token.lower_value)
elif token.type == 'hash':
for multiplier, regexp in _HASH_REGEXPS:
match = regexp(token.value)
if match:
channels = [
int(group * multiplier, 16) / 255
for group in match.groups()]
if len(channels) == 3:
return RGBA(*channels)
elif token.type == 'function':
args = _parse_comma_separated(token.arguments)
if args:
name = token.lower_name
if name == 'rgb':
return _parse_rgb(args, alpha=1.)
elif name == 'rgba':
alpha = _parse_alpha(args[3:])
if alpha is not None:
return _parse_rgb(args[:3], alpha)
elif name == 'hsl':
return _parse_hsl(args, alpha=1.)
elif name == 'hsla':
alpha = _parse_alpha(args[3:])
if alpha is not None:
return _parse_hsl(args[:3], alpha)
def _parse_alpha(args):
"""Parse a list of one alpha value.
If args is a list of a single INTEGER or NUMBER token,
return its value clipped to the 0..1 range. Otherwise, return None.
if len(args) == 1 and args[0].type == 'number':
return min(1, max(0, args[0].value))
def _parse_rgb(args, alpha):
"""Parse a list of RGB channels.
If args is a list of 3 INTEGER tokens or 3 PERCENTAGE tokens, return RGB
values as a tuple of 3 floats in 0..1. Otherwise, return None.
types = [arg.type for arg in args]
if (types == ['number', 'number', 'number'] and
all(a.is_integer for a in args)):
r, g, b = [arg.int_value / 255 for arg in args[:3]]
return RGBA(r, g, b, alpha)
elif types == ['percentage', 'percentage', 'percentage']:
r, g, b = [arg.value / 100 for arg in args[:3]]
return RGBA(r, g, b, alpha)
def _parse_hsl(args, alpha):
"""Parse a list of HSL channels.
If args is a list of 1 INTEGER token and 2 PERCENTAGE tokens, return RGB
values as a tuple of 3 floats in 0..1. Otherwise, return None.
types = [arg.type for arg in args]
if types == ['number', 'percentage', 'percentage'] and args[0].is_integer:
r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(
args[0].int_value / 360, args[2].value / 100, args[1].value / 100)
return RGBA(r, g, b, alpha)
def _parse_comma_separated(tokens):
"""Parse a list of tokens (typically the content of a function token)
as arguments made of a single token each, separated by mandatory commas,
with optional white space around each argument.
return the argument list without commas or white space;
or None if the function token content do not match the description above.
tokens = [token for token in tokens
if token.type not in ('whitespace', 'comment')]
if not tokens:
return []
if len(tokens) % 2 == 1 and all(token == ',' for token in tokens[1::2]):
return tokens[::2]
(2, re.compile('^{}$'.format(4 * '([\\da-f])'), re.I).match),
(1, re.compile('^{}$'.format(4 * '([\\da-f]{2})'), re.I).match),
(2, re.compile('^{}$'.format(3 * '([\\da-f])'), re.I).match),
(1, re.compile('^{}$'.format(3 * '([\\da-f]{2})'), re.I).match),
# (r, g, b) in 0..255
('black', (0, 0, 0)),
('silver', (192, 192, 192)),
('gray', (128, 128, 128)),
('white', (255, 255, 255)),
('maroon', (128, 0, 0)),
('red', (255, 0, 0)),
('purple', (128, 0, 128)),
('fuchsia', (255, 0, 255)),
('green', (0, 128, 0)),
('lime', (0, 255, 0)),
('olive', (128, 128, 0)),
('yellow', (255, 255, 0)),
('navy', (0, 0, 128)),
('blue', (0, 0, 255)),
('teal', (0, 128, 128)),
('aqua', (0, 255, 255)),
# (r, g, b) in 0..255
('aliceblue', (240, 248, 255)),
('antiquewhite', (250, 235, 215)),
('aqua', (0, 255, 255)),
('aquamarine', (127, 255, 212)),
('azure', (240, 255, 255)),
('beige', (245, 245, 220)),
('bisque', (255, 228, 196)),
('black', (0, 0, 0)),
('blanchedalmond', (255, 235, 205)),
('blue', (0, 0, 255)),
('blueviolet', (138, 43, 226)),
('brown', (165, 42, 42)),
('burlywood', (222, 184, 135)),
('cadetblue', (95, 158, 160)),
('chartreuse', (127, 255, 0)),
('chocolate', (210, 105, 30)),
('coral', (255, 127, 80)),
('cornflowerblue', (100, 149, 237)),
('cornsilk', (255, 248, 220)),
('crimson', (220, 20, 60)),
('cyan', (0, 255, 255)),
('darkblue', (0, 0, 139)),
('darkcyan', (0, 139, 139)),
('darkgoldenrod', (184, 134, 11)),
('darkgray', (169, 169, 169)),
('darkgreen', (0, 100, 0)),
('darkgrey', (169, 169, 169)),
('darkkhaki', (189, 183, 107)),
('darkmagenta', (139, 0, 139)),
('darkolivegreen', (85, 107, 47)),
('darkorange', (255, 140, 0)),
('darkorchid', (153, 50, 204)),
('darkred', (139, 0, 0)),
('darksalmon', (233, 150, 122)),
('darkseagreen', (143, 188, 143)),
('darkslateblue', (72, 61, 139)),
('darkslategray', (47, 79, 79)),
('darkslategrey', (47, 79, 79)),
('darkturquoise', (0, 206, 209)),
('darkviolet', (148, 0, 211)),
('deeppink', (255, 20, 147)),
('deepskyblue', (0, 191, 255)),
('dimgray', (105, 105, 105)),
('dimgrey', (105, 105, 105)),
('dodgerblue', (30, 144, 255)),
('firebrick', (178, 34, 34)),
('floralwhite', (255, 250, 240)),
('forestgreen', (34, 139, 34)),
('fuchsia', (255, 0, 255)),
('gainsboro', (220, 220, 220)),
('ghostwhite', (248, 248, 255)),
('gold', (255, 215, 0)),
('goldenrod', (218, 165, 32)),
('gray', (128, 128, 128)),
('green', (0, 128, 0)),
('greenyellow', (173, 255, 47)),
('grey', (128, 128, 128)),
('honeydew', (240, 255, 240)),
('hotpink', (255, 105, 180)),
('indianred', (205, 92, 92)),
('indigo', (75, 0, 130)),
('ivory', (255, 255, 240)),
('khaki', (240, 230, 140)),
('lavender', (230, 230, 250)),
('lavenderblush', (255, 240, 245)),
('lawngreen', (124, 252, 0)),
('lemonchiffon', (255, 250, 205)),
('lightblue', (173, 216, 230)),
('lightcoral', (240, 128, 128)),
('lightcyan', (224, 255, 255)),
('lightgoldenrodyellow', (250, 250, 210)),
('lightgray', (211, 211, 211)),
('lightgreen', (144, 238, 144)),
('lightgrey', (211, 211, 211)),
('lightpink', (255, 182, 193)),
('lightsalmon', (255, 160, 122)),
('lightseagreen', (32, 178, 170)),
('lightskyblue', (135, 206, 250)),
('lightslategray', (119, 136, 153)),
('lightslategrey', (119, 136, 153)),
('lightsteelblue', (176, 196, 222)),
('lightyellow', (255, 255, 224)),
('lime', (0, 255, 0)),
('limegreen', (50, 205, 50)),
('linen', (250, 240, 230)),
('magenta', (255, 0, 255)),
('maroon', (128, 0, 0)),
('mediumaquamarine', (102, 205, 170)),
('mediumblue', (0, 0, 205)),
('mediumorchid', (186, 85, 211)),
('mediumpurple', (147, 112, 219)),
('mediumseagreen', (60, 179, 113)),
('mediumslateblue', (123, 104, 238)),
('mediumspringgreen', (0, 250, 154)),
('mediumturquoise', (72, 209, 204)),
('mediumvioletred', (199, 21, 133)),
('midnightblue', (25, 25, 112)),
('mintcream', (245, 255, 250)),
('mistyrose', (255, 228, 225)),
('moccasin', (255, 228, 181)),
('navajowhite', (255, 222, 173)),
('navy', (0, 0, 128)),
('oldlace', (253, 245, 230)),
('olive', (128, 128, 0)),
('olivedrab', (107, 142, 35)),
('orange', (255, 165, 0)),
('orangered', (255, 69, 0)),
('orchid', (218, 112, 214)),
('palegoldenrod', (238, 232, 170)),
('palegreen', (152, 251, 152)),
('paleturquoise', (175, 238, 238)),
('palevioletred', (219, 112, 147)),
('papayawhip', (255, 239, 213)),
('peachpuff', (255, 218, 185)),
('peru', (205, 133, 63)),
('pink', (255, 192, 203)),
('plum', (221, 160, 221)),
('powderblue', (176, 224, 230)),
('purple', (128, 0, 128)),
('red', (255, 0, 0)),
('rosybrown', (188, 143, 143)),
('royalblue', (65, 105, 225)),
('saddlebrown', (139, 69, 19)),
('salmon', (250, 128, 114)),
('sandybrown', (244, 164, 96)),
('seagreen', (46, 139, 87)),
('seashell', (255, 245, 238)),
('sienna', (160, 82, 45)),
('silver', (192, 192, 192)),
('skyblue', (135, 206, 235)),
('slateblue', (106, 90, 205)),
('slategray', (112, 128, 144)),
('slategrey', (112, 128, 144)),
('snow', (255, 250, 250)),
('springgreen', (0, 255, 127)),
('steelblue', (70, 130, 180)),
('tan', (210, 180, 140)),
('teal', (0, 128, 128)),
('thistle', (216, 191, 216)),
('tomato', (255, 99, 71)),
('turquoise', (64, 224, 208)),
('violet', (238, 130, 238)),
('wheat', (245, 222, 179)),
('white', (255, 255, 255)),
('whitesmoke', (245, 245, 245)),
('yellow', (255, 255, 0)),
('yellowgreen', (154, 205, 50)),
# (r, g, b, a) in 0..1 or a string marker
'currentcolor': 'currentColor',
'transparent': RGBA(0., 0., 0., 0.),
# RGBA namedtuples of (r, g, b, a) in 0..1 or a string marker
# 255 maps to 1, 0 to 0, the rest is linear.
(keyword, RGBA(r / 255., g / 255., b / 255., 1.))