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var mGlobal={}
.ready(function() {
// fix main menu to page on passing
type: 'fixed'
type: 'fixed',
offset: 80
// lazy load images
type: 'image',
transition: 'vertical flip in',
duration: 500
// show dropdown on hover
$(' .ui.dropdown').dropdown({
on: 'hover'
mGlobal.Monitor.GenerateUniqueID=function(inPrefix="tempUID=") {
return inPrefix+Math.round(Math.random()*1000)+"-"+Math.round(Math.random()*10000)+"-"+Math.round(Math.random()*1000)
mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Show=function() {
//Функция обновления картинки
lScreenshotUpdate=function() {
$(".daemon-screenshot img").attr('src', lScreenshotSrc);
mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Close=function() {
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left: 0;
transition: left 0.5s ease;
} {
background-color: #FFFFFF;
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.overlay.fixed .menu {
left: 800px;
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<h1 class="ui header inverted">OpenRPA</h1>
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<h1 class="ui header inverted">Daemon GUI</h1>
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<h5>by UnicodeLabs</h5>
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<div class="six wide column rpa-object-tree" >
<div class="six wide column rpa-hierarchy" >
<p>This example shows how to use lazy loaded images, a sticky menu, and a simple text container</p>
<div class="four wide column rpa-property-list" >
<div class="row black">
<div class="two wide column">
<button class="ui button grey labeled icon mini" onclick="mGlobal.GUIRefreshTree()">
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Refresh tree
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<h4 class="ui inverted header">Pywinauto</h4>
<div class="ui inverted link list">
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">Specification manual</a>
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">Classes manual</a>
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">How to use manual</a>
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">Base wrapper manual</a>
<div class="three wide column">
<h4 class="ui inverted header">Semantic UI</h4>
<div class="ui inverted link list">
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">Color manual</a>
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">Input manual</a>
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">Icon list</a>
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">Button manual</a>
<div class="three wide column">
<h4 class="ui inverted header">GitLab</h4>
<div class="ui inverted link list">
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">OpenRPA repository</a>
<a href="" class="item" target="_blank">UnicodeLabs</a>
<a href="#" class="item">Link -</a>
<a href="#" class="item">Link -</a>
<div class="seven wide column">
<h4 class="ui inverted header">OpenRPA</h4>
<p>Open source Robotic Process Automation software by the Unicode Labs (Created by Ivan Maslov). Under the MIT license.</p>
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<p>Here is the message text!</p>
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<img src="GetScreenshot" class="ui fluid image">
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<div class="ui green ok inverted button" onclick="mGlobal.Monitor.ScreenshotModal.Close()">
<i class="checkmark icon"></i>
<div class="ui modal openrpa-code-list-gui-import-modal">
<i class="close icon"></i>
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Code list import
<div class="content">
<div class="description">
<div class="ui header">Insert your JSON specification here.</div>
<p><textarea style="width:100%" rows="6" cols="60"></textarea></p>
<div class="actions">
<div class="ui black deny button">
<div class="ui positive right labeled icon button" onclick="mGlobal.CodeList.fActionSpecificationImportFromJSON();">
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