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# The purpose of this test is to ensure that the gateways objects
# do the right thing WRT COM rules about object identity etc.
# Also includes a basic test that we support inheritance correctly in
# gateway interfaces.
# For our test, we create an object of type IID_IPersistStorage
# This interface derives from IPersist.
# Therefore, QI's for IID_IDispatch, IID_IUnknown, IID_IPersist and
# IID_IPersistStorage should all return the same gateway object.
# In addition, the interface should only need to declare itself as
# using the IPersistStorage interface, and as the gateway derives
# from IPersist, it should automatically be available without declaration.
# We also create an object of type IID_I??, and perform a QI for it.
# We then jump through a number of hoops, ensuring that the objects
# returned by the QIs follow all the rules.
# Here is Gregs summary of the rules:
# 1) the set of supported interfaces is static and unchanging
# 2) symmetric: if you QI an interface for that interface, it succeeds
# 3) reflexive: if you QI against A for B, the new pointer must succeed
# for a QI for A
# 4) transitive: if you QI for B, then QI that for C, then QI'ing A for C
# must succeed
# Note that 1) Requires cooperation of the Python programmer. The rule to keep is:
# "whenever you return an _object_ from _query_interface_(), you must return the
# same object each time for a given IID. Note that you must return the same
# _wrapped_ object
# you
# The rest are tested here.
from win32com.server.util import wrap
import pythoncom
from .util import CheckClean
numErrors = 0
# Check that the 2 objects both have identical COM pointers.
def CheckSameCOMObject(ob1, ob2):
addr1 = repr(ob1).split()[6][:-1]
addr2 = repr(ob2).split()[6][:-1]
return addr1==addr2
# Check that the objects conform to COM identity rules.
def CheckObjectIdentity(ob1, ob2):
u1 = ob1.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IUnknown)
u2 = ob2.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IUnknown)
return CheckSameCOMObject(u1, u2)
def FailObjectIdentity(ob1, ob2, when):
if not CheckObjectIdentity(ob1, ob2):
global numErrors
numErrors = numErrors + 1
print(when, "are not identical (%s, %s)" % (repr(ob1), repr(ob2)))
class Dummy:
_public_methods_ = [] # We never attempt to make a call on this object.
_com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IPersistStorage]
class Dummy2:
_public_methods_ = [] # We never attempt to make a call on this object.
_com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IPersistStorage, pythoncom.IID_IExternalConnection]
class DeletgatedDummy:
_public_methods_ = []
class Dummy3:
_public_methods_ = [] # We never attempt to make a call on this object.
_com_interfaces_ = [pythoncom.IID_IPersistStorage]
def _query_interface_(self, iid):
if iid==pythoncom.IID_IExternalConnection:
# This will NEVER work - can only wrap the object once!
return wrap(DelegatedDummy())
def TestGatewayInheritance():
# By default, wrap() creates and discards a temporary object.
# This is not necessary, but just the current implementation of wrap.
# As the object is correctly discarded, it doesnt affect this test.
o = wrap(Dummy(), pythoncom.IID_IPersistStorage)
o2 = o.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IUnknown)
FailObjectIdentity(o, o2, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IUnknown")
o3 = o2.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IDispatch)
FailObjectIdentity(o2, o3, "IID_IUnknown->IID_IDispatch")
FailObjectIdentity(o, o3, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IDispatch")
o4 = o3.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersistStorage)
FailObjectIdentity(o, o4, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IPersistStorage(2)")
FailObjectIdentity(o2, o4, "IID_IUnknown->IID_IPersistStorage(2)")
FailObjectIdentity(o3, o4, "IID_IDispatch->IID_IPersistStorage(2)")
o5 = o4.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersist)
FailObjectIdentity(o, o5, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IPersist")
FailObjectIdentity(o2, o5, "IID_IUnknown->IID_IPersist")
FailObjectIdentity(o3, o5, "IID_IDispatch->IID_IPersist")
FailObjectIdentity(o4, o5, "IID_IPersistStorage(2)->IID_IPersist")
def TestMultiInterface():
o = wrap(Dummy2(), pythoncom.IID_IPersistStorage)
o2 = o.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IExternalConnection)
FailObjectIdentity(o, o2, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IExternalConnection")
# Make the same QI again, to make sure it is stable.
o22 = o.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IExternalConnection)
FailObjectIdentity(o, o22, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IExternalConnection")
FailObjectIdentity(o2, o22, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IExternalConnection (stability)")
o3 = o2.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersistStorage)
FailObjectIdentity(o2, o3, "IID_IExternalConnection->IID_IPersistStorage")
FailObjectIdentity(o, o3, "IID_IPersistStorage->IID_IExternalConnection->IID_IPersistStorage")
def test():
if numErrors==0:
print("Worked ok")
print("There were", numErrors, "errors.")
if __name__=='__main__':