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from typing import Optional, Union, Callable
RandFunc = Callable[[int],int]
class IntegerBase:
def __int__(self) -> int: ...
def __str__(self) -> str: ...
def __repr__(self) -> str: ...
def to_bytes(self, block_size: Optional[int]=0) -> bytes: ...
def from_bytes(byte_string: bytes) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __eq__(self, term: object) -> bool: ...
def __ne__(self, term: object) -> bool: ...
def __lt__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> bool: ...
def __le__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> bool: ...
def __gt__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> bool: ...
def __ge__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> bool: ...
def __nonzero__(self) -> bool: ...
def is_negative(self) -> bool: ...
def __add__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __sub__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __mul__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __floordiv__(self, divisor: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __mod__(self, divisor: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def inplace_pow(self, exponent: int, modulus: Optional[Union[IntegerBase, int]]=None) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __pow__(self, exponent: int, modulus: Optional[int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __abs__(self) -> IntegerBase: ...
def sqrt(self, modulus: Optional[int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __iadd__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __isub__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __imul__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __imod__(self, divisor: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __and__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __or__(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __rshift__(self, pos: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __irshift__(self, pos: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __lshift__(self, pos: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def __ilshift__(self, pos: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def get_bit(self, n: int) -> bool: ...
def is_odd(self) -> bool: ...
def is_even(self) -> bool: ...
def size_in_bits(self) -> int: ...
def size_in_bytes(self) -> int: ...
def is_perfect_square(self) -> bool: ...
def fail_if_divisible_by(self, small_prime: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> None: ...
def multiply_accumulate(self, a: Union[IntegerBase, int], b: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def set(self, source: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def inplace_inverse(self, modulus: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def inverse(self, modulus: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def gcd(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def lcm(self, term: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def jacobi_symbol(a: Union[IntegerBase, int], n: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase: ...
def _tonelli_shanks(n: Union[IntegerBase, int], p: Union[IntegerBase, int]) -> IntegerBase : ...
def random(cls, **kwargs: Union[int,RandFunc]) -> IntegerBase : ...
def random_range(cls, **kwargs: Union[int,RandFunc]) -> IntegerBase : ...