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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# cython: profile=False
# The Ink Templating System
# A lightweight, fast, flexible text templating system
# Copyright 2014 Christopher Simpkins
# MIT License
import re
# Template class
# A template string class that is inherited from Python str
# Includes metadata about the template:
# odel = opening delimiter
# cdel = closing delimiter
# varlist = inclusive list of all variables in the template text (parsed in constructor)
# Delimiters:
# default = {{variable}}
# assign new opening and closing delimiters as parameters when you make a new Template instance
# `escape_regex` boolean is a speedup, avoids Python escape of special regex chars if you do not need it
class Template(str):
def __new__(cls, template_text, open_delimiter="{{", close_delimiter="}}", escape_regex=False):
obj = str.__new__(cls, template_text)
obj.odel = open_delimiter
obj.cdel = close_delimiter
obj.varlist = obj._make_var_list(template_text, escape_regex) #contains all unique parsed variables from the template in a list
return obj
# [ _make_var_list method ] (list of strings)
# Private method that parses the template string for all variables that match the delimiter pattern
# Returns a list of the variable names as strings
def _make_var_list(self, template_text, escape_regex=False):
if escape_regex:
open_match_pat = self._escape_regex_special_chars(self.odel)
close_match_pat = self._escape_regex_special_chars(self.cdel)
match_pat = open_match_pat + r'(.*?)' + close_match_pat # capture group contains the variable name used between the opening and closing delimiters
match_pat = self.odel + r'(.*?)' + self.cdel
var_list = re.findall(match_pat, template_text) #generate a list that contains the capture group from the matches (i.e. the variables in the template)
return set(var_list) # remove duplicate entries by converting to set (and lookup speed improvement from hashing)
# [ _escape_regex_special_chars method ] (string)
# Private method that escapes special regex metacharacters
# Returns a string with the escaped character modifications
def _escape_regex_special_chars(self, test_escape_string):
return re.escape(test_escape_string)
# Renderer class
# Render the variable replacements in the ink template using a Python dictionary key argument
# Construct the instace of the Renderer with the Ink template and the dictionary key
# Run the renderer with the render method on the instance (e.g. r.render())
# Parameters to constructor:
# - template = an Ink Template instance
# - key = a dictionary mapped key = variable name : value = variable replacement data
# - html_entities = encode html entities with HTML escaped characters (default = False = do not encode)
class Renderer:
def __init__(self, template, key, html_entities=False):
self.odel = template.odel
self.cdel = template.cdel
self.template = template
self.html_entities = html_entities
self.key_dict = key
# [ render method ] (string)
# renders the variable replacements in the Ink template
# returns the rendered template as a string
def render(self):
# make local variables for the loop below (faster)
local_dict = self.key_dict
local_template = self.template
local_varlist = self.template.varlist
local_odel = self.odel
local_cdel = self.cdel
local_htmlent = self.html_entities
if local_htmlent:
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape #from Python std lib
for key in local_dict:
if key in local_varlist:
value = local_dict[key]
replace_string = local_odel + key + local_cdel
if local_htmlent:
value = escape(value) #xml.sax.saxutils function
local_template = local_template.replace(replace_string, value)
return local_template
##TODO : multiple file render method?
if __name__ == '__main__':
# template = Template("This is a of the {{test}} of the {{document}} {{type}} and more of the {{test}} {{document}} {{type}}")
# renderer = Renderer(template, {'test': 'ব য', 'document':'testing document', 'type':'of mine', 'bogus': 'bogus test'})
# print(renderer.render())