You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

546 lines
19 KiB

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import copy
import io
import os
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from warnings import warn
from toolz import merge
from .compression import seekable_files, files as compress_files
from .utils import (SeekableFile, read_block, infer_compression,
infer_storage_options, build_name_function,
from .. import config
from ..compatibility import unicode
from ..base import tokenize
from ..delayed import delayed
from ..utils import import_required, is_integer, parse_bytes
def read_bytes(urlpath, delimiter=None, not_zero=False, blocksize="128 MiB",
sample=True, compression=None, include_path=False, **kwargs):
"""Given a path or paths, return delayed objects that read from those paths.
The path may be a filename like ``'2015-01-01.csv'`` or a globstring
like ``'2015-*-*.csv'``.
The path may be preceded by a protocol, like ``s3://`` or ``hdfs://`` if
those libraries are installed.
This cleanly breaks data by a delimiter if given, so that block boundaries
start directly after a delimiter and end on the delimiter.
urlpath : string or list
Absolute or relative filepath(s). Prefix with a protocol like ``s3://``
to read from alternative filesystems. To read from multiple files you
can pass a globstring or a list of paths, with the caveat that they
must all have the same protocol.
delimiter : bytes
An optional delimiter, like ``b'\\n'`` on which to split blocks of
not_zero : bool
Force seek of start-of-file delimiter, discarding header.
blocksize : int, str
Chunk size in bytes, defaults to "128 MiB"
compression : string or None
String like 'gzip' or 'xz'. Must support efficient random access.
sample : bool or int
Whether or not to return a header sample. If an integer is given it is
used as sample size, otherwise the default sample size is 10kB.
include_path : bool
Whether or not to include the path with the bytes representing a particular file.
Default is False.
**kwargs : dict
Extra options that make sense to a particular storage connection, e.g.
host, port, username, password, etc.
>>> sample, blocks = read_bytes('2015-*-*.csv', delimiter=b'\\n') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> sample, blocks = read_bytes('s3://bucket/2015-*-*.csv', delimiter=b'\\n') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> sample, paths, blocks = read_bytes('2015-*-*.csv', include_path=True) # doctest: +SKIP
sample : bytes
The sample header
blocks : list of lists of ``dask.Delayed``
Each list corresponds to a file, and each delayed object computes to a
block of bytes from that file.
paths : list of strings, only included if include_path is True
List of same length as blocks, where each item is the path to the file
represented in the corresponding block.
fs, fs_token, paths = get_fs_token_paths(urlpath, mode='rb',
if len(paths) == 0:
raise IOError("%s resolved to no files" % urlpath)
if blocksize is not None:
if isinstance(blocksize, (str, unicode)):
blocksize = parse_bytes(blocksize)
if not is_integer(blocksize):
raise TypeError("blocksize must be an integer")
blocksize = int(blocksize)
if blocksize is None:
offsets = [[0]] * len(paths)
lengths = [[None]] * len(paths)
offsets = []
lengths = []
for path in paths:
size = logical_size(fs, path, compression)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Cannot do chunked reads on files compressed "
"with compression=%r. To read, set "
"blocksize=None" % get_compression(path, compression))
off = list(range(0, size, blocksize))
length = [blocksize] * len(off)
if not_zero:
off[0] = 1
length[0] -= 1
delayed_read = delayed(read_block_from_file)
out = []
for path, offset, length in zip(paths, offsets, lengths):
token = tokenize(fs_token, delimiter, path, fs.ukey(path),
compression, offset)
keys = ['read-block-%s-%s' % (o, token) for o in offset]
values = [delayed_read(OpenFile(fs, path, compression=compression),
o, l, delimiter, dask_key_name=key)
for o, key, l in zip(offset, keys, length)]
if sample:
with OpenFile(fs, paths[0], compression=compression) as f:
nbytes = 10000 if sample is True else sample
sample = read_block(f, 0, nbytes, delimiter)
if include_path:
return sample, out, paths
return sample, out
def read_block_from_file(lazy_file, off, bs, delimiter):
with copy.copy(lazy_file) as f:
return read_block(f, off, bs, delimiter)
class OpenFile(object):
File-like object to be used in a context
These instances are safe to serialize, as the low-level file object
is not created until invoked using `with`.
fs : FileSystem
The file system to use for opening the file. Should match the interface
of ``dask.bytes.local.LocalFileSystem``.
path : str
Location to open
mode : str like 'rb', optional
Mode of the opened file
compression : str or None, optional
Compression to apply
encoding : str or None, optional
The encoding to use if opened in text mode.
errors : str or None, optional
How to handle encoding errors if opened in text mode.
def __init__(self, fs, path, mode='rb', compression=None, encoding=None,
self.fs = fs
self.path = path
self.mode = mode
self.compression = get_compression(path, compression)
self.encoding = encoding
self.errors = errors
self.fobjects = []
def __reduce__(self):
return (OpenFile, (self.fs, self.path, self.mode, self.compression,
self.encoding, self.errors))
def __enter__(self):
mode = self.mode.replace('t', '').replace('b', '') + 'b'
f = SeekableFile(, mode=mode))
fobjects = [f]
if self.compression is not None:
compress = merge(seekable_files, compress_files)[self.compression]
f = compress(f, mode=mode)
if 't' in self.mode:
f = io.TextIOWrapper(f, encoding=self.encoding,
self.fobjects = fobjects
return f
def __exit__(self, *args):
def close(self):
"""Close all encapsulated file objects"""
for f in reversed(self.fobjects):
self.fobjects = []
def open_files(urlpath, mode='rb', compression=None, encoding='utf8',
errors=None, name_function=None, num=1, **kwargs):
""" Given a path or paths, return a list of ``OpenFile`` objects.
urlpath : string or list
Absolute or relative filepath(s). Prefix with a protocol like ``s3://``
to read from alternative filesystems. To read from multiple files you
can pass a globstring or a list of paths, with the caveat that they
must all have the same protocol.
mode : 'rb', 'wt', etc.
compression : string
Compression to use. See ``dask.bytes.compression.files`` for options.
encoding : str
For text mode only
errors : None or str
Passed to TextIOWrapper in text mode
name_function : function or None
if opening a set of files for writing, those files do not yet exist,
so we need to generate their names by formatting the urlpath for
each sequence number
num : int [1]
if writing mode, number of files we expect to create (passed to
**kwargs : dict
Extra options that make sense to a particular storage connection, e.g.
host, port, username, password, etc.
>>> files = open_files('2015-*-*.csv') # doctest: +SKIP
>>> files = open_files('s3://bucket/2015-*-*.csv.gz', compression='gzip') # doctest: +SKIP
List of ``OpenFile`` objects.
fs, fs_token, paths = get_fs_token_paths(urlpath, mode, num=num,
return [OpenFile(fs, path, mode=mode, compression=compression,
encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
for path in paths]
def get_compression(urlpath, compression):
if compression == 'infer':
compression = infer_compression(urlpath)
if compression is not None and compression not in compress_files:
raise ValueError("Compression type %s not supported" % compression)
return compression
def infer_options(urlpath):
if hasattr(urlpath, 'name'):
# deal with pathlib.Path objects - must be local
urlpath = str(urlpath)
ispath = True
ispath = False
options = infer_storage_options(urlpath)
protocol = options.pop('protocol')
urlpath = options.pop('path')
if ispath and protocol != 'file':
raise ValueError("Only use pathlib.Path with local files.")
return urlpath, protocol, options
def expand_paths_if_needed(paths, mode, num, fs, name_function):
"""Expand paths if they have a ``*`` in them.
:param paths: list of paths
mode : str
Mode in which to open files.
num : int
If opening in writing mode, number of files we expect to create.
fs : filesystem object
name_function : callable
If opening in writing mode, this callable is used to generate path
names. Names are generated for each partition by
``urlpath.replace('*', name_function(partition_index))``.
:return: list of paths
expanded_paths = []
paths = list(paths)
if 'w' in mode and sum([1 for p in paths if '*' in p]) > 1:
raise ValueError("When writing data, only one filename mask can be specified.")
for curr_path in paths:
if '*' in curr_path:
glob = True
if 'w' in mode:
# expand using name_function
expanded_paths.extend(_expand_paths(curr_path, name_function, num))
# expand using glob
glob = False
# if we generated more paths that asked for, trim the list
if 'w' in mode and len(expanded_paths) > num and glob:
expanded_paths = expanded_paths[:num]
return expanded_paths
def get_fs_token_paths(urlpath, mode='rb', num=1, name_function=None,
"""Filesystem, deterministic token, and paths from a urlpath and options.
urlpath : string
Absolute or relative filepath, URL (may include protocols like
``s3://``), or globstring pointing to data.
mode : str, optional
Mode in which to open files.
num : int, optional
If opening in writing mode, number of files we expect to create.
name_function : callable, optional
If opening in writing mode, this callable is used to generate path
names. Names are generated for each partition by
``urlpath.replace('*', name_function(partition_index))``.
storage_options : dict, optional
Additional keywords to pass to the filesystem class.
if isinstance(urlpath, (list, tuple)):
if not urlpath:
raise ValueError("empty urlpath sequence")
paths, protocols, options_list = zip(*map(infer_options, urlpath))
protocol = protocols[0]
options = options_list[0]
if not (all(p == protocol for p in protocols) and
all(o == options for o in options_list)):
raise ValueError("When specifying a list of paths, all paths must "
"share the same protocol and options")
update_storage_options(options, storage_options)
fs, fs_token = get_fs(protocol, options)
paths = expand_paths_if_needed(paths, mode, num, fs, name_function)
elif isinstance(urlpath, (str, unicode)) or hasattr(urlpath, 'name'):
urlpath, protocol, options = infer_options(urlpath)
update_storage_options(options, storage_options)
fs, fs_token = get_fs(protocol, options)
if 'w' in mode:
paths = _expand_paths(urlpath, name_function, num)
elif "*" in urlpath:
paths = sorted(fs.glob(urlpath))
paths = [urlpath]
raise TypeError('url type not understood: %s' % urlpath)
fs.protocol = protocol
return fs, fs_token, paths
def get_mapper(fs, path):
# This is not the right way to do this.
# At the very least, we should have the correct failed import messages
if fs.protocol == 'file':
from import DirectoryStore
return DirectoryStore(path)
elif fs.protocol == 's3':
from s3fs.mapping import S3Map
return S3Map(path, fs)
elif fs.protocol in ['gcs', 'gs']:
from gcsfs.mapping import GCSMap
return GCSMap(path, fs)
elif fs.protocol == 'hdfs':
from hdfs3.mapping import HDFSMap
return HDFSMap(fs, path)
raise ValueError('No mapper for protocol "%s"' % fs.protocol)
def _expand_paths(path, name_function, num):
if isinstance(path, (str, unicode)):
if path.count('*') > 1:
raise ValueError("Output path spec must contain at most one '*'.")
elif '*' not in path:
path = os.path.join(path, '*.part')
if name_function is None:
name_function = build_name_function(num - 1)
paths = [path.replace('*', name_function(i)) for i in range(num)]
if paths != sorted(paths):
warn("In order to preserve order between partitions paths created "
"with ``name_function`` should sort to partition order")
elif isinstance(path, (tuple, list)):
assert len(path) == num
paths = list(path)
raise ValueError("Path should be either\n"
"1. A list of paths: ['foo.json', 'bar.json', ...]\n"
"2. A directory: 'foo/\n"
"3. A path with a '*' in it: 'foo.*.json'")
return paths
def get_hdfs_driver(driver="auto"):
"""Get the hdfs driver implementation.
driver : {'auto', 'hdfs3', 'pyarrow'}, default 'auto'
HDFS library to use. Default is first installed in this list.
A filesystem class
if driver == 'auto':
for d in ['pyarrow', 'hdfs3']:
return get_hdfs_driver(d)
except RuntimeError:
raise RuntimeError("Please install either `pyarrow` (preferred) or `hdfs3`")
elif driver == 'hdfs3':
import_required('hdfs3', "`hdfs3` not installed")
from dask.bytes.hdfs3 import HDFS3HadoopFileSystem as cls
return cls
elif driver == 'pyarrow':
pa = import_required('pyarrow', "`pyarrow` not installed")
from dask.bytes.pyarrow import (_MIN_PYARROW_VERSION_SUPPORTED,
PyArrowHadoopFileSystem as cls)
if LooseVersion(pa.__version__) < _MIN_PYARROW_VERSION_SUPPORTED:
raise RuntimeError("pyarrow version >= %r required for hdfs driver "
return cls
raise ValueError('Unsupported hdfs driver: {0}'.format(driver))
def get_fs(protocol, storage_options=None):
"""Create a filesystem object from a protocol and options.
protocol : str
The specific protocol to use.
storage_options : dict, optional
Keywords to pass to the filesystem class.
if protocol in _filesystems:
cls = _filesystems[protocol]
elif protocol == 's3':
"Need to install `s3fs` library for s3 support\n"
" conda install s3fs -c conda-forge\n"
" or\n"
" pip install s3fs")
import dask.bytes.s3 # noqa, register the s3 backend
cls = _filesystems[protocol]
elif protocol in ('gs', 'gcs'):
"Need to install `gcsfs` library for Google Cloud Storage support\n"
" conda install gcsfs -c conda-forge\n"
" or\n"
" pip install gcsfs")
cls = _filesystems[protocol]
elif protocol in ['adl', 'adlfs']:
"Need to install `dask_adlfs` for Azure Datalake "
"Storage support.\n"
"First install azure-storage via pip or conda:\n"
" conda install -c conda-forge azure-storage\n"
" or\n"
" pip install azure-storage\n"
"and then install `dask_adlfs` via pip:\n"
" pip install dask-adlfs")
cls = _filesystems[protocol]
elif protocol == 'hdfs':
cls = get_hdfs_driver(config.get("hdfs_driver", "auto"))
elif protocol in ['http', 'https']:
"Need to install `requests` for HTTP support\n"
" conda install requests\n"
" or\n"
" pip install requests")
import dask.bytes.http # noqa, registers HTTP backend
cls = _filesystems[protocol]
raise ValueError("Unknown protocol %s" % protocol)
if storage_options is None:
storage_options = {}
fs = cls(**storage_options)
fs_token = tokenize(cls, protocol, storage_options)
return fs, fs_token
_filesystems = dict()
def logical_size(fs, path, compression='infer'):
if compression == 'infer':
compression = infer_compression(path)
if compression is None:
return fs.size(path)
elif compression in seekable_files:
with OpenFile(fs, path, compression=compression) as f:, 2)
return f.tell()
raise ValueError("Cannot infer logical size from file compressed with "
"compression=%r" % compression)
def get_pyarrow_filesystem(fs):
"""Get an equivalent pyarrow filesystem.
Not for public use, will be removed once a consistent filesystem api
is defined."""
return fs._get_pyarrow_filesystem()
except AttributeError:
raise NotImplementedError("Using pyarrow with a %r "
"filesystem object" % type(fs).__name__)