You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

259 lines
8.6 KiB

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from collections import defaultdict
import pandas as pd
from toolz import partition_all
from numbers import Integral
from ..base import tokenize, compute_as_if_collection
from .accessor import Accessor
from .utils import (has_known_categories, clear_known_categories, is_scalar,
def _categorize_block(df, categories, index):
""" Categorize a dataframe with given categories
df: DataFrame
categories: dict mapping column name to iterable of categories
df = df.copy()
for col, vals in categories.items():
if is_categorical_dtype(df[col]):
df[col] = df[col].cat.set_categories(vals)
df[col] = pd.Categorical(df[col], categories=vals, ordered=False)
if index is not None:
if is_categorical_dtype(df.index):
ind = df.index.set_categories(index)
ind = pd.Categorical(df.index, categories=index, ordered=False) =
df.index = ind
return df
def _get_categories(df, columns, index):
res = {}
for col in columns:
x = df[col]
if is_categorical_dtype(x):
res[col] = pd.Series(
res[col] = x.dropna().drop_duplicates()
if index:
if is_categorical_dtype(df.index):
return res, df.index.categories
return res, df.index.dropna().drop_duplicates()
return res, None
def _get_categories_agg(parts):
res = defaultdict(list)
res_ind = []
for p in parts:
for k, v in p[0].items():
res = {k: pd.concat(v, ignore_index=True).drop_duplicates()
for k, v in res.items()}
if res_ind[0] is None:
return res, None
return res, res_ind[0].append(res_ind[1:]).drop_duplicates()
def categorize(df, columns=None, index=None, split_every=None, **kwargs):
"""Convert columns of the DataFrame to category dtype.
columns : list, optional
A list of column names to convert to categoricals. By default any
column with an object dtype is converted to a categorical, and any
unknown categoricals are made known.
index : bool, optional
Whether to categorize the index. By default, object indices are
converted to categorical, and unknown categorical indices are made
known. Set True to always categorize the index, False to never.
split_every : int, optional
Group partitions into groups of this size while performing a
tree-reduction. If set to False, no tree-reduction will be used.
Default is 16.
Keyword arguments are passed on to compute.
meta = df._meta
if columns is None:
columns = list(meta.select_dtypes(['object', 'category']).columns)
elif is_scalar(columns):
columns = [columns]
# Filter out known categorical columns
columns = [c for c in columns if not (is_categorical_dtype(meta[c]) and
if index is not False:
if is_categorical_dtype(meta.index):
index = not has_known_categories(meta.index)
elif index is None:
index = meta.index.dtype == object
# Nothing to do
if not len(columns) and index is False:
return df
if split_every is None:
split_every = 16
elif split_every is False:
split_every = df.npartitions
elif not isinstance(split_every, Integral) or split_every < 2:
raise ValueError("split_every must be an integer >= 2")
token = tokenize(df, columns, index, split_every)
a = 'get-categories-chunk-' + token
dsk = {(a, i): (_get_categories, key, columns, index)
for (i, key) in enumerate(df.__dask_keys__())}
prefix = 'get-categories-agg-' + token
k = df.npartitions
depth = 0
while k > split_every:
b = prefix + str(depth)
for part_i, inds in enumerate(partition_all(split_every, range(k))):
dsk[(b, part_i)] = (_get_categories_agg, [(a, i) for i in inds])
k = part_i + 1
a = b
depth += 1
dsk[(prefix, 0)] = (_get_categories_agg, [(a, i) for i in range(k)])
# Compute the categories
categories, index = compute_as_if_collection(type(df), dsk, (prefix, 0),
# Categorize each partition
return df.map_partitions(_categorize_block, categories, index)
class CategoricalAccessor(Accessor):
Accessor object for categorical properties of the Series values.
>>> # doctest: +SKIP
Attributes that depend only on metadata are eager
* categories
* ordered
Attributes depending on the entire dataset are lazy
* codes
* ...
So `` <=> ``
So `` <=> `df.a.map_partitions(lambda x:`
_accessor =
_accessor_name = 'cat'
def _validate(self, series):
if not is_categorical_dtype(series.dtype):
raise AttributeError("Can only use .cat accessor with a "
"'category' dtype")
def known(self):
"""Whether the categories are fully known"""
return has_known_categories(self._series)
def as_known(self, **kwargs):
"""Ensure the categories in this series are known.
If the categories are known, this is a no-op. If unknown, the
categories are computed, and a new series with known categories is
Keywords to pass on to the call to `compute`.
if self.known:
return self._series
categories = self._property_map('categories').unique().compute(**kwargs)
return self.set_categories(categories.values)
def as_unknown(self):
"""Ensure the categories in this series are unknown"""
if not self.known:
return self._series
out = self._series.copy()
out._meta = clear_known_categories(out._meta)
return out
def ordered(self):
return self._delegate_property(self._series._meta, 'cat', 'ordered')
def categories(self):
"""The categories of this categorical.
If categories are unknown, an error is raised"""
if not self.known:
msg = ("`` with unknown categories is not "
"supported. Please use `` or "
"`df.categorize()` beforehand to ensure known categories")
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
return self._delegate_property(self._series._meta, 'cat', 'categories')
def codes(self):
"""The codes of this categorical.
If categories are unknown, an error is raised"""
if not self.known:
msg = ("`` with unknown categories is not "
"supported. Please use `` or "
"`df.categorize()` beforehand to ensure known categories")
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
return self._property_map('codes')
def remove_unused_categories(self):
Removes categories which are not used
This method requires a full scan of the data to compute the
unique values, which can be expensive.
# get the set of used categories
present = self._series.dropna().unique()
present = pd.Index(present.compute())
if isinstance(self._series._meta, pd.CategoricalIndex):
meta_cat = self._series._meta
meta_cat =
# Reorder to keep cat:code relationship, filtering unused (-1)
ordered, mask = present.reindex(meta_cat.categories)
if mask is None:
# PANDAS-23963: old and new categories match.
return self._series
new_categories = ordered[mask != -1]
meta = meta_cat.set_categories(new_categories, ordered=meta_cat.ordered)
return self._series.map_partitions(self._delegate_method, 'cat',
'set_categories', (),
{'new_categories': new_categories},