You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import os
from functools import partial
import re
from operator import add, neg
import sys
import pytest
optimize2 = (sys.flags.optimize == 2)
if not optimize2:
from import dot_graph, task_label, label, to_graphviz
pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(True,
reason="graphviz exception with Python -OO flag")
from dask import delayed
from dask.utils import ensure_not_exists
from IPython.display import Image, SVG
# Since graphviz doesn't store a graph, we need to parse the output
label_re = re.compile(r'.*\[label=(.*?) shape=(.*?)\]')
def get_label(line):
m = label_re.match(line)
if m:
def get_shape(line):
m = label_re.match(line)
if m:
dsk = {'a': 1,
'b': 2,
'c': (neg, 'a'),
'd': (neg, 'b'),
'e': (add, 'c', 'd'),
'f': (sum, ['a', 'e'])}
def test_task_label():
assert task_label((partial(add, 1), 1)) == 'add'
assert task_label((add, 1)) == 'add'
assert task_label((add, (add, 1, 2))) == 'add(...)'
def test_label():
assert label('x') == 'x'
assert label('elemwise-ffcd9aa2231d466b5aa91e8bfa9e9487') == 'elemwise-#'
cache = {}
result = label('elemwise-ffcd9aa2231d466b5aa91e8bfa9e9487', cache=cache)
assert result == 'elemwise-#0'
# cached
result = label('elemwise-ffcd9aa2231d466b5aa91e8bfa9e9487', cache=cache)
assert result == 'elemwise-#0'
assert len(cache) == 1
result = label('elemwise-e890b510984f344edea9a5e5fe05c0db', cache=cache)
assert result == 'elemwise-#1'
assert len(cache) == 2
result = label('elemwise-ffcd9aa2231d466b5aa91e8bfa9e9487', cache=cache)
assert result == 'elemwise-#0'
assert len(cache) == 2
assert label('x', cache=cache) == 'x'
assert len(cache) == 2
def test_to_graphviz():
g = to_graphviz(dsk)
labels = list(filter(None, map(get_label, g.body)))
assert len(labels) == 10 # 10 nodes total
assert set(labels) == {'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', '""'}
shapes = list(filter(None, map(get_shape, g.body)))
assert set(shapes) == set(('box', 'circle'))
def test_to_graphviz_custom():
g = to_graphviz(
data_attributes={'a': {'shape': 'square'}},
function_attributes={'c': {'label': 'neg_c', 'shape': 'ellipse'}},
labels = set(filter(None, map(get_label, g.body)))
assert labels == {'neg_c', 'd', 'e', 'f', '""'}
shapes = list(filter(None, map(get_shape, g.body)))
assert set(shapes) == set(('box', 'circle', 'square', 'ellipse'))
def test_to_graphviz_attributes():
assert to_graphviz(dsk).graph_attr['rankdir'] == 'BT'
assert to_graphviz(dsk, rankdir='LR').graph_attr['rankdir'] == 'LR'
assert to_graphviz(dsk, node_attr={'color': 'white'}).node_attr['color'] == 'white'
assert to_graphviz(dsk, edge_attr={'color': 'white'}).edge_attr['color'] == 'white'
def test_aliases():
g = to_graphviz({'x': 1, 'y': 'x'})
labels = list(filter(None, map(get_label, g.body)))
assert len(labels) == 2
assert len(g.body) - len(labels) == 1 # Single edge
@pytest.mark.parametrize('format,typ', [
('png', Image),
pytest.param('jpeg', Image, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='jpeg not always supported in dot')),
('dot', type(None)),
('pdf', type(None)),
('svg', SVG),
def test_dot_graph(tmpdir, format, typ):
# Use a name that the shell would interpret specially to ensure that we're
# not vulnerable to shell injection when interacting with `dot`.
filename = str(tmpdir.join('$(touch should_not_get_created.txt)'))
target = '.'.join([filename, format])
result = dot_graph(dsk, filename=filename, format=format)
assert not os.path.exists('should_not_get_created.txt')
assert os.path.isfile(target)
assert isinstance(result, typ)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('format,typ', [
('png', Image),
pytest.param('jpeg', Image, marks=pytest.mark.xfail(reason='jpeg not always supported in dot')),
('dot', type(None)),
('pdf', type(None)),
('svg', SVG),
def test_dot_graph_no_filename(tmpdir, format, typ):
before = tmpdir.listdir()
result = dot_graph(dsk, filename=None, format=format)
# We shouldn't write any files if filename is None.
after = tmpdir.listdir()
assert before == after
assert isinstance(result, typ)
def test_dot_graph_defaults():
# Test with default args.
default_name = 'mydask'
default_format = 'png'
target = '.'.join([default_name, default_format])
result = dot_graph(dsk)
assert os.path.isfile(target)
assert isinstance(result, Image)
def test_filenames_and_formats():
# Test with a variety of user provided args
filenames = ['mydaskpdf', 'mydask.pdf', 'mydask.pdf', 'mydaskpdf', 'mydask.pdf.svg']
formats = ['svg', None, 'svg', None, None]
targets = ['mydaskpdf.svg', 'mydask.pdf', 'mydask.pdf.svg', 'mydaskpdf.png', 'mydask.pdf.svg']
result_types = {
'png': Image,
'jpeg': Image,
'dot': type(None),
'pdf': type(None),
'svg': SVG,
for filename, format, target in zip(filenames, formats, targets):
expected_result_type = result_types[target.split('.')[-1]]
result = dot_graph(dsk, filename=filename, format=format)
assert os.path.isfile(target)
assert isinstance(result, expected_result_type)
def test_delayed_kwargs_apply():
def f(x, y=True):
return x + y
x = delayed(f)(1, y=2)
label = task_label(x.dask[x.key])
assert 'f' in label
assert 'apply' not in label