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# Copyright (c) 2009-2012 Denis Bilenko. See LICENSE for details.
gevent is a coroutine-based Python networking library that uses greenlet
to provide a high-level synchronous API on top of libev event loop.
See for the documentation.
.. versionchanged:: 1.3a2
Add the `config` object.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from collections import namedtuple
_version_info = namedtuple('version_info',
('major', 'minor', 'micro', 'releaselevel', 'serial'))
#: The programatic version identifier. The fields have (roughly) the
#: same meaning as :data:`sys.version_info`
#: .. deprecated:: 1.2
#: Use ``pkg_resources.parse_version(__version__)`` (or the equivalent
#: ``packaging.version.Version(__version__)``).
version_info = _version_info(1, 4, 0, 'dev', 0)
#: The human-readable PEP 440 version identifier.
#: Use ``pkg_resources.parse_version(__version__)`` or
#: ``packaging.version.Version(__version__)`` to get a machine-usable
#: value.
__version__ = '1.4.0'
__all__ = [
'signal', # deprecated
# Added in 1.3a2
import sys
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# trigger WSAStartup call
import socket # pylint:disable=unused-import,useless-suppression
del socket
# Floating point number, in number of seconds,
# like time.time
getswitchinterval = sys.getswitchinterval
setswitchinterval = sys.setswitchinterval
except AttributeError:
# Running on Python 2
_switchinterval = 0.005
def getswitchinterval():
return _switchinterval
def setswitchinterval(interval):
# Weed out None and non-numbers. This is not
# exactly exception compatible with the Python 3
# versions.
if interval > 0:
global _switchinterval
_switchinterval = interval
from gevent._config import config
from gevent._hub_local import get_hub
from gevent._hub_primitives import iwait_on_objects as iwait
from gevent._hub_primitives import wait_on_objects as wait
from gevent.greenlet import Greenlet, joinall, killall
joinall = joinall # export for pylint
spawn = Greenlet.spawn
spawn_later = Greenlet.spawn_later
#: The singleton configuration object for gevent.
config = config
from gevent.timeout import Timeout, with_timeout
from gevent.hub import getcurrent, GreenletExit, spawn_raw, sleep, idle, kill, reinit
from gevent.os import fork
except ImportError:
# See
# A temporary backwards compatibility shim to enable users to continue
# to treat 'from gevent import signal' as a callable, to matter whether
# the 'gevent.signal' module has been imported first
from gevent.hub import signal as _signal_class
signal_handler = _signal_class
from gevent import signal as _signal_module
# The object 'gevent.signal' must:
# - be callable, returning a gevent.hub.signal;
# - answer True to isinstance(gevent.signal(...), gevent.signal);
# - answer True to isinstance(gevent.signal(...), gevent.hub.signal)
# - have all the attributes of the module 'gevent.signal';
# - answer True to isinstance(gevent.signal, types.ModuleType) (optional)
# The only way to do this is to use a metaclass, an instance of which (a class)
# is put in sys.modules and is substituted for gevent.hub.signal.
# This handles everything except the last one.
class _signal_metaclass(type):
def __getattr__(cls, name):
return getattr(_signal_module, name)
def __setattr__(cls, name, value):
setattr(_signal_module, name, value)
def __instancecheck__(cls, instance):
return isinstance(instance, _signal_class)
def __dir__(cls):
return dir(_signal_module)
class signal(object):
__doc__ = _signal_module.__doc__
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return _signal_class(*args, **kwargs)
# The metaclass is applied after the class declaration
# for Python 2/3 compatibility
signal = _signal_metaclass(str("signal"),
sys.modules['gevent.signal'] = signal
sys.modules['gevent.hub'].signal = signal
del sys
# the following makes hidden imports visible to freezing tools like
# py2exe. see
# This is not well maintained or tested, though, so it likely becomes
# outdated on each major release.
def __dependencies_for_freezing(): # pragma: no cover
# pylint:disable=unused-import
from gevent import core
from gevent import resolver_thread
from gevent import resolver_ares
from gevent import socket as _socket
from gevent import threadpool
from gevent import thread
from gevent import threading
from gevent import select
from gevent import subprocess
import pprint
import traceback
import signal as _signal
del __dependencies_for_freezing