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import gevent
#import socket # on windows
# iwait should not raise `LoopExit: This operation would block forever`
# or `AssertionError: Invalid switch into ...`
# if the caller of iwait causes greenlets to switch in between
# return values
def worker(i):
# Have one of them raise an exception to test that case
if i == 2:
raise ValueError(i)
return i
def main():
finished = 0
# Wait on a group that includes one that will already be
# done, plus some that will finish as we watch
done_worker = gevent.spawn(worker, "done")
workers = [gevent.spawn(worker, i) for i in range(3)]
for _ in gevent.iwait(workers):
finished += 1
# Simulate doing something that causes greenlets to switch;
# a non-zero timeout is crucial
assert finished == 4
if __name__ == '__main__':