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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint:disable=broad-except
import gevent
from gevent import monkey
import os
import re
import gevent.testing as greentest
import unittest
import socket
from time import time
import traceback
import gevent.socket as gevent_socket
from gevent.testing.util import log
from gevent.testing import six
from gevent.testing.six import xrange
resolver = gevent.get_hub().resolver
log('Resolver: %s', resolver)
if getattr(resolver, 'pool', None) is not None:
resolver.pool.size = 1
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import RESOLVER_NOT_SYSTEM
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import RESOLVER_DNSPYTHON
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import PY2
import gevent.testing.timing
assert gevent_socket.gaierror is socket.gaierror
assert gevent_socket.error is socket.error
DEBUG = os.getenv('GEVENT_DEBUG', '') == 'trace'
def _run(function, *args):
result = function(*args)
assert not isinstance(result, BaseException), repr(result)
return result
except Exception as ex:
return ex
def format_call(function, args):
args = repr(args)
if args.endswith(',)'):
args = args[:-2] + ')'
module = function.__module__.replace('gevent._socketcommon', 'gevent')
name = function.__name__
return '%s:%s%s' % (module, name, args)
except AttributeError:
return function + args
def log_fresult(result, seconds):
if isinstance(result, Exception):
msg = ' -=> raised %r' % (result, )
msg = ' -=> returned %r' % (result, )
time_ms = ' %.2fms' % (seconds * 1000.0, )
space = 80 - len(msg) - len(time_ms)
if space > 0:
space = ' ' * space
space = ''
log(msg + space + time_ms)
def run(function, *args):
log(format_call(function, args))
delta = time()
result = _run(function, *args)
delta = time() - delta
log_fresult(result, delta)
return result, delta
def log_call(result, runtime, function, *args):
log(format_call(function, args))
log_fresult(result, runtime)
def compare_relaxed(a, b):
>>> compare_relaxed('2a00:1450:400f:801::1010', '2a00:1450:400f:800::1011')
>>> compare_relaxed('2a00:1450:400f:801::1010', '2aXX:1450:400f:900::1011')
>>> compare_relaxed('2a00:1450:4016:800::1013', '2a00:1450:4008:c01::93')
>>> compare_relaxed('2001:470::e852:4a38:9d7f:0', '2001:470:6d00:1c:1::d00')
>>> compare_relaxed('2001:470:4147:4943:6161:6161:2e74:6573', '2001:470::')
>>> compare_relaxed('2607:f8b0:6708:24af:1fd:700:60d4:4af', '2607:f8b0:2d00::f000:0')
>>> compare_relaxed('', '')
>>> compare_relaxed('', '')
# IPv6 address from different requests might be different
a_segments = a.count(':')
b_segments = b.count(':')
if a_segments and b_segments:
if a_segments == b_segments and a_segments in (4, 5, 6, 7):
return True
if a.rstrip(':').startswith(b.rstrip(':')) or b.rstrip(':').startswith(a.rstrip(':')):
return True
if a_segments >= 2 and b_segments >= 2 and a.split(':')[:2] == b.split(':')[:2]:
return True
return a.split('.', 1)[-1] == b.split('.', 1)[-1]
def contains_5tuples(lst):
for item in lst:
if not (isinstance(item, tuple) and len(item) == 5):
return False
return True
def relaxed_is_equal(a, b):
>>> relaxed_is_equal([(10, 1, 6, '', ('2a00:1450:400f:801::1010', 80, 0, 0))], [(10, 1, 6, '', ('2a00:1450:400f:800::1011', 80, 0, 0))])
>>> relaxed_is_equal([1, '2'], (1, '2'))
>>> relaxed_is_equal([1, '2'], [1, '2'])
>>> relaxed_is_equal(('', 'http'), ('', 'http'))
if type(a) is not type(b):
return False
if a == b:
return True
if isinstance(a, six.string_types):
return compare_relaxed(a, b)
if len(a) != len(b):
return False
except TypeError:
return False
if contains_5tuples(a) and contains_5tuples(b):
# getaddrinfo results
a = sorted(a)
b = sorted(b)
return all(relaxed_is_equal(x, y) for (x, y) in zip(a, b))
def add(klass, hostname, name=None,
skip=None, skip_reason=None):
call = callable(hostname)
def _setattr(k, n, func):
if skip:
func = greentest.skipIf(skip, skip_reason,)(func)
if not hasattr(k, n):
setattr(k, n, func)
if name is None:
if call:
name = hostname.__name__
name = re.sub(r'[^\w]+', '_', repr(hostname))
assert name, repr(hostname)
def test1(self):
x = hostname() if call else hostname
self._test('getaddrinfo', x, 'http')
test1.__name__ = 'test_%s_getaddrinfo' % name
_setattr(klass, test1.__name__, test1)
def test2(self):
x = hostname() if call else hostname
ipaddr = self._test('gethostbyname', x)
if not isinstance(ipaddr, Exception):
self._test('gethostbyaddr', ipaddr)
test2.__name__ = 'test_%s_gethostbyname' % name
_setattr(klass, test2.__name__, test2)
def test3(self):
x = hostname() if call else hostname
self._test('gethostbyname_ex', x)
test3.__name__ = 'test_%s_gethostbyname_ex' % name
_setattr(klass, test3.__name__, test3)
def test4(self):
x = hostname() if call else hostname
self._test('gethostbyaddr', x)
test4.__name__ = 'test_%s_gethostbyaddr' % name
_setattr(klass, test4.__name__, test4)
def test5(self):
x = hostname() if call else hostname
self._test('getnameinfo', (x, 80), 0)
test5.__name__ = 'test_%s_getnameinfo' % name
_setattr(klass, test5.__name__, test5)
class TestCase(greentest.TestCase):
__timeout__ = 30
switch_expected = None
verbose_dns = False
def should_log_results(self, result1, result2):
if not self.verbose_dns:
return False
if isinstance(result1, BaseException) and isinstance(result2, BaseException):
return type(result1) is not type(result2)
return repr(result1) != repr(result2)
def _test(self, func, *args):
gevent_func = getattr(gevent_socket, func)
real_func = monkey.get_original('socket', func)
real_result, time_real = run(real_func, *args)
gevent_result, time_gevent = run(gevent_func, *args)
if not DEBUG and self.should_log_results(real_result, gevent_result):
log_call(real_result, time_real, real_func, *args)
log_call(gevent_result, time_gevent, gevent_func, *args)
self.assertEqualResults(real_result, gevent_result, func)
if self.verbose_dns and time_gevent > time_real + 0.01 and time_gevent > 0.02:
msg = 'gevent:%s%s took %dms versus %dms stdlib' % (func, args, time_gevent * 1000.0, time_real * 1000.0)
if time_gevent > time_real + 1:
word = 'VERY'
word = 'quite'
log('\nWARNING: %s slow: %s', word, msg)
return gevent_result
def _normalize_result(self, result, func_name):
norm_name = '_normalize_result_' + func_name
if hasattr(self, norm_name):
return getattr(self, norm_name)(result)
return result
def _normalize_result_gethostbyname_ex(self, result):
# Often the second and third part of the tuple (hostname, aliaslist, ipaddrlist)
# can be in different orders if we're hitting different servers,
# or using the native and ares resolvers due to load-balancing techniques.
# We sort them.
if not RESOLVER_NOT_SYSTEM or isinstance(result, BaseException):
return result
# result[1].sort() # we wind up discarding this
# On Py2 in test_russion_gethostbyname_ex, this
# is actually an integer, for some reason. In TestLocalhost.tets__ip6_localhost,
# the result isn't this long (maybe an error?).
except AttributeError:
except IndexError:
return result
# On some systems, a random alias is found in the aliaslist
# by the system resolver, but not by cares, and vice versa. We deem the aliaslist
# unimportant and discard it.
# On some systems (Travis CI), the ipaddrlist for 'localhost' can come back
# with two entries (presumably two interfaces?) for c-ares
ips = result[2]
if ips == ['', '']:
ips = ['']
# On some systems, the hostname can get caps
return (result[0].lower(), [], ips)
def _normalize_result_getaddrinfo(self, result):
return result
# On Python 3, the builtin resolver can return SOCK_RAW results, but
# c-ares doesn't do that. So we remove those if we find them.
if hasattr(socket, 'SOCK_RAW') and isinstance(result, list):
result = [x for x in result if x[1] != socket.SOCK_RAW]
if isinstance(result, list):
return result
def _normalize_result_gethostbyaddr(self, result):
return result
if isinstance(result, tuple):
# On some systems, a random alias is found in the aliaslist
# by the system resolver, but not by cares and vice versa. We deem the aliaslist
# unimportant and discard it.
return (result[0], [], result[2])
return result
def assertEqualResults(self, real_result, gevent_result, func):
errors = (socket.gaierror, socket.herror, TypeError)
if isinstance(real_result, errors) and isinstance(gevent_result, errors):
if type(real_result) is not type(gevent_result):
log('WARNING: error type mismatch: %r (gevent) != %r (stdlib)', gevent_result, real_result)
real_result = self._normalize_result(real_result, func)
gevent_result = self._normalize_result(gevent_result, func)
real_result_repr = repr(real_result)
gevent_result_repr = repr(gevent_result)
if real_result_repr == gevent_result_repr:
if relaxed_is_equal(gevent_result, real_result):
# If we're using the ares resolver, allow the real resolver to generate an
# error that the ares resolver actually gets an answer to.
if (
and isinstance(real_result, errors)
and not isinstance(gevent_result, errors)
# From 2.7 on, assertEqual does a better job highlighting the results than we would
# because it calls assertSequenceEqual, which highlights the exact
# difference in the tuple
self.assertEqual(real_result, gevent_result)
class TestTypeError(TestCase):
add(TestTypeError, None)
add(TestTypeError, 25)
class TestHostname(TestCase):
add(TestHostname, socket.gethostname)
class TestLocalhost(TestCase):
# certain tests in only work if getaddrinfo('localhost') does not switch
# (e.g. NetworkConnectionAttributesTest.testSourceAddress)
#switch_expected = False
# XXX: The above has been commented out for some time. Apparently this isn't the case
# anymore.
def _normalize_result_getaddrinfo(self, result):
# We see that some impls (OS X) return extra results
# like DGRAM that ares does not.
return ()
return super(TestLocalhost, self)._normalize_result_getaddrinfo(result)
if greentest.RUNNING_ON_TRAVIS and greentest.PY2 and RESOLVER_NOT_SYSTEM:
def _normalize_result_gethostbyaddr(self, result):
# Beginning in November 2017 after an upgrade to Travis,
# we started seeing ares return ::1 for localhost, but
# the system resolver is still returning under Python 2
result = super(TestLocalhost, self)._normalize_result_gethostbyaddr(result)
if isinstance(result, tuple):
result = (result[0], result[1], [''])
return result
TestLocalhost, 'ip6-localhost',
skip_reason="ares fails here, for some reason, presumably a badly "
"configured /etc/hosts"
TestLocalhost, 'localhost',
skip_reason="Beginning Dec 1 2017, ares started returning ip6-localhost "
"instead of localhost"
class TestNonexistent(TestCase):
add(TestNonexistent, 'nonexistentxxxyyy')
class Test1234(TestCase):
add(Test1234, '')
class Test127001(TestCase):
Test127001, '',
skip_reason="Beginning Dec 1 2017, ares started returning ip6-localhost "
"instead of localhost"
class TestBroadcast(TestCase):
switch_expected = False
# ares and dnspython raises errors for broadcasthost/
@unittest.skip('ares raises errors for broadcasthost/')
def test__broadcast__gethostbyaddr(self):
test__broadcast__gethostbyname = test__broadcast__gethostbyaddr
add(TestBroadcast, '<broadcast>')
from gevent.resolver.dnspython import HostsFile
class SanitizedHostsFile(HostsFile):
def iter_all_host_addr_pairs(self):
for name, addr in super(SanitizedHostsFile, self).iter_all_host_addr_pairs():
and (name.endswith('local') # ignore bonjour, ares can't find them
# ignore common aliases that ares can't find
or addr == ''
or name == 'broadcasthost'
# We get extra results from some impls, like OS X
# it returns DGRAM results
or name == 'localhost')):
continue # pragma: no cover
if name.endswith('local'):
# These can only be found if bonjour is running,
# and are very slow to do so with the system resolver on OS X
yield name, addr
"This sometimes randomly fails on Travis with ares and on appveyor, beginning Feb 13, 2018")
# Probably due to round-robin DNS,
# since this is not actually the system's etc hosts file.
# TODO: Rethink this. We need something reliable. Go back to using
# the system's etc hosts?
class TestEtcHosts(TestCase):
MAX_HOSTS = int(os.getenv('GEVENTTEST_MAX_ETC_HOSTS', '10'))
def populate_tests(cls):
hf = SanitizedHostsFile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
all_etc_hosts = sorted(hf.iter_all_host_addr_pairs())
if len(all_etc_hosts) > cls.MAX_HOSTS and not DEBUG:
all_etc_hosts = all_etc_hosts[:cls.MAX_HOSTS]
for host, ip in all_etc_hosts:
add(cls, host)
add(cls, ip)
class TestGeventOrg(TestCase):
# For this test to work correctly, it needs to resolve to
# an address with a single A record; round-robin DNS and multiple A records
# may mess it up (subsequent requests---and we always make two---may return
# unequal results). We used to use, but that now has multiple A records;
# trying which is a CNAME to
add(TestGeventOrg, TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME)
class TestFamily(TestCase):
def getresult(cls):
if not hasattr(cls, '_result'):
cls._result = getattr(socket, 'getaddrinfo')(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, None)
return cls._result
def test_inet(self):
gevent_socket.getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, None, socket.AF_INET),
def test_unspec(self):
gevent_socket.getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, None, socket.AF_UNSPEC),
def test_badvalue(self):
self._test('getaddrinfo', TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, None, 255)
self._test('getaddrinfo', TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, None, 255000)
self._test('getaddrinfo', TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, None, -1)
def test_badtype(self):
self._test('getaddrinfo', TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 'x')
class Test_getaddrinfo(TestCase):
def _test_getaddrinfo(self, *args):
self._test('getaddrinfo', *args)
def test_80(self):
self._test_getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 80)
def test_int_string(self):
self._test_getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, '80')
def test_0(self):
self._test_getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 0)
def test_http(self):
self._test_getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 'http')
def test_notexistent_tld(self):
self._test_getaddrinfo('myhost.mytld', 53)
def test_notexistent_dot_com(self):
self._test_getaddrinfo('', 80)
def test1(self):
return self._test_getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 52, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0)
def test2(self):
return self._test_getaddrinfo(TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 53, socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 17)
"dnspython only returns some of the possibilities")
def test3(self):
return self._test_getaddrinfo('', 'http', socket.AF_INET6)
@greentest.skipIf(PY2, "Enums only on Python 3.4+")
def test_enums(self):
# On Python 3, getaddrinfo does special things to make sure that
# the fancy enums are returned.
gai = gevent_socket.getaddrinfo('', 80,
af, socktype, _proto, _canonname, _sa = gai[0]
self.assertIs(socktype, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.assertIs(af, socket.AF_INET)
class TestInternational(TestCase):
# dns python can actually resolve these: it uses
# the 2008 version of idna encoding, whereas on Python 2,
# with the default resolver, it tries to encode to ascii and
# raises a UnicodeEncodeError. So we get different results.
add(TestInternational, u'президент.рф', 'russian',
skip=(PY2 and RESOLVER_DNSPYTHON), skip_reason="dnspython can actually resolve these")
add(TestInternational, u'президент.рф'.encode('idna'), 'idna')
class TestInterrupted_gethostbyname(gevent.testing.timing.AbstractGenericWaitTestCase):
# There are refs to a Waiter in the C code that don't go
# away yet; one gc may or may not do it.
def test_returns_none_after_timeout(self):
super(TestInterrupted_gethostbyname, self).test_returns_none_after_timeout()
def wait(self, timeout):
with gevent.Timeout(timeout, False):
for index in xrange(1000000):
gevent_socket.gethostbyname('' % index)
except socket.error:
raise AssertionError('Timeout was not raised')
def cleanup(self):
# Depending on timing, this can raise:
# (This suddenly started happening on Apr 6 2016;
# is apparently no longer around)
# File "", line 538, in cleanup
# gevent.get_hub().threadpool.join()
# File "/home/travis/build/gevent/gevent/src/gevent/", line 108, in join
# sleep(delay)
# File "/home/travis/build/gevent/gevent/src/gevent/", line 169, in sleep
# hub.wait(loop.timer(seconds, ref=ref))
# File "/home/travis/build/gevent/gevent/src/gevent/", line 651, in wait
# result = waiter.get()
# File "/home/travis/build/gevent/gevent/src/gevent/", line 899, in get
# return self.hub.switch()
# File "/home/travis/build/gevent/gevent/src/greentest/", line 520, in switch
# return _original_Hub.switch(self, *args)
# File "/home/travis/build/gevent/gevent/src/gevent/", line 630, in switch
# return RawGreenlet.switch(self)
# gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
except Exception: # pragma: no cover pylint:disable=broad-except
# class TestInterrupted_getaddrinfo(greentest.GenericWaitTestCase):
# def wait(self, timeout):
# with gevent.Timeout(timeout, False):
# for index in range(1000):
# try:
# gevent_socket.getaddrinfo('' % index, 'http')
# except socket.gaierror:
# pass
class TestBadName(TestCase):
add(TestBadName, 'xxxxxxxxxxxx')
class TestBadIP(TestCase):
add(TestBadIP, '')
@greentest.skipIf(greentest.RUNNING_ON_TRAVIS, "Travis began returning ip6-localhost")
class Test_getnameinfo_127001(TestCase):
def test(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 80), 0)
def test_DGRAM(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 779), 0)
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 779), socket.NI_DGRAM)
def test_NOFQDN(self):
# I get ('localhost', 'www') with _socket but ('localhost.localdomain', 'www') with gevent.socket
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 80), socket.NI_NOFQDN)
def test_NAMEREQD(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 80), socket.NI_NAMEREQD)
class Test_getnameinfo_geventorg(TestCase):
def test_NUMERICHOST(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', (TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 80), 0)
self._test('getnameinfo', (TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 80), socket.NI_NUMERICHOST)
def test_NUMERICSERV(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', (TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 80), socket.NI_NUMERICSERV)
def test_domain1(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', (TestGeventOrg.HOSTNAME, 80), 0)
def test_domain2(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 80), 0)
def test_port_zero(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 0), 0)
class Test_getnameinfo_fail(TestCase):
def test_port_string(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 'http'), 0)
def test_bad_flags(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('localhost', 80), 55555555)
class TestInvalidPort(TestCase):
def test1(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', -1), 0)
def test2(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', None), 0)
def test3(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 'x'), 0)
"System resolvers do funny things with this: macOS raises gaierror, "
"Travis CI returns (, '0'). It's hard to match that exactly. "
"dnspython raises OverflowError.")
def test4(self):
self._test('getnameinfo', ('', 65536), 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':