You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# encoding: utf-8
"""Tests for IPython.utils.text"""
from __future__ import print_function
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import os
import math
import random
import sys
import as nt
from .. import text
def test_columnize():
"""Basic columnize tests."""
size = 5
items = [l*size for l in 'abc']
out = text.columnize(items, displaywidth=80)
nt.assert_equal(out, 'aaaaa bbbbb ccccc\n')
out = text.columnize(items, displaywidth=12)
nt.assert_equal(out, 'aaaaa ccccc\nbbbbb\n')
out = text.columnize(items, displaywidth=10)
nt.assert_equal(out, 'aaaaa\nbbbbb\nccccc\n')
def test_columnize_random():
"""Test with random input to hopfully catch edge case """
for nitems in [random.randint(2,70) for i in range(2,20)]:
displaywidth = random.randint(20,200)
rand_len = [random.randint(2,displaywidth) for i in range(nitems)]
items = ['x'*l for l in rand_len]
out = text.columnize(items, displaywidth=displaywidth)
longer_line = max([len(x) for x in out.split('\n')])
longer_element = max(rand_len)
if longer_line > displaywidth:
print("Columnize displayed something lager than displaywidth : %s " % longer_line)
print("longer element : %s " % longer_element)
print("displaywidth : %s " % displaywidth)
print("number of element : %s " % nitems)
print("size of each element :\n %s" % rand_len)
assert False
def test_columnize_medium():
"""Test with inputs than shouldn't be wider tahn 80 """
size = 40
items = [l*size for l in 'abc']
out = text.columnize(items, displaywidth=80)
nt.assert_equal(out, '\n'.join(items+['']))
def test_columnize_long():
"""Test columnize with inputs longer than the display window"""
size = 11
items = [l*size for l in 'abc']
out = text.columnize(items, displaywidth=size-1)
nt.assert_equal(out, '\n'.join(items+['']))