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Contains all classes and functions to deal with lists, dicts, generators and
iterators in general.
Array modifications
If the content of an array (``set``/``list``) is requested somewhere, the
current module will be checked for appearances of ``arr.append``,
``arr.insert``, etc. If the ``arr`` name points to an actual array, the
content will be added
This can be really cpu intensive, as you can imagine. Because |jedi| has to
follow **every** ``append`` and check wheter it's the right array. However this
works pretty good, because in *slow* cases, the recursion detector and other
settings will stop this process.
It is important to note that:
1. Array modfications work only in the current module.
2. Jedi only checks Array additions; ``list.pop``, etc are ignored.
from jedi import debug
from jedi import settings
from jedi._compatibility import force_unicode, is_py3
from jedi.cache import memoize_method
from jedi.evaluate import compiled
from jedi.evaluate import analysis
from jedi.evaluate import recursion
from jedi.evaluate.lazy_context import LazyKnownContext, LazyKnownContexts, \
from jedi.evaluate.helpers import get_int_or_none, is_string, \
predefine_names, evaluate_call_of_leaf, reraise_as_evaluator, \
from jedi.evaluate.utils import safe_property
from jedi.evaluate.utils import to_list
from jedi.evaluate.cache import evaluator_method_cache
from jedi.evaluate.filters import ParserTreeFilter, BuiltinOverwrite, \
from jedi.evaluate.base_context import ContextSet, NO_CONTEXTS, Context, \
TreeContext, ContextualizedNode
from jedi.parser_utils import get_comp_fors
class IterableMixin(object):
def py__stop_iteration_returns(self):
return ContextSet(compiled.builtin_from_name(self.evaluator, u'None'))
class GeneratorBase(BuiltinOverwrite, IterableMixin):
array_type = None
special_object_identifier = u'GENERATOR_OBJECT'
@publish_method('next', python_version_match=2)
@publish_method('__next__', python_version_match=3)
def py__next__(self):
return ContextSet.from_sets(lazy_context.infer() for lazy_context in self.py__iter__())
def name(self):
return compiled.CompiledContextName(self, 'generator')
class Generator(GeneratorBase):
"""Handling of `yield` functions."""
def __init__(self, evaluator, func_execution_context):
super(Generator, self).__init__(evaluator)
self._func_execution_context = func_execution_context
def py__iter__(self):
return self._func_execution_context.get_yield_lazy_contexts()
def py__stop_iteration_returns(self):
return self._func_execution_context.get_return_values()
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s of %s>" % (type(self).__name__, self._func_execution_context)
class CompForContext(TreeContext):
def from_comp_for(cls, parent_context, comp_for):
return cls(parent_context.evaluator, parent_context, comp_for)
def get_node(self):
return self.tree_node
def get_filters(self, search_global, until_position=None, origin_scope=None):
yield ParserTreeFilter(self.evaluator, self)
def comprehension_from_atom(evaluator, context, atom):
bracket = atom.children[0]
if bracket == '{':
if atom.children[1].children[1] == ':':
cls = DictComprehension
cls = SetComprehension
elif bracket == '(':
cls = GeneratorComprehension
elif bracket == '[':
cls = ListComprehension
return cls(evaluator, context, atom)
class ComprehensionMixin(object):
def __init__(self, evaluator, defining_context, atom):
super(ComprehensionMixin, self).__init__(evaluator)
self._defining_context = defining_context
self._atom = atom
def _get_comprehension(self):
"return 'a for a in b'"
# The atom contains a testlist_comp
return self._atom.children[1]
def _get_comp_for(self):
"return CompFor('for a in b')"
return self._get_comprehension().children[1]
def _eval_node(self, index=0):
The first part `x + 1` of the list comprehension:
[x + 1 for x in foo]
return self._get_comprehension().children[index]
def _get_comp_for_context(self, parent_context, comp_for):
# TODO shouldn't this be part of create_context?
return CompForContext.from_comp_for(parent_context, comp_for)
def _nested(self, comp_fors, parent_context=None):
comp_for = comp_fors[0]
is_async = 'async' == comp_for.children[comp_for.children.index('for') - 1]
input_node = comp_for.children[comp_for.children.index('in') + 1]
parent_context = parent_context or self._defining_context
input_types = parent_context.eval_node(input_node)
# TODO: simulate await if self.is_async
cn = ContextualizedNode(parent_context, input_node)
iterated = input_types.iterate(cn, is_async=is_async)
exprlist = comp_for.children[comp_for.children.index('for') + 1]
for i, lazy_context in enumerate(iterated):
types = lazy_context.infer()
dct = unpack_tuple_to_dict(parent_context, types, exprlist)
context_ = self._get_comp_for_context(
with predefine_names(context_, comp_for, dct):
for result in self._nested(comp_fors[1:], context_):
yield result
except IndexError:
iterated = context_.eval_node(self._eval_node())
if self.array_type == 'dict':
yield iterated, context_.eval_node(self._eval_node(2))
yield iterated
def _iterate(self):
comp_fors = tuple(get_comp_fors(self._get_comp_for()))
for result in self._nested(comp_fors):
yield result
def py__iter__(self):
for set_ in self._iterate():
yield LazyKnownContexts(set_)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s of %s>" % (type(self).__name__, self._atom)
class Sequence(BuiltinOverwrite, IterableMixin):
api_type = u'instance'
def name(self):
return compiled.CompiledContextName(self, self.array_type)
def get_object(self):
compiled_obj = compiled.builtin_from_name(self.evaluator, self.array_type)
only_obj, = compiled_obj.execute_evaluated(self)
return only_obj
def py__bool__(self):
return None # We don't know the length, because of appends.
def py__class__(self):
return compiled.builtin_from_name(self.evaluator, self.array_type)
def parent(self):
return self.evaluator.builtins_module
def dict_values(self):
return ContextSet.from_sets(
for k, v in self._items()
class ListComprehension(ComprehensionMixin, Sequence):
array_type = u'list'
def py__getitem__(self, index):
if isinstance(index, slice):
return ContextSet(self)
all_types = list(self.py__iter__())
with reraise_as_evaluator(IndexError, TypeError):
lazy_context = all_types[index]
return lazy_context.infer()
class SetComprehension(ComprehensionMixin, Sequence):
array_type = u'set'
class DictComprehension(ComprehensionMixin, Sequence):
array_type = u'dict'
def _get_comp_for(self):
return self._get_comprehension().children[3]
def py__iter__(self):
for keys, values in self._iterate():
yield LazyKnownContexts(keys)
def py__getitem__(self, index):
for keys, values in self._iterate():
for k in keys:
if isinstance(k, compiled.CompiledObject):
if k.get_safe_value(default=object()) == index:
return values
return self.dict_values()
def dict_values(self):
return ContextSet.from_sets(values for keys, values in self._iterate())
def _imitate_values(self):
lazy_context = LazyKnownContexts(self.dict_values())
return ContextSet(FakeSequence(self.evaluator, u'list', [lazy_context]))
def _imitate_items(self):
lazy_contexts = [
for key, value in self._iterate()
return ContextSet(FakeSequence(self.evaluator, u'list', lazy_contexts))
def exact_key_items(self):
# NOTE: A smarter thing can probably done here to achieve better
# completions, but at least like this jedi doesn't crash
return []
class GeneratorComprehension(ComprehensionMixin, GeneratorBase):
class SequenceLiteralContext(Sequence):
mapping = {'(': u'tuple',
'[': u'list',
'{': u'set'}
def __init__(self, evaluator, defining_context, atom):
super(SequenceLiteralContext, self).__init__(evaluator)
self.atom = atom
self._defining_context = defining_context
if self.atom.type in ('testlist_star_expr', 'testlist'):
self.array_type = u'tuple'
self.array_type = SequenceLiteralContext.mapping[atom.children[0]]
"""The builtin name of the array (list, set, tuple or dict)."""
def py__getitem__(self, index):
"""Here the index is an int/str. Raises IndexError/KeyError."""
if self.array_type == u'dict':
compiled_obj_index = compiled.create_simple_object(self.evaluator, index)
for key, value in self._items():
for k in self._defining_context.eval_node(key):
if isinstance(k, compiled.CompiledObject) \
and k.execute_operation(compiled_obj_index, u'==').get_safe_value():
return self._defining_context.eval_node(value)
raise EvaluatorKeyError('No key found in dictionary %s.' % self)
# Can raise an IndexError
if isinstance(index, slice):
return ContextSet(self)
with reraise_as_evaluator(TypeError, KeyError, IndexError):
node = self._items()[index]
return self._defining_context.eval_node(node)
def py__iter__(self):
While values returns the possible values for any array field, this
function returns the value for a certain index.
if self.array_type == u'dict':
# Get keys.
types = ContextSet()
for k, _ in self._items():
types |= self._defining_context.eval_node(k)
# We don't know which dict index comes first, therefore always
# yield all the types.
for _ in types:
yield LazyKnownContexts(types)
for node in self._items():
yield LazyTreeContext(self._defining_context, node)
for addition in check_array_additions(self._defining_context, self):
yield addition
def _values(self):
"""Returns a list of a list of node."""
if self.array_type == u'dict':
return ContextSet.from_sets(v for k, v in self._items())
return self._items()
def _items(self):
c = self.atom.children
if self.atom.type in ('testlist_star_expr', 'testlist'):
return c[::2]
array_node = c[1]
if array_node in (']', '}', ')'):
return [] # Direct closing bracket, doesn't contain items.
if array_node.type == 'testlist_comp':
# filter out (for now) pep 448 single-star unpacking
return [value for value in array_node.children[::2]
if value.type != "star_expr"]
elif array_node.type == 'dictorsetmaker':
kv = []
iterator = iter(array_node.children)
for key in iterator:
if key == "**":
# dict with pep 448 double-star unpacking
# for now ignoring the values imported by **
next(iterator, None) # Possible comma.
op = next(iterator, None)
if op is None or op == ',':
if key.type == "star_expr":
# pep 448 single-star unpacking
# for now ignoring values imported by *
kv.append(key) # A set.
assert op == ':' # A dict.
kv.append((key, next(iterator)))
next(iterator, None) # Possible comma.
return kv
if array_node.type == "star_expr":
# pep 448 single-star unpacking
# for now ignoring values imported by *
return []
return [array_node]
def exact_key_items(self):
Returns a generator of tuples like dict.items(), where the key is
resolved (as a string) and the values are still lazy contexts.
for key_node, value in self._items():
for key in self._defining_context.eval_node(key_node):
if is_string(key):
yield key.get_safe_value(), LazyTreeContext(self._defining_context, value)
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s of %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.atom)
class DictLiteralContext(SequenceLiteralContext):
array_type = u'dict'
def __init__(self, evaluator, defining_context, atom):
super(SequenceLiteralContext, self).__init__(evaluator)
self._defining_context = defining_context
self.atom = atom
def _imitate_values(self):
lazy_context = LazyKnownContexts(self.dict_values())
return ContextSet(FakeSequence(self.evaluator, u'list', [lazy_context]))
def _imitate_items(self):
lazy_contexts = [
self.evaluator, u'tuple',
(LazyTreeContext(self._defining_context, key_node),
LazyTreeContext(self._defining_context, value_node))
)) for key_node, value_node in self._items()
return ContextSet(FakeSequence(self.evaluator, u'list', lazy_contexts))
class _FakeArray(SequenceLiteralContext):
def __init__(self, evaluator, container, type):
super(SequenceLiteralContext, self).__init__(evaluator)
self.array_type = type
self.atom = container
# TODO is this class really needed?
class FakeSequence(_FakeArray):
def __init__(self, evaluator, array_type, lazy_context_list):
type should be one of "tuple", "list"
super(FakeSequence, self).__init__(evaluator, None, array_type)
self._lazy_context_list = lazy_context_list
def py__getitem__(self, index):
with reraise_as_evaluator(IndexError, TypeError):
lazy_context = self._lazy_context_list[index]
return lazy_context.infer()
def py__iter__(self):
return self._lazy_context_list
def py__bool__(self):
return bool(len(self._lazy_context_list))
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s of %s>" % (type(self).__name__, self._lazy_context_list)
class FakeDict(_FakeArray):
def __init__(self, evaluator, dct):
super(FakeDict, self).__init__(evaluator, dct, u'dict')
self._dct = dct
def py__iter__(self):
for key in self._dct:
yield LazyKnownContext(compiled.create_simple_object(self.evaluator, key))
def py__getitem__(self, index):
if is_py3 and self.evaluator.environment.version_info.major == 2:
# In Python 2 bytes and unicode compare.
if isinstance(index, bytes):
index_unicode = force_unicode(index)
return self._dct[index_unicode].infer()
except KeyError:
elif isinstance(index, str):
index_bytes = index.encode('utf-8')
return self._dct[index_bytes].infer()
except KeyError:
with reraise_as_evaluator(KeyError):
lazy_context = self._dct[index]
return lazy_context.infer()
def _values(self):
return ContextSet(FakeSequence(
self.evaluator, u'tuple',
def dict_values(self):
return ContextSet.from_sets(lazy_context.infer() for lazy_context in self._dct.values())
def exact_key_items(self):
return self._dct.items()
class MergedArray(_FakeArray):
def __init__(self, evaluator, arrays):
super(MergedArray, self).__init__(evaluator, arrays, arrays[-1].array_type)
self._arrays = arrays
def py__iter__(self):
for array in self._arrays:
for lazy_context in array.py__iter__():
yield lazy_context
def py__getitem__(self, index):
return ContextSet.from_sets(lazy_context.infer() for lazy_context in self.py__iter__())
def _items(self):
for array in self._arrays:
for a in array._items():
yield a
def __len__(self):
return sum(len(a) for a in self._arrays)
def unpack_tuple_to_dict(context, types, exprlist):
Unpacking tuple assignments in for statements and expr_stmts.
if exprlist.type == 'name':
return {exprlist.value: types}
elif exprlist.type == 'atom' and exprlist.children[0] in '([':
return unpack_tuple_to_dict(context, types, exprlist.children[1])
elif exprlist.type in ('testlist', 'testlist_comp', 'exprlist',
dct = {}
parts = iter(exprlist.children[::2])
n = 0
for lazy_context in types.iterate(exprlist):
n += 1
part = next(parts)
except StopIteration:
# TODO this context is probably not right.
analysis.add(context, 'value-error-too-many-values', part,
message="ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected %s)" % n)
dct.update(unpack_tuple_to_dict(context, lazy_context.infer(), part))
has_parts = next(parts, None)
if types and has_parts is not None:
# TODO this context is probably not right.
analysis.add(context, 'value-error-too-few-values', has_parts,
message="ValueError: need more than %s values to unpack" % n)
return dct
elif exprlist.type == 'power' or exprlist.type == 'atom_expr':
# Something like ``arr[x], var = ...``.
# This is something that is not yet supported, would also be difficult
# to write into a dict.
return {}
elif exprlist.type == 'star_expr': # `a, *b, c = x` type unpackings
# Currently we're not supporting them.
return {}
raise NotImplementedError
def check_array_additions(context, sequence):
""" Just a mapper function for the internal _check_array_additions """
if sequence.array_type not in ('list', 'set'):
# TODO also check for dict updates
return _check_array_additions(context, sequence)
def _check_array_additions(context, sequence):
Checks if a `Array` has "add" (append, insert, extend) statements:
>>> a = [""]
>>> a.append(1)
from jedi.evaluate import arguments
debug.dbg('Dynamic array search for %s' % sequence, color='MAGENTA')
module_context = context.get_root_context()
if not settings.dynamic_array_additions or isinstance(module_context, compiled.CompiledObject):
debug.dbg('Dynamic array search aborted.', color='MAGENTA')
return ContextSet()
def find_additions(context, arglist, add_name):
params = list(arguments.TreeArguments(context.evaluator, context, arglist).unpack())
result = set()
if add_name in ['insert']:
params = params[1:]
if add_name in ['append', 'add', 'insert']:
for key, whatever in params:
elif add_name in ['extend', 'update']:
for key, lazy_context in params:
result |= set(lazy_context.infer().iterate())
return result
temp_param_add, settings.dynamic_params_for_other_modules = \
settings.dynamic_params_for_other_modules, False
is_list = == 'list'
search_names = (['append', 'extend', 'insert'] if is_list else ['add', 'update'])
added_types = set()
for add_name in search_names:
possible_names = module_context.tree_node.get_used_names()[add_name]
except KeyError:
for name in possible_names:
context_node = context.tree_node
if not (context_node.start_pos < name.start_pos < context_node.end_pos):
trailer = name.parent
power = trailer.parent
trailer_pos = power.children.index(trailer)
execution_trailer = power.children[trailer_pos + 1]
except IndexError:
if execution_trailer.type != 'trailer' \
or execution_trailer.children[0] != '(' \
or execution_trailer.children[1] == ')':
random_context = context.create_context(name)
with recursion.execution_allowed(context.evaluator, power) as allowed:
if allowed:
found = evaluate_call_of_leaf(
if sequence in found:
# The arrays match. Now add the results
added_types |= find_additions(
# reset settings
settings.dynamic_params_for_other_modules = temp_param_add
debug.dbg('Dynamic array result %s' % added_types, color='MAGENTA')
return added_types
def get_dynamic_array_instance(instance, arguments):
"""Used for set() and list() instances."""
ai = _ArrayInstance(instance, arguments)
from jedi.evaluate import arguments
return arguments.ValuesArguments([ContextSet(ai)])
class _ArrayInstance(object):
Used for the usage of set() and list().
This is definitely a hack, but a good one :-)
It makes it possible to use set/list conversions.
In contrast to Array, ListComprehension and all other iterable types, this
is something that is only used inside `evaluate/compiled/fake/`
and therefore doesn't need filters, `py__bool__` and so on, because
we don't use these operations in ``.
def __init__(self, instance, var_args):
self.instance = instance
self.var_args = var_args
def py__iter__(self):
var_args = self.var_args
_, lazy_context = next(var_args.unpack())
except StopIteration:
for lazy in lazy_context.infer().iterate():
yield lazy
from jedi.evaluate import arguments
if isinstance(var_args, arguments.TreeArguments):
additions = _check_array_additions(var_args.context, self.instance)
for addition in additions:
yield addition
def iterate(self, contextualized_node=None, is_async=False):
return self.py__iter__()
class Slice(Context):
def __init__(self, context, start, stop, step):
super(Slice, self).__init__(
self._context = context
# all of them are either a Precedence or None.
self._start = start
self._stop = stop
self._step = step
def obj(self):
Imitate CompiledObject.obj behavior and return a ``builtin.slice()``
def get(element):
if element is None:
return None
result = self._context.eval_node(element)
if len(result) != 1:
# For simplicity, we want slices to be clear defined with just
# one type. Otherwise we will return an empty slice object.
raise IndexError
context, = result
return get_int_or_none(context)
return slice(get(self._start), get(self._stop), get(self._step))
except IndexError:
return slice(None, None, None)