You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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"""Tornado handlers for frontend config storage."""
# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
import hashlib
import json
import os
import re
import unicodedata
import urllib
from tornado import web
from .server import APIHandler, json_errors, url_path_join as ujoin
# The JupyterLab workspace file extension.
WORKSPACE_EXTENSION = '.jupyterlab-workspace'
def _list_workspaces(directory, prefix):
Return the list of workspaces in a given directory beginning with the
given prefix.
workspaces = { 'ids': [], 'values': [] }
if not os.path.exists(directory):
return workspaces
items = [item
for item in os.listdir(directory)
if item.startswith(prefix) and
for slug in items:
workspace_path = os.path.join(directory, slug)
if os.path.exists(workspace_path):
with open(workspace_path) as fid:
try: # to load and parse the workspace file.
workspace = json.load(fid)
except Exception as e:
raise web.HTTPError(500, str(e))
return workspaces
def slugify(raw, base='', sign=True, max_length=128 - len(WORKSPACE_EXTENSION)):
Use the common superset of raw and base values to build a slug shorter
than max_length. By default, base value is an empty string.
Convert spaces to hyphens. Remove characters that aren't alphanumerics
underscores, or hyphens. Convert to lowercase. Strip leading and trailing
Add an optional short signature suffix to prevent collisions.
Modified from Django utils:
raw = raw if raw.startswith('/') else '/' + raw
signature = ''
if sign:
data = raw[1:] # Remove initial slash that always exists for digest.
signature = '-' + hashlib.sha256(data.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:4]
base = (base if base.startswith('/') else '/' + base).lower()
raw = raw.lower()
common = 0
limit = min(len(base), len(raw))
while common < limit and base[common] == raw[common]:
common += 1
value = ujoin(base[common:], raw)
value = urllib.parse.unquote(value)
value = (unicodedata
.normalize('NFKC', value)
.encode('ascii', 'ignore')
value = re.sub(r'[^\w\s-]', '', value).strip()
value = re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', value)
return value[:max_length - len(signature)] + signature
class WorkspacesHandler(APIHandler):
def initialize(self, path, workspaces_url=None):
self.workspaces_dir = path
def ensure_directory(self):
"""Return the workspaces directory if set or raise error if not set."""
if not self.workspaces_dir:
raise web.HTTPError(500, 'Workspaces directory is not set')
return self.workspaces_dir
def delete(self, space_name):
directory = self.ensure_directory()
if not space_name:
raise web.HTTPError(400, 'Workspace name is required for DELETE')
slug = slugify(space_name)
workspace_path = os.path.join(directory, slug + WORKSPACE_EXTENSION)
if not os.path.exists(workspace_path):
raise web.HTTPError(404, 'Workspace %r (%r) not found' %
(space_name, slug))
try: # to delete the workspace file.
return self.set_status(204)
except Exception as e:
raise web.HTTPError(500, str(e))
def get(self, space_name=''):
directory = self.ensure_directory()
if not space_name:
prefix = slugify('', sign=False)
workspaces = _list_workspaces(directory, prefix)
return self.finish(json.dumps(dict(workspaces=workspaces)))
slug = slugify(space_name)
workspace_path = os.path.join(directory, slug + WORKSPACE_EXTENSION)
if os.path.exists(workspace_path):
with open(workspace_path) as fid:
try: # to load and parse the workspace file.
return self.finish(json.dumps(json.load(fid)))
except Exception as e:
raise web.HTTPError(500, str(e))
id = (space_name if space_name.startswith('/')
else '/' + space_name)
workspace = dict(data=dict(), metadata=dict(id=id))
return self.finish(json.dumps(workspace))
def put(self, space_name=''):
if not space_name:
raise web.HTTPError(400, 'Workspace name is required for PUT.')
directory = self.ensure_directory()
if not os.path.exists(directory):
except Exception as e:
raise web.HTTPError(500, str(e))
raw = self.request.body.strip().decode(u'utf-8')
workspace = dict()
# Make sure the data is valid JSON.
decoder = json.JSONDecoder()
workspace = decoder.decode(raw)
except Exception as e:
raise web.HTTPError(400, str(e))
# Make sure metadata ID matches the workspace name.
# Transparently support an optional inital root `/`.
metadata_id = workspace['metadata']['id']
metadata_id = (metadata_id if metadata_id.startswith('/')
else '/' + metadata_id)
metadata_id = urllib.parse.unquote(metadata_id)
if metadata_id != '/' + space_name:
message = ('Workspace metadata ID mismatch: expected %r got %r'
% (space_name, metadata_id))
raise web.HTTPError(400, message)
slug = slugify(space_name)
workspace_path = os.path.join(directory, slug + WORKSPACE_EXTENSION)
# Write the workspace data to a file.
with open(workspace_path, 'w') as fid: