You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Module containing filter functions that allow code to be highlighted
from within Jinja templates.
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# pygments must not be imported at the module level
# because errors should be raised at runtime if it's actually needed,
# not import time, when it may not be needed.
from nbconvert.utils.base import NbConvertBase
from warnings import warn
from traitlets import observe
MULTILINE_OUTPUTS = ['text', 'html', 'svg', 'latex', 'javascript', 'json']
__all__ = [
class Highlight2HTML(NbConvertBase):
def __init__(self, pygments_lexer=None, **kwargs):
self.pygments_lexer = pygments_lexer or 'ipython3'
def _default_language_changed(self, change):
warn('Setting default_language in config is deprecated as of 5.0, '
'please use language_info metadata instead.')
self.pygments_lexer = change['new']
def __call__(self, source, language=None, metadata=None):
Return a syntax-highlighted version of the input source as html output.
source : str
source of the cell to highlight
language : str
language to highlight the syntax of
metadata : NotebookNode cell metadata
metadata of the cell to highlight
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
if not language:
return _pygments_highlight(source if len(source) > 0 else ' ',
# needed to help post processors:
HtmlFormatter(cssclass=" highlight hl-"+language),
language, metadata)
class Highlight2Latex(NbConvertBase):
def __init__(self, pygments_lexer=None, **kwargs):
self.pygments_lexer = pygments_lexer or 'ipython3'
def _default_language_changed(self, change):
warn('Setting default_language in config is deprecated as of 5.0, '
'please use language_info metadata instead.')
self.pygments_lexer = change['new']
def __call__(self, source, language=None, metadata=None, strip_verbatim=False):
Return a syntax-highlighted version of the input source as latex output.
source : str
source of the cell to highlight
language : str
language to highlight the syntax of
metadata : NotebookNode cell metadata
metadata of the cell to highlight
strip_verbatim : bool
remove the Verbatim environment that pygments provides by default
from pygments.formatters import LatexFormatter
if not language:
latex = _pygments_highlight(source, LatexFormatter(), language, metadata)
if strip_verbatim:
latex = latex.replace(r'\begin{Verbatim}[commandchars=\\\{\}]' + '\n', '')
return latex.replace('\n\\end{Verbatim}\n', '')
return latex
def _pygments_highlight(source, output_formatter, language='ipython', metadata=None):
Return a syntax-highlighted version of the input source
source : str
source of the cell to highlight
output_formatter : Pygments formatter
language : str
language to highlight the syntax of
metadata : NotebookNode cell metadata
metadata of the cell to highlight
from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import get_lexer_by_name
from pygments.util import ClassNotFound
# If the cell uses a magic extension language,
# use the magic language instead.
if language.startswith('ipython') \
and metadata \
and 'magics_language' in metadata:
language = metadata['magics_language']
lexer = None
if language == 'ipython2':
from IPython.lib.lexers import IPythonLexer
except ImportError:
warn("IPython lexer unavailable, falling back on Python")
language = 'python'
lexer = IPythonLexer()
elif language == 'ipython3':
from IPython.lib.lexers import IPython3Lexer
except ImportError:
warn("IPython3 lexer unavailable, falling back on Python 3")
language = 'python3'
lexer = IPython3Lexer()
if lexer is None:
lexer = get_lexer_by_name(language, stripall=True)
except ClassNotFound:
warn("No lexer found for language %r. Treating as plain text." % language)
from pygments.lexers.special import TextLexer
lexer = TextLexer()
return highlight(source, lexer, output_formatter)