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Module containing a preprocessor that removes cells if they match
one or more regular expression.
# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
from traitlets import Set, Unicode
from .base import Preprocessor
class TagRemovePreprocessor(Preprocessor):
Removes inputs, outputs, or cells from a notebook that
have tags that designate they are to be removed prior to exporting
the notebook.
removes cells tagged with these values
removes entire output areas on cells
tagged with these values
removes individual output objects on
outputs tagged with these values
removes inputs tagged with these values
remove_cell_tags = Set(Unicode(), default_value=[],
help=("Tags indicating which cells are to be removed,"
"matches tags in ``cell.metadata.tags``.")).tag(config=True)
remove_all_outputs_tags = Set(Unicode(), default_value=[],
help=("Tags indicating cells for which the outputs are to be removed,"
"matches tags in ``cell.metadata.tags``.")).tag(config=True)
remove_single_output_tags = Set(Unicode(), default_value=[],
help=("Tags indicating which individual outputs are to be removed,"
"matches output *i* tags in ``cell.outputs[i].metadata.tags``.")
remove_input_tags = Set(Unicode(), default_value=[],
help=("Tags indicating cells for which input is to be removed,"
"matches tags in ``cell.metadata.tags``.")).tag(config=True)
remove_metadata_fields = Set(
{'collapsed', 'scrolled'}
def check_cell_conditions(self, cell, resources, index):
Checks that a cell has a tag that is to be removed
Returns: Boolean.
True means cell should *not* be removed.
# Return true if any of the tags in the cell are removable.
return not self.remove_cell_tags.intersection(
cell.get('metadata', {}).get('tags', []))
def preprocess(self, nb, resources):
Preprocessing to apply to each notebook. See for details.
# Skip preprocessing if the list of patterns is empty
if not any([self.remove_cell_tags,
return nb, resources
# Filter out cells that meet the conditions
nb.cells = [self.preprocess_cell(cell, resources, index)[0]
for index, cell in enumerate(nb.cells)
if self.check_cell_conditions(cell, resources, index)]
return nb, resources
def preprocess_cell(self, cell, resources, cell_index):
Apply a transformation on each cell. See for details.
if (self.remove_all_outputs_tags.intersection(
cell.get('metadata', {}).get('tags', []))
and cell.cell_type == 'code'):
cell.outputs = []
cell.execution_count = None
# Remove metadata associated with output
if 'metadata' in cell:
for field in self.remove_metadata_fields:
cell.metadata.pop(field, None)
if (self.remove_input_tags.intersection(
cell.get('metadata', {}).get('tags', []))):
cell.transient = {
'remove_source': True
if cell.get('outputs', []):
cell.outputs = [output
for output_index, output in enumerate(cell.outputs)
if self.check_output_conditions(output,
return cell, resources
def check_output_conditions(self, output, resources,
cell_index, output_index):
Checks that an output has a tag that indicates removal.
Returns: Boolean.
True means output should *not* be removed.
return not self.remove_single_output_tags.intersection(
output.get('metadata', {}).get('tags', []))