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# coding: utf-8
"""Tests for the Python API for composing notebook elements"""
from nbformat.validator import isvalid, validate, ValidationError
from ..nbbase import (
NotebookNode, nbformat,
new_code_cell, new_markdown_cell, new_notebook,
new_output, new_raw_cell,
def test_empty_notebook():
nb = new_notebook()
assert nb.cells == []
assert nb.metadata == NotebookNode()
assert nb.nbformat == nbformat
def test_empty_markdown_cell():
cell = new_markdown_cell()
assert cell.cell_type == 'markdown'
assert cell.source == ''
def test_markdown_cell():
cell = new_markdown_cell(u'* Søme markdown')
assert cell.source == u'* Søme markdown'
def test_empty_raw_cell():
cell = new_raw_cell()
assert cell.cell_type == u'raw'
assert cell.source == ''
def test_raw_cell():
cell = new_raw_cell('hi')
assert cell.source == u'hi'
def test_empty_code_cell():
cell = new_code_cell('hi')
assert cell.cell_type == 'code'
assert cell.source == u'hi'
def test_empty_display_data():
output = new_output('display_data')
assert output.output_type == 'display_data'
def test_empty_stream():
output = new_output('stream')
assert output.output_type == 'stream'
assert == 'stdout'
assert output.text == ''
def test_empty_execute_result():
output = new_output('execute_result', execution_count=1)
assert output.output_type == 'execute_result'
mimebundle = {
'text/plain': "some text",
"application/json": {
"key": "value"
"image/svg+xml": 'ABCDEF',
"application/octet-stream": 'ABC-123',
"application/": "Some other stuff",
def test_display_data():
output = new_output('display_data', mimebundle)
for key, expected in mimebundle.items():
assert[key] == expected
def test_execute_result():
output = new_output('execute_result', mimebundle, execution_count=10)
assert output.execution_count == 10
for key, expected in mimebundle.items():
assert[key] == expected
def test_error():
o = new_output(output_type=u'error', ename=u'NameError',
evalue=u'Name not found', traceback=[u'frame 0', u'frame 1', u'frame 2']
assert o.output_type == u'error'
assert o.ename == u'NameError'
assert o.evalue == u'Name not found'
assert o.traceback == [u'frame 0', u'frame 1', u'frame 2']
def test_code_cell_with_outputs():
cell = new_code_cell(execution_count=10, outputs=[
new_output('display_data', mimebundle),
new_output('stream', text='hello'),
new_output('execute_result', mimebundle, execution_count=10),
assert cell.execution_count == 10
assert len(cell.outputs) == 3
er = cell.outputs[-1]
assert er.execution_count == 10
assert er['output_type'] == 'execute_result'
def test_stream():
output = new_output('stream', name='stderr', text='hello there')
assert == 'stderr'
assert output.text == 'hello there'