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Test the notification area and widgets
import pytest
from .utils import wait_for_selector, wait_for_script_to_return_true
def get_widget(notebook, name):
return notebook.browser.execute_script(
f"return IPython.notification_area.get_widget('{name}') !== undefined"
def widget(notebook, name):
return notebook.browser.execute_script(
f"return IPython.notification_area.widget('{name}') !== undefined"
def new_notification_widget(notebook, name):
return notebook.browser.execute_script(
f"return IPython.notification_area.new_notification_widget('{name}') !== undefined"
def widget_has_class(notebook, name, class_name):
return notebook.browser.execute_script(
var w = IPython.notification_area.get_widget('{name}');
return w.element.hasClass('{class_name}');
def widget_message(notebook, name):
return notebook.browser.execute_script(
var w = IPython.notification_area.get_widget('{name}');
return w.get_message();
def test_notification(notebook):
# check that existing widgets are there
assert get_widget(notebook, "kernel") and widget(notebook, "kernel"),\
"The kernel notification widget exists"
assert get_widget(notebook, "notebook") and widget(notebook, "notebook"),\
"The notebook notification widget exists"
# try getting a non-existent widget
with pytest.raises(Exception):
get_widget(notebook, "foo")
# try creating a non-existent widget
assert widget(notebook, "bar"), "widget: new widget is created"
# try creating a widget that already exists
with pytest.raises(Exception):
new_notification_widget(notebook, "kernel")
# test creating 'info', 'warning' and 'danger' messages
for level in ("info", "warning", "danger"):
var tnw = IPython.notification_area.widget('test');
tnw.{level}('test {level}');
wait_for_selector(notebook.browser, "#notification_test", visible=True)
assert widget_has_class(notebook, "test", level), f"{level}: class is correct"
assert widget_message(notebook, "test") == f"test {level}", f"{level}: message is correct"
# test message timeout
var tnw = IPython.notification_area.widget('test');
tnw.set_message('test timeout', 1000);
wait_for_selector(notebook.browser, "#notification_test", visible=True)
assert widget_message(notebook, "test") == "test timeout", "timeout: message is correct"
wait_for_selector(notebook.browser, "#notification_test", obscures=True)
assert widget_message(notebook, "test") == "", "timeout: message was cleared"
# test click callback
var tnw = IPython.notification_area.widget('test');
tnw._clicked = false;
tnw.set_message('test click', undefined, function () {
tnw._clicked = true;
return true;
wait_for_selector(notebook.browser, "#notification_test", visible=True)
assert widget_message(notebook, "test") == "test click", "callback: message is correct"
'return IPython.notification_area.widget("test")._clicked;')
wait_for_selector(notebook.browser, "#notification_test", obscures=True)
assert widget_message(notebook, "test") == "", "callback: message was cleared"