You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

470 lines
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import os
from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains
from import By
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
from selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement import WebElement
from contextlib import contextmanager
pjoin = os.path.join
def wait_for_selector(driver, selector, timeout=10, visible=False, single=False, wait_for_n=1, obscures=False):
if wait_for_n > 1:
return _wait_for_multiple(
driver, By.CSS_SELECTOR, selector, timeout, wait_for_n, visible)
return _wait_for(driver, By.CSS_SELECTOR, selector, timeout, visible, single, obscures)
def wait_for_tag(driver, tag, timeout=10, visible=False, single=False, wait_for_n=1, obscures=False):
if wait_for_n > 1:
return _wait_for_multiple(
driver, By.TAG_NAME, tag, timeout, wait_for_n, visible)
return _wait_for(driver, By.TAG_NAME, tag, timeout, visible, single, obscures)
def wait_for_xpath(driver, xpath, timeout=10, visible=False, single=False, wait_for_n=1, obscures=False):
if wait_for_n > 1:
return _wait_for_multiple(
driver, By.XPATH, xpath, timeout, wait_for_n, visible)
return _wait_for(driver, By.XPATH, xpath, timeout, visible, single, obscures)
def wait_for_script_to_return_true(driver, script, timeout=10):
WebDriverWait(driver, timeout).until(lambda d: d.execute_script(script))
def _wait_for(driver, locator_type, locator, timeout=10, visible=False, single=False, obscures=False):
"""Waits `timeout` seconds for the specified condition to be met. Condition is
met if any matching element is found. Returns located element(s) when found.
driver: Selenium web driver instance
locator_type: type of locator (e.g. By.CSS_SELECTOR or By.TAG_NAME)
locator: name of tag, class, etc. to wait for
timeout: how long to wait for presence/visibility of element
visible: if True, require that element is not only present, but visible
single: if True, return a single element, otherwise return a list of matching
obscures: if True, waits until the element becomes invisible
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, timeout)
if obscures:
conditional = EC.invisibility_of_element_located
elif single:
if visible:
conditional = EC.visibility_of_element_located
conditional = EC.presence_of_element_located
if visible:
conditional = EC.visibility_of_all_elements_located
conditional = EC.presence_of_all_elements_located
return wait.until(conditional((locator_type, locator)))
def _wait_for_multiple(driver, locator_type, locator, timeout, wait_for_n, visible=False):
"""Waits until `wait_for_n` matching elements to be present (or visible).
Returns located elements when found.
driver: Selenium web driver instance
locator_type: type of locator (e.g. By.CSS_SELECTOR or By.TAG_NAME)
locator: name of tag, class, etc. to wait for
timeout: how long to wait for presence/visibility of element
wait_for_n: wait until this number of matching elements are present/visible
visible: if True, require that elements are not only present, but visible
wait = WebDriverWait(driver, timeout)
def multiple_found(driver):
elements = driver.find_elements(locator_type, locator)
if visible:
elements = [e for e in elements if e.is_displayed()]
if len(elements) < wait_for_n:
return False
return elements
return wait.until(multiple_found)
class CellTypeError(ValueError):
def __init__(self, message=""):
self.message = message
class Notebook:
def __init__(self, browser):
self.browser = browser
def __len__(self):
return len(self.cells)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.cells[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
if isinstance(key, int):
self.edit_cell(index=key, content=item, render=False)
# TODO: re-add slicing support, handle general python slicing behaviour
# includes: overwriting the entire self.cells object if you do
# self[:] = []
# elif isinstance(key, slice):
# indices = (self.index(cell) for cell in self[key])
# for k, v in zip(indices, item):
# self.edit_cell(index=k, content=v, render=False)
def __iter__(self):
return (cell for cell in self.cells)
def _wait_for_start(self):
"""Wait until the notebook interface is loaded and the kernel started"""
wait_for_selector(self.browser, '.cell')
WebDriverWait(self.browser, 10).until(
lambda drvr: self.is_kernel_running()
def body(self):
return self.browser.find_element_by_tag_name("body")
def cells(self):
"""Gets all cells once they are visible.
return self.browser.find_elements_by_class_name("cell")
def current_index(self):
return self.index(self.current_cell)
def index(self, cell):
return self.cells.index(cell)
def disable_autosave_and_onbeforeunload(self):
"""Disable request to save before closing window and autosave.
This is most easily done by using js directly.
self.browser.execute_script("window.onbeforeunload = null;")
def to_command_mode(self):
"""Changes us into command mode on currently focused cell
self.browser.execute_script("return Jupyter.notebook.handle_command_mode("
def focus_cell(self, index=0):
cell = self.cells[index]
self.current_cell = cell
def select_cell_range(self, initial_index=0, final_index=0):
for i in range(final_index - initial_index):
shift(self.browser, 'j')
def find_and_replace(self, index=0, find_txt='', replace_txt=''):
wait_for_selector(self.browser, "#find-and-replace", single=True)
def convert_cell_type(self, index=0, cell_type="code"):
# TODO add check to see if it is already present
cell = self.cells[index]
if cell_type == "markdown":
elif cell_type == "raw":
elif cell_type == "code":
raise CellTypeError(("{} is not a valid cell type,"
"use 'code', 'markdown', or 'raw'").format(cell_type))
return self.current_cell
def wait_for_stale_cell(self, cell):
""" This is needed to switch a cell's mode and refocus it, or to render it.
Warning: there is currently no way to do this when changing between
markdown and raw cells.
wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, 10)
element = wait.until(EC.staleness_of(cell))
def wait_for_element_availability(self, element):
_wait_for(self.browser, By.CLASS_NAME, element, visible=True)
def get_cells_contents(self):
JS = 'return Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().map(function(c) {return c.get_text();})'
return self.browser.execute_script(JS)
def get_cell_contents(self, index=0, selector='div .CodeMirror-code'):
return self.cells[index].find_element_by_css_selector(selector).text
def get_cell_output(self, index=0, output='output_subarea'):
return self.cells[index].find_elements_by_class_name(output)
def wait_for_cell_output(self, index=0, timeout=10):
return WebDriverWait(self.browser, timeout).until(
lambda b: self.get_cell_output(index)
def set_cell_metadata(self, index, key, value):
JS = 'Jupyter.notebook.get_cell({}).metadata.{} = {}'.format(index, key, value)
return self.browser.execute_script(JS)
def get_cell_type(self, index=0):
JS = 'return Jupyter.notebook.get_cell({}).cell_type'.format(index)
return self.browser.execute_script(JS)
def set_cell_input_prompt(self, index, prmpt_val):
JS = 'Jupyter.notebook.get_cell({}).set_input_prompt({})'.format(index, prmpt_val)
def edit_cell(self, cell=None, index=0, content="", render=False):
"""Set the contents of a cell to *content*, by cell object or by index
if cell is not None:
index = self.index(cell)
# Select & delete anything already in the cell
cmdtrl(self.browser, 'a')
for line_no, line in enumerate(content.splitlines()):
if line_no != 0:
self.current_cell.send_keys(Keys.ENTER, "\n")
self.current_cell.send_keys(Keys.ENTER, line)
if render:
def execute_cell(self, cell_or_index=None):
if isinstance(cell_or_index, int):
index = cell_or_index
elif isinstance(cell_or_index, WebElement):
index = self.index(cell_or_index)
raise TypeError("execute_cell only accepts a WebElement or an int")
self.current_cell.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL, Keys.ENTER)
def add_cell(self, index=-1, cell_type="code", content=""):
new_index = index + 1 if index >= 0 else index
if content:
self.edit_cell(index=index, content=content)
if cell_type != 'code':
self.convert_cell_type(index=new_index, cell_type=cell_type)
def add_and_execute_cell(self, index=-1, cell_type="code", content=""):
self.add_cell(index=index, cell_type=cell_type, content=content)
def delete_cell(self, index):
def add_markdown_cell(self, index=-1, content="", render=True):
self.add_cell(index, cell_type="markdown")
self.edit_cell(index=index, content=content, render=render)
def append(self, *values, cell_type="code"):
for i, value in enumerate(values):
if isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError("Don't know how to add cell from %r" % value)
def extend(self, values):
def run_all(self):
for cell in self:
def trigger_keydown(self, keys):
trigger_keystrokes(self.body, keys)
def is_kernel_running(self):
return self.browser.execute_script(
"return Jupyter.notebook.kernel && Jupyter.notebook.kernel.is_connected()"
def clear_cell_output(self, index):
JS = 'Jupyter.notebook.clear_output({})'.format(index)
def new_notebook(cls, browser, kernel_name='kernel-python3'):
with new_window(browser):
select_kernel(browser, kernel_name=kernel_name)
return cls(browser)
def select_kernel(browser, kernel_name='kernel-python3'):
"""Clicks the "new" button and selects a kernel from the options.
wait = WebDriverWait(browser, 10)
new_button = wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.ID, "new-dropdown-button")))
kernel_selector = '#{} a'.format(kernel_name)
kernel = wait_for_selector(browser, kernel_selector, single=True)
def new_window(browser):
"""Contextmanager for switching to & waiting for a window created.
This context manager gives you the ability to create a new window inside
the created context and it will switch you to that new window.
Usage example:
from notebook.tests.selenium.utils import new_window, Notebook
⋮ # something that creates a browser object
with new_window(browser):
select_kernel(browser, kernel_name=kernel_name)
nb = Notebook(browser)
initial_window_handles = browser.window_handles
new_window_handles = [window for window in browser.window_handles
if window not in initial_window_handles]
if not new_window_handles:
raise Exception("No new windows opened during context")
def shift(browser, k):
"""Send key combination Shift+(k)"""
trigger_keystrokes(browser, "shift-%s"%k)
def cmdtrl(browser, k):
"""Send key combination Ctrl+(k) or Command+(k) for MacOS"""
trigger_keystrokes(browser, "command-%s"%k) if os.uname()[0] == "Darwin" else trigger_keystrokes(browser, "control-%s"%k)
def alt(browser, k):
"""Send key combination Alt+(k)"""
trigger_keystrokes(browser, 'alt-%s'%k)
def trigger_keystrokes(browser, *keys):
""" Send the keys in sequence to the browser.
Handles following key combinations
1. with modifiers eg. 'control-alt-a', 'shift-c'
2. just modifiers eg. 'alt', 'esc'
3. non-modifiers eg. 'abc'
Modifiers :
for each_key_combination in keys:
keys = each_key_combination.split('-')
if len(keys) > 1: # key has modifiers eg. control, alt, shift
modifiers_keys = [getattr(Keys, x.upper()) for x in keys[:-1]]
ac = ActionChains(browser)
for i in modifiers_keys: ac = ac.key_down(i)
for i in modifiers_keys[::-1]: ac = ac.key_up(i)
else: # single key stroke. Check if modifier eg. "up"
browser.send_keys(getattr(Keys, keys[0].upper(), keys[0]))
def validate_dualmode_state(notebook, mode, index):
'''Validate the entire dual mode state of the notebook.
Checks if the specified cell is selected, and the mode and keyboard mode are the same.
Depending on the mode given:
Command: Checks that no cells are in focus or in edit mode.
Edit: Checks that only the specified cell is in focus and in edit mode.
def is_only_cell_edit(index):
JS = 'return Jupyter.notebook.get_cells().map(function(c) {return c.mode;})'
cells_mode = notebook.browser.execute_script(JS)
#None of the cells are in edit mode
if index is None:
for mode in cells_mode:
if mode == 'edit':
return False
return True
#Only the index cell is on edit mode
for i, mode in enumerate(cells_mode):
if i == index:
if mode != 'edit':
return False
if mode == 'edit':
return False
return True
def is_focused_on(index):
JS = "return $('#notebook .CodeMirror-focused textarea').length;"
focused_cells = notebook.browser.execute_script(JS)
if index is None:
return focused_cells == 0
if focused_cells != 1: #only one cell is focused
return False
JS = "return $('#notebook .CodeMirror-focused textarea')[0];"
focused_cell = notebook.browser.execute_script(JS)
JS = "return IPython.notebook.get_cell(%s).code_mirror.getInputField()"%index
cell = notebook.browser.execute_script(JS)
return focused_cell == cell
#general test
JS = "return IPython.keyboard_manager.mode;"
keyboard_mode = notebook.browser.execute_script(JS)
JS = "return IPython.notebook.mode;"
notebook_mode = notebook.browser.execute_script(JS)
#validate selected cell
JS = "return Jupyter.notebook.get_selected_cells_indices();"
cell_index = notebook.browser.execute_script(JS)
assert cell_index == [index] #only the index cell is selected
if mode != 'command' and mode != 'edit':
raise Exception('An unknown mode was send: mode = "%s"'%mode) #An unknown mode is send
#validate mode
assert mode == keyboard_mode #keyboard mode is correct
if mode == 'command':
assert is_focused_on(None) #no focused cells
assert is_only_cell_edit(None) #no cells in edit mode
elif mode == 'edit':
assert is_focused_on(index) #The specified cell is focused
assert is_only_cell_edit(index) #The specified cell is the only one in edit mode