You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

338 lines
8.5 KiB

Filters that accept a `Application` as argument.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .base import Condition
from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app
from prompt_toolkit.cache import memoized
from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
import six
__all__ = [
def has_focus(value):
Enable when this buffer has the focus.
from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import UIControl
from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import to_container, Window
from prompt_toolkit.layout import walk
if isinstance(value, six.text_type):
def test():
return get_app() == value
elif isinstance(value, Buffer):
def test():
return get_app().current_buffer == value
elif isinstance(value, UIControl):
def test():
return get_app().layout.current_control == value
value = to_container(value)
if isinstance(value, Window):
def test():
return get_app().layout.current_window == value
def test():
# Consider focused when any window inside this container is
# focused.
current_window = get_app().layout.current_window
for c in walk(value):
if isinstance(c, Window) and c == current_window:
return True
return False
def has_focus_filter():
return test()
return has_focus_filter
def buffer_has_focus():
Enabled when the currently focused control is a `BufferControl`.
return get_app().layout.buffer_has_focus
def has_selection():
Enable when the current buffer has a selection.
return bool(get_app().current_buffer.selection_state)
def has_completions():
Enable when the current buffer has completions.
state = get_app().current_buffer.complete_state
return state is not None and len(state.completions) > 0
def completion_is_selected():
True when the user selected a completion.
complete_state = get_app().current_buffer.complete_state
return (complete_state is not None and
complete_state.current_completion is not None)
def is_read_only():
True when the current buffer is read only.
return get_app().current_buffer.read_only()
def is_multiline():
True when the current buffer has been marked as multiline.
return get_app().current_buffer.multiline()
def has_validation_error():
" Current buffer has validation error. "
return get_app().current_buffer.validation_error is not None
def has_arg():
" Enable when the input processor has an 'arg'. "
return get_app().key_processor.arg is not None
def is_done():
True when the CLI is returning, aborting or exiting.
return get_app().is_done
def renderer_height_is_known():
Only True when the renderer knows it's real height.
(On VT100 terminals, we have to wait for a CPR response, before we can be
sure of the available height between the cursor position and the bottom of
the terminal. And usually it's nicer to wait with drawing bottom toolbars
until we receive the height, in order to avoid flickering -- first drawing
somewhere in the middle, and then again at the bottom.)
return get_app().renderer.height_is_known
def in_editing_mode(editing_mode):
" Check whether a given editing mode is active. (Vi or Emacs.) "
def in_editing_mode_filter():
return get_app().editing_mode == editing_mode
return in_editing_mode_filter
def in_paste_mode():
return get_app().paste_mode()
def vi_mode():
return get_app().editing_mode == EditingMode.VI
def vi_navigation_mode():
" Active when the set for Vi navigation key bindings are active. "
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode
app = get_app()
if (app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI
or app.vi_state.operator_func
or app.vi_state.waiting_for_digraph
or app.current_buffer.selection_state):
return False
return (app.vi_state.input_mode == InputMode.NAVIGATION or
app.vi_state.temporary_navigation_mode or
def vi_insert_mode():
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode
app = get_app()
if (app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI
or app.vi_state.operator_func
or app.vi_state.waiting_for_digraph
or app.current_buffer.selection_state
or app.vi_state.temporary_navigation_mode
or app.current_buffer.read_only()):
return False
return app.vi_state.input_mode == InputMode.INSERT
def vi_insert_multiple_mode():
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode
app = get_app()
if (app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI
or app.vi_state.operator_func
or app.vi_state.waiting_for_digraph
or app.current_buffer.selection_state
or app.vi_state.temporary_navigation_mode
or app.current_buffer.read_only()):
return False
return app.vi_state.input_mode == InputMode.INSERT_MULTIPLE
def vi_replace_mode():
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode
app = get_app()
if (app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI
or app.vi_state.operator_func
or app.vi_state.waiting_for_digraph
or app.current_buffer.selection_state
or app.vi_state.temporary_navigation_mode
or app.current_buffer.read_only()):
return False
return app.vi_state.input_mode == InputMode.REPLACE
def vi_selection_mode():
app = get_app()
if app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI:
return False
return bool(app.current_buffer.selection_state)
def vi_waiting_for_text_object_mode():
app = get_app()
if app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI:
return False
return app.vi_state.operator_func is not None
def vi_digraph_mode():
app = get_app()
if app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI:
return False
return app.vi_state.waiting_for_digraph
def vi_recording_macro():
" When recording a Vi macro. "
app = get_app()
if app.editing_mode != EditingMode.VI:
return False
return app.vi_state.recording_register is not None
def emacs_mode():
" When the Emacs bindings are active. "
return get_app().editing_mode == EditingMode.EMACS
def emacs_insert_mode():
app = get_app()
if (app.editing_mode != EditingMode.EMACS
or app.current_buffer.selection_state
or app.current_buffer.read_only()):
return False
return True
def emacs_selection_mode():
app = get_app()
return (app.editing_mode == EditingMode.EMACS
and app.current_buffer.selection_state)
def is_searching():
" When we are searching. "
app = get_app()
return app.layout.is_searching
def control_is_searchable():
" When the current UIControl is searchable. "
from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import BufferControl
control = get_app().layout.current_control
return (isinstance(control, BufferControl) and
control.search_buffer_control is not None)
def vi_search_direction_reversed():
" When the '/' and '?' key bindings for Vi-style searching have been reversed. "
return get_app().reverse_vi_search_direction()