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Interface for an output.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import with_metaclass
from prompt_toolkit.layout.screen import Size
__all__ = [
class Output(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
Base class defining the output interface for a
Actual implementations are
:class:`~prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_output.Vt100_Output` and
def fileno(self):
" Return the file descriptor to which we can write for the output. "
def encoding(self):
Return the encoding for this output, e.g. 'utf-8'.
(This is used mainly to know which characters are supported by the
output the data, so that the UI can provide alternatives, when
def write(self, data):
" Write text (Terminal escape sequences will be removed/escaped.) "
def write_raw(self, data):
" Write text. "
def set_title(self, title):
" Set terminal title. "
def clear_title(self):
" Clear title again. (or restore previous title.) "
def flush(self):
" Write to output stream and flush. "
def erase_screen(self):
Erases the screen with the background colour and moves the cursor to
def enter_alternate_screen(self):
" Go to the alternate screen buffer. (For full screen applications). "
def quit_alternate_screen(self):
" Leave the alternate screen buffer. "
def enable_mouse_support(self):
" Enable mouse. "
def disable_mouse_support(self):
" Disable mouse. "
def erase_end_of_line(self):
Erases from the current cursor position to the end of the current line.
def erase_down(self):
Erases the screen from the current line down to the bottom of the
def reset_attributes(self):
" Reset color and styling attributes. "
def set_attributes(self, attrs, color_depth):
" Set new color and styling attributes. "
def disable_autowrap(self):
" Disable auto line wrapping. "
def enable_autowrap(self):
" Enable auto line wrapping. "
def cursor_goto(self, row=0, column=0):
" Move cursor position. "
def cursor_up(self, amount):
" Move cursor `amount` place up. "
def cursor_down(self, amount):
" Move cursor `amount` place down. "
def cursor_forward(self, amount):
" Move cursor `amount` place forward. "
def cursor_backward(self, amount):
" Move cursor `amount` place backward. "
def hide_cursor(self):
" Hide cursor. "
def show_cursor(self):
" Show cursor. "
def ask_for_cpr(self):
Asks for a cursor position report (CPR).
(VT100 only.)
def bell(self):
" Sound bell. "
def enable_bracketed_paste(self):
" For vt100 only. "
def disable_bracketed_paste(self):
" For vt100 only. "
def scroll_buffer_to_prompt(self):
" For Win32 only. "
class DummyOutput(Output):
For testing. An output class that doesn't render anything.
def fileno(self):
" There is no sensible default for fileno(). "
raise NotImplementedError
def encoding(self):
return 'utf-8'
def write(self, data): pass
def write_raw(self, data): pass
def set_title(self, title): pass
def clear_title(self): pass
def flush(self): pass
def erase_screen(self): pass
def enter_alternate_screen(self): pass
def quit_alternate_screen(self): pass
def enable_mouse_support(self): pass
def disable_mouse_support(self): pass
def erase_end_of_line(self): pass
def erase_down(self): pass
def reset_attributes(self): pass
def set_attributes(self, attrs, color_depth): pass
def disable_autowrap(self): pass
def enable_autowrap(self): pass
def cursor_goto(self, row=0, column=0): pass
def cursor_up(self, amount): pass
def cursor_down(self, amount): pass
def cursor_forward(self, amount): pass
def cursor_backward(self, amount): pass
def hide_cursor(self): pass
def show_cursor(self): pass
def ask_for_cpr(self): pass
def bell(self): pass
def enable_bracketed_paste(self): pass
def disable_bracketed_paste(self): pass
def scroll_buffer_to_prompt(self): pass
def get_size(self):
return Size(rows=40, columns=80)
def get_rows_below_cursor_position(self):
return 40