You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Formatter classes for the progress bar.
Each progress bar consists of a list of these formatters.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import with_metaclass, text_type
import time
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import HTML, to_formatted_text
from prompt_toolkit.layout.dimension import D
from prompt_toolkit.layout.utils import explode_text_fragments
from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.utils import fragment_list_width
from prompt_toolkit.utils import get_cwidth
__all__ = [
class Formatter(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
Base class for any formatter.
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
return D()
class Text(Formatter):
Display plain text.
def __init__(self, text, style=''):
self.text = to_formatted_text(text, style=style)
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
return self.text
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
return fragment_list_width(self.text)
class Label(Formatter):
Display the name of the current task.
:param width: If a `width` is given, use this width. Scroll the text if it
doesn't fit in this width.
:param suffix: String suffix to be added after the task name, e.g. ': '.
If no task name was given, no suffix will be added.
def __init__(self, width=None, suffix=''):
assert isinstance(suffix, text_type)
self.width = width
self.suffix = suffix
def _add_suffix(self, label):
label = to_formatted_text(label, style='class:label')
return label + [('', self.suffix)]
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
label = self._add_suffix(progress.label)
cwidth = fragment_list_width(label)
if cwidth > width:
# It doesn't fit -> scroll task name.
label = explode_text_fragments(label)
max_scroll = cwidth - width
current_scroll = int(time.time() * 3 % max_scroll)
label = label[current_scroll:]
return label
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
if self.width:
return self.width
all_labels = [self._add_suffix(c.label) for c in progress_bar.counters]
if all_labels:
max_widths = max(fragment_list_width(l) for l in all_labels)
return D(preferred=max_widths, max=max_widths)
return D()
class Percentage(Formatter):
Display the progress as a percentage.
template = '<percentage>{percentage:>5}%</percentage>'
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
return HTML(self.template).format(
percentage=round(progress.percentage, 1))
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
return D.exact(6)
class Bar(Formatter):
Display the progress bar itself.
template = '<bar>{start}<bar-a>{bar_a}</bar-a><bar-b>{bar_b}</bar-b><bar-c>{bar_c}</bar-c>{end}</bar>'
def __init__(self, start='[', end=']', sym_a='=', sym_b='>', sym_c=' ', unknown='#'):
assert len(sym_a) == 1 and get_cwidth(sym_a) == 1
assert len(sym_c) == 1 and get_cwidth(sym_c) == 1
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.sym_a = sym_a
self.sym_b = sym_b
self.sym_c = sym_c
self.unknown = unknown
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
# Subtract left, bar_b and right.
width -= get_cwidth(self.start + self.sym_b + self.end)
pb_a = int(progress.percentage * width / 100)
bar_a = self.sym_a * pb_a
bar_b = self.sym_b
bar_c = self.sym_c * (width - pb_a)
# Total is unknown.
pb_a = int(time.time() * 20 % 100 * width / 100)
bar_a = self.sym_c * pb_a
bar_b = self.unknown
bar_c = self.sym_c * (width - pb_a)
return HTML(self.template).format(
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
return D(min=9)
class Progress(Formatter):
Display the progress as text. E.g. "8/20"
template = '<current>{current:>3}</current>/<total>{total:>3}</total>'
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
return HTML(self.template).format(
current=progress.current, or '?')
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
all_lengths = [len('{0}'.format( for c in progress_bar.counters]
return D.exact(max(all_lengths) * 2 + 1)
def _format_timedelta(timedelta):
Return hh:mm:ss, or mm:ss if the amount of hours is zero.
result = '{0}'.format(timedelta).split('.')[0]
if result.startswith('0:'):
result = result[2:]
return result
class TimeElapsed(Formatter):
Display the elapsed time.
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
text = _format_timedelta(progress.time_elapsed).rjust(width)
return HTML('<time-elapsed>{time_elapsed}</time-elapsed>').format(time_elapsed=text)
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
all_values = [len(_format_timedelta(c.time_elapsed)) for c in progress_bar.counters]
if all_values:
return max(all_values)
return 0
class TimeLeft(Formatter):
Display the time left.
template = '<time-left>{time_left}</time-left>'
unknown = '?:??:??'
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
time_left = _format_timedelta(progress.time_left)
time_left = self.unknown
return HTML(self.template).format(time_left=time_left.rjust(width))
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
all_values = [len(_format_timedelta(c.time_left)) if else 7
for c in progress_bar.counters]
if all_values:
return max(all_values)
return 0
class IterationsPerSecond(Formatter):
Display the iterations per second.
template = '<iterations-per-second>{iterations_per_second:.2f}</iterations-per-second>'
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
value = progress.current / progress.time_elapsed.total_seconds()
return HTML(self.template.format(iterations_per_second=value))
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
all_values = [len('{0:.2f}'.format(c.current / c.time_elapsed.total_seconds()))
for c in progress_bar.counters]
if all_values:
return max(all_values)
return 0
class SpinningWheel(Formatter):
Display a spinning wheel.
characters = r'/-\|'
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
index = int(time.time() * 3) % len(self.characters)
return HTML('<spinning-wheel>{0}</spinning-wheel>').format(self.characters[index])
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
return D.exact(1)
def _hue_to_rgb(hue):
" Take hue between 0 and 1, return (r, g, b). "
i = int(hue * 6.)
f = (hue * 6.) - i
q = int(255 * (1. - f))
t = int(255 * (1. - (1. - f)))
i %= 6
return [
(255, t, 0),
(q, 255, 0),
(0, 255, t),
(0, q, 255),
(t, 0, 255),
(255, 0, q),
class Rainbow(Formatter):
For the fun. Add rainbow colors to any of the other formatters.
colors = ['#%.2x%.2x%.2x' % _hue_to_rgb(h / 100.) for h in range(0, 100)]
def __init__(self, formatter):
self.formatter = formatter
def format(self, progress_bar, progress, width):
# Get formatted text from nested formatter, and explode it in
# text/style tuples.
result = self.formatter.format(progress_bar, progress, width)
result = explode_text_fragments(to_formatted_text(result))
# Insert colors.
result2 = []
shift = int(time.time() * 3) % len(self.colors)
for i, (style, text) in enumerate(result):
result2.append((style + ' ' + self.colors[(i + shift) % len(self.colors)], text))
return result2
def get_width(self, progress_bar):
return self.formatter.get_width(progress_bar)
def create_default_formatters():
Return the list of default formatters.
return [
Text(' '),
Text(' '),
Text(' '),
Text(' '),
Text('eta [', style='class:time-left'),
Text(']', style='class:time-left'),
Text(' '),