You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
2.5 KiB

Extension to save typing and prevent hard-coding of base URLs in the reST
This adds a new config value called ``extlinks`` that is created like this::
extlinks = {'exmpl': ('https://example.invalid/%s.html', prefix), ...}
Now you can use e.g. :exmpl:`foo` in your documents. This will create a
link to ``https://example.invalid/foo.html``. The link caption depends on
the *prefix* value given:
- If it is ``None``, the caption will be the full URL.
- If it is a string (empty or not), the caption will be the prefix prepended
to the role content.
You can also give an explicit caption, e.g. :exmpl:`Foo <foo>`.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
from docutils import nodes, utils
from docutils.nodes import Node, system_message
from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner
import sphinx
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
from sphinx.util.nodes import split_explicit_title
from sphinx.util.typing import RoleFunction
def make_link_role(base_url: str, prefix: str) -> RoleFunction:
def role(typ: str, rawtext: str, text: str, lineno: int,
inliner: Inliner, options: Dict = {}, content: List[str] = []
) -> Tuple[List[Node], List[system_message]]:
text = utils.unescape(text)
has_explicit_title, title, part = split_explicit_title(text)
full_url = base_url % part
except (TypeError, ValueError):
'unable to expand %s extlink with base URL %r, please make '
'sure the base contains \'%%s\' exactly once'
% (typ, base_url), line=lineno)
full_url = base_url + part
if not has_explicit_title:
if prefix is None:
title = full_url
title = prefix + part
pnode = nodes.reference(title, title, internal=False, refuri=full_url)
return [pnode], []
return role
def setup_link_roles(app: Sphinx) -> None:
for name, (base_url, prefix) in app.config.extlinks.items():
app.add_role(name, make_link_role(base_url, prefix))
def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]:
app.add_config_value('extlinks', {}, 'env')
app.connect('builder-inited', setup_link_roles)
return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}