You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

503 lines
22 KiB

Docutils transforms used by Sphinx when reading documents.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
from os import path
from textwrap import indent
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, TypeVar
from docutils import nodes
from import StringInput
from docutils.nodes import Element
from docutils.utils import relative_path
from sphinx import addnodes
from sphinx.config import Config
from import make_glossary_term, split_term_classifiers
from sphinx.locale import __
from sphinx.locale import init as init_locale
from sphinx.transforms import SphinxTransform
from sphinx.util import get_filetype, logging, split_index_msg
from sphinx.util.i18n import docname_to_domain
from sphinx.util.nodes import (IMAGE_TYPE_NODES, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES, NodeMatcher,
extract_messages, is_pending_meta, traverse_translatable_index)
if False:
# For type annotation
from typing import Type # for python3.5.1
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# The attributes not copied to the translated node
# * refexplict: For allow to give (or not to give) an explicit title
# to the pending_xref on translation
N = TypeVar('N', bound=nodes.Node)
def publish_msgstr(app: "Sphinx", source: str, source_path: str, source_line: int,
config: Config, settings: Any) -> Element:
"""Publish msgstr (single line) into docutils document
:param sphinx.application.Sphinx app: sphinx application
:param str source: source text
:param str source_path: source path for warning indication
:param source_line: source line for warning indication
:param sphinx.config.Config config: sphinx config
:param docutils.frontend.Values settings: docutils settings
:return: document
:rtype: docutils.nodes.document
# clear rst_prolog temporarily
rst_prolog = config.rst_prolog
config.rst_prolog = None # type: ignore
from import SphinxI18nReader
reader = SphinxI18nReader()
filetype = get_filetype(config.source_suffix, source_path)
parser = app.registry.create_source_parser(app, filetype)
doc =
source_path="%s:%s:<translated>" % (source_path, source_line)),
doc = doc[0] # type: ignore
except IndexError: # empty node
return doc
config.rst_prolog = rst_prolog # type: ignore
class PreserveTranslatableMessages(SphinxTransform):
Preserve original translatable messages befor translation
default_priority = 10 # this MUST be invoked before Locale transform
def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
for node in self.document.traverse(addnodes.translatable):
class Locale(SphinxTransform):
Replace translatable nodes with their translated doctree.
default_priority = 20
def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
settings, source = self.document.settings, self.document['source']
msgstr = ''
# XXX check if this is reliable
assert source.startswith(self.env.srcdir)
docname = path.splitext(relative_path(path.join(self.env.srcdir, 'dummy'),
textdomain = docname_to_domain(docname, self.config.gettext_compact)
# fetch translations
dirs = [path.join(self.env.srcdir, directory)
for directory in self.config.locale_dirs]
catalog, has_catalog = init_locale(dirs, self.config.language, textdomain)
if not has_catalog:
# phase1: replace reference ids with translated names
for node, msg in extract_messages(self.document):
msgstr = catalog.gettext(msg)
# XXX add marker to untranslated parts
if not msgstr or msgstr == msg or not msgstr.strip():
# as-of-yet untranslated
# Avoid "Literal block expected; none found." warnings.
# If msgstr ends with '::' then it cause warning message at
# parser.parse() processing.
# literal-block-warning is only appear in avobe case.
if msgstr.strip().endswith('::'):
msgstr += '\n\n dummy literal'
# dummy literal node will discard by 'patch = patch[0]'
# literalblock need literal block notation to avoid it become
# paragraph.
if isinstance(node, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES):
msgstr = '::\n\n' + indent(msgstr, ' ' * 3)
patch = publish_msgstr(, msgstr, source,
node.line, self.config, settings)
# XXX doctest and other block markup
if not isinstance(patch, nodes.paragraph):
continue # skip for now
processed = False # skip flag
# update title(section) target name-id mapping
if isinstance(node, nodes.title) and isinstance(node.parent, nodes.section):
section_node = node.parent
new_name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(patch.astext())
old_name = nodes.fully_normalize_name(node.astext())
if old_name != new_name:
# if name would be changed, replace node names and
# document nameids mapping with new name.
names = section_node.setdefault('names', [])
# Original section name (reference target name) should be kept to refer
# from other nodes which is still not translated or uses explicit target
# name like "`text to display <explicit target name_>`_"..
# So, `old_name` is still exist in `names`.
_id = self.document.nameids.get(old_name, None)
explicit = self.document.nametypes.get(old_name, None)
# * if explicit: _id is label. title node need another id.
# * if not explicit:
# * if _id is None:
# _id is None means:
# 1. _id was not provided yet.
# 2. _id was duplicated.
# old_name entry still exists in nameids and
# nametypes for another duplicated entry.
# * if _id is provided: bellow process
if _id:
if not explicit:
# _id was not duplicated.
# remove old_name entry from document ids database
# to reuse original _id.
self.document.nameids.pop(old_name, None)
self.document.nametypes.pop(old_name, None)
self.document.ids.pop(_id, None)
# re-entry with new named section node.
# Note: msgnode that is a second parameter of the
# `note_implicit_target` is not necessary here because
# section_node has been noted previously on rst parsing by
# `docutils.parsers.rst.states.RSTState.new_subsection()`
# and already has `system_message` if needed.
# replace target's refname to new target name
matcher = NodeMatcher(, refname=old_name)
for old_target in self.document.traverse(matcher): # type:
old_target['refname'] = new_name
processed = True
# glossary terms update refid
if isinstance(node, nodes.term):
for _id in node['ids']:
parts = split_term_classifiers(msgstr)
patch = publish_msgstr(, parts[0], source,
node.line, self.config, settings)
patch = make_glossary_term(self.env, patch, parts[1],
source, node.line, _id,
processed = True
# update leaves with processed nodes
if processed:
for child in patch.children:
child.parent = node
node.children = patch.children
node['translated'] = True # to avoid double translation
# phase2: translation
for node, msg in extract_messages(self.document):
if node.get('translated', False): # to avoid double translation
continue # skip if the node is already translated by phase1
msgstr = catalog.gettext(msg)
# XXX add marker to untranslated parts
if not msgstr or msgstr == msg: # as-of-yet untranslated
# update translatable nodes
if isinstance(node, addnodes.translatable):
node.apply_translated_message(msg, msgstr)
# update meta nodes
if isinstance(node, nodes.pending) and is_pending_meta(node):
node.details['nodes'][0]['content'] = msgstr
# Avoid "Literal block expected; none found." warnings.
# If msgstr ends with '::' then it cause warning message at
# parser.parse() processing.
# literal-block-warning is only appear in avobe case.
if msgstr.strip().endswith('::'):
msgstr += '\n\n dummy literal'
# dummy literal node will discard by 'patch = patch[0]'
# literalblock need literal block notation to avoid it become
# paragraph.
if isinstance(node, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES):
msgstr = '::\n\n' + indent(msgstr, ' ' * 3)
# Structural Subelements phase1
# There is a possibility that only the title node is created.
# see:
if isinstance(node, nodes.title):
# This generates: <section ...><title>msgstr</title></section>
msgstr = msgstr + '\n' + '-' * len(msgstr) * 2
patch = publish_msgstr(, msgstr, source,
node.line, self.config, settings)
# Structural Subelements phase2
if isinstance(node, nodes.title):
# get <title> node that placed as a first child
patch = patch.next_node()
# ignore unexpected markups in translation message
unexpected = (
nodes.paragraph, # expected form of translation
nodes.title # generated by above "Subelements phase2"
) # type: Tuple[Type[Element], ...]
# following types are expected if
# config.gettext_additional_targets is configured
unexpected += LITERAL_TYPE_NODES
unexpected += IMAGE_TYPE_NODES
if not isinstance(patch, unexpected):
continue # skip
# auto-numbered foot note reference should use original 'ids'.
def list_replace_or_append(lst: List[N], old: N, new: N) -> None:
if old in lst:
lst[lst.index(old)] = new
is_autofootnote_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.footnote_reference, auto=Any)
old_foot_refs = node.traverse(is_autofootnote_ref) # type: List[nodes.footnote_reference] # NOQA
new_foot_refs = patch.traverse(is_autofootnote_ref) # type: List[nodes.footnote_reference] # NOQA
if len(old_foot_refs) != len(new_foot_refs):
old_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_foot_refs]
new_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_foot_refs]
logger.warning(__('inconsistent footnote references in translated message.' +
' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
.format(old_foot_ref_rawsources, new_foot_ref_rawsources),
old_foot_namerefs = {} # type: Dict[str, List[nodes.footnote_reference]]
for r in old_foot_refs:
old_foot_namerefs.setdefault(r.get('refname'), []).append(r)
for newf in new_foot_refs:
refname = newf.get('refname')
refs = old_foot_namerefs.get(refname, [])
if not refs:
oldf = refs.pop(0)
newf['ids'] = oldf['ids']
for id in newf['ids']:
self.document.ids[id] = newf
if newf['auto'] == 1:
# autofootnote_refs
list_replace_or_append(self.document.autofootnote_refs, oldf, newf)
# symbol_footnote_refs
list_replace_or_append(self.document.symbol_footnote_refs, oldf, newf)
if refname:
footnote_refs = self.document.footnote_refs.setdefault(refname, [])
list_replace_or_append(footnote_refs, oldf, newf)
refnames = self.document.refnames.setdefault(refname, [])
list_replace_or_append(refnames, oldf, newf)
# reference should use new (translated) 'refname'.
# * reference target ".. _Python: ..." is not translatable.
# * use translated refname for section refname.
# * inline reference "`Python <...>`_" has no 'refname'.
is_refnamed_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.reference, refname=Any)
old_refs = node.traverse(is_refnamed_ref) # type: List[nodes.reference]
new_refs = patch.traverse(is_refnamed_ref) # type: List[nodes.reference]
if len(old_refs) != len(new_refs):
old_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_refs]
new_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_refs]
logger.warning(__('inconsistent references in translated message.' +
' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
.format(old_ref_rawsources, new_ref_rawsources),
old_ref_names = [r['refname'] for r in old_refs]
new_ref_names = [r['refname'] for r in new_refs]
orphans = list(set(old_ref_names) - set(new_ref_names))
for newr in new_refs:
if not self.document.has_name(newr['refname']):
# Maybe refname is translated but target is not translated.
# Note: multiple translated refnames break link ordering.
if orphans:
newr['refname'] = orphans.pop(0)
# orphan refnames is already empty!
# reference number is same in new_refs and old_refs.
# refnamed footnote should use original 'ids'.
is_refnamed_footnote_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.footnote_reference, refname=Any)
old_foot_refs = node.traverse(is_refnamed_footnote_ref)
new_foot_refs = patch.traverse(is_refnamed_footnote_ref)
refname_ids_map = {} # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
if len(old_foot_refs) != len(new_foot_refs):
old_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_foot_refs]
new_foot_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_foot_refs]
logger.warning(__('inconsistent footnote references in translated message.' +
' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
.format(old_foot_ref_rawsources, new_foot_ref_rawsources),
for oldf in old_foot_refs:
refname_ids_map.setdefault(oldf["refname"], []).append(oldf["ids"])
for newf in new_foot_refs:
refname = newf["refname"]
if refname_ids_map.get(refname):
newf["ids"] = refname_ids_map[refname].pop(0)
# citation should use original 'ids'.
is_citation_ref = NodeMatcher(nodes.citation_reference, refname=Any)
old_cite_refs = node.traverse(is_citation_ref) # type: List[nodes.citation_reference] # NOQA
new_cite_refs = patch.traverse(is_citation_ref) # type: List[nodes.citation_reference] # NOQA
refname_ids_map = {}
if len(old_cite_refs) != len(new_cite_refs):
old_cite_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in old_cite_refs]
new_cite_ref_rawsources = [ref.rawsource for ref in new_cite_refs]
logger.warning(__('inconsistent citation references in translated message.' +
' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
.format(old_cite_ref_rawsources, new_cite_ref_rawsources),
for oldc in old_cite_refs:
refname_ids_map.setdefault(oldc["refname"], []).append(oldc["ids"])
for newc in new_cite_refs:
refname = newc["refname"]
if refname_ids_map.get(refname):
newc["ids"] = refname_ids_map[refname].pop()
# Original pending_xref['reftarget'] contain not-translated
# target name, new pending_xref must use original one.
# This code restricts to change ref-targets in the translation.
old_xrefs = node.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref)
new_xrefs = patch.traverse(addnodes.pending_xref)
xref_reftarget_map = {}
if len(old_xrefs) != len(new_xrefs):
old_xref_rawsources = [xref.rawsource for xref in old_xrefs]
new_xref_rawsources = [xref.rawsource for xref in new_xrefs]
logger.warning(__('inconsistent term references in translated message.' +
' original: {0}, translated: {1}')
.format(old_xref_rawsources, new_xref_rawsources),
def get_ref_key(node: addnodes.pending_xref) -> Tuple[str, str, str]:
case = node["refdomain"], node["reftype"]
if case == ('std', 'term'):
return None
return (
for old in old_xrefs:
key = get_ref_key(old)
if key:
xref_reftarget_map[key] = old.attributes
for new in new_xrefs:
key = get_ref_key(new)
# Copy attributes to keep original node behavior. Especially
# copying 'reftarget', 'py:module', 'py:class' are needed.
for k, v in xref_reftarget_map.get(key, {}).items():
new[k] = v
# update leaves
for child in patch.children:
child.parent = node
node.children = patch.children
# for highlighting that expects .rawsource and .astext() are same.
if isinstance(node, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES):
node.rawsource = node.astext()
if isinstance(node, IMAGE_TYPE_NODES):
node['translated'] = True # to avoid double translation
if 'index' in self.config.gettext_additional_targets:
# Extract and translate messages for index entries.
for node, entries in traverse_translatable_index(self.document):
new_entries = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]
for type, msg, tid, main, key_ in entries:
msg_parts = split_index_msg(type, msg)
msgstr_parts = []
for part in msg_parts:
msgstr = catalog.gettext(part)
if not msgstr:
msgstr = part
new_entries.append((type, ';'.join(msgstr_parts), tid, main, None))
node['raw_entries'] = entries
node['entries'] = new_entries
# remove translated attribute that is used for avoiding double translation.
for translated in self.document.traverse(NodeMatcher(translated=Any)): # type: Element # NOQA
class RemoveTranslatableInline(SphinxTransform):
Remove inline nodes used for translation as placeholders.
default_priority = 999
def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
from import MessageCatalogBuilder
if isinstance(, MessageCatalogBuilder):
matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.inline, translatable=Any)
for inline in self.document.traverse(matcher): # type: nodes.inline
inline.parent += inline.children
def setup(app: "Sphinx") -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
'version': 'builtin',
'parallel_read_safe': True,
'parallel_write_safe': True,