You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

758 lines
25 KiB

Utility functions for Sphinx.
:copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
import fnmatch
import functools
import hashlib
import os
import posixpath
import re
import sys
import tempfile
import traceback
import unicodedata
import warnings
from codecs import BOM_UTF8
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime
from importlib import import_module
from os import path
from time import mktime, strptime
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Pattern, Set, Tuple
from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, quote_plus, urlencode, urlsplit, urlunsplit
from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx40Warning, RemovedInSphinx50Warning
from sphinx.errors import (ExtensionError, FiletypeNotFoundError, PycodeError,
from sphinx.locale import __
from sphinx.util import smartypants # noqa
from sphinx.util import logging
from sphinx.util.console import bold, colorize, strip_colors, term_width_line # type: ignore
from sphinx.util.matching import patfilter # noqa
from sphinx.util.nodes import (caption_ref_re, explicit_title_re, # noqa
nested_parse_with_titles, split_explicit_title)
# import other utilities; partly for backwards compatibility, so don't
# prune unused ones indiscriminately
from sphinx.util.osutil import (SEP, copyfile, copytimes, ensuredir, make_filename, # noqa
movefile, mtimes_of_files, os_path, relative_uri, walk)
from sphinx.util.typing import PathMatcher
if False:
# For type annotation
from typing import Type # for python3.5.1
from sphinx.application import Sphinx
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Generally useful regular expressions.
ws_re = re.compile(r'\s+') # type: Pattern
url_re = re.compile(r'(?P<schema>.+)://.*') # type: Pattern
# High-level utility functions.
def docname_join(basedocname: str, docname: str) -> str:
return posixpath.normpath(
posixpath.join('/' + basedocname, '..', docname))[1:]
def path_stabilize(filepath: str) -> str:
"normalize path separater and unicode string"
newpath = filepath.replace(os.path.sep, SEP)
return unicodedata.normalize('NFC', newpath)
def get_matching_files(dirname: str,
exclude_matchers: Tuple[PathMatcher, ...] = ()) -> Iterable[str]: # NOQA
"""Get all file names in a directory, recursively.
Exclude files and dirs matching some matcher in *exclude_matchers*.
# dirname is a normalized absolute path.
dirname = path.normpath(path.abspath(dirname))
dirlen = len(dirname) + 1 # exclude final os.path.sep
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirname, followlinks=True):
relativeroot = root[dirlen:]
qdirs = enumerate(path_stabilize(path.join(relativeroot, dn))
for dn in dirs) # type: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]]
qfiles = enumerate(path_stabilize(path.join(relativeroot, fn))
for fn in files) # type: Iterable[Tuple[int, str]]
for matcher in exclude_matchers:
qdirs = [entry for entry in qdirs if not matcher(entry[1])]
qfiles = [entry for entry in qfiles if not matcher(entry[1])]
dirs[:] = sorted(dirs[i] for (i, _) in qdirs)
for i, filename in sorted(qfiles):
yield filename
def get_matching_docs(dirname: str, suffixes: List[str],
exclude_matchers: Tuple[PathMatcher, ...] = ()) -> Iterable[str]:
"""Get all file names (without suffixes) matching a suffix in a directory,
Exclude files and dirs matching a pattern in *exclude_patterns*.
warnings.warn('get_matching_docs() is now deprecated. Use get_matching_files() instead.',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
suffixpatterns = ['*' + s for s in suffixes]
for filename in get_matching_files(dirname, exclude_matchers):
for suffixpattern in suffixpatterns:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, suffixpattern):
yield filename[:-len(suffixpattern) + 1]
def get_filetype(source_suffix: Dict[str, str], filename: str) -> str:
for suffix, filetype in source_suffix.items():
if filename.endswith(suffix):
# If default filetype (None), considered as restructuredtext.
return filetype or 'restructuredtext'
raise FiletypeNotFoundError
class FilenameUniqDict(dict):
A dictionary that automatically generates unique names for its keys,
interpreted as filenames, and keeps track of a set of docnames they
appear in. Used for images and downloadable files in the environment.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._existing = set() # type: Set[str]
def add_file(self, docname: str, newfile: str) -> str:
if newfile in self:
return self[newfile][1]
uniquename = path.basename(newfile)
base, ext = path.splitext(uniquename)
i = 0
while uniquename in self._existing:
i += 1
uniquename = '%s%s%s' % (base, i, ext)
self[newfile] = ({docname}, uniquename)
return uniquename
def purge_doc(self, docname: str) -> None:
for filename, (docs, unique) in list(self.items()):
if not docs:
del self[filename]
def merge_other(self, docnames: Set[str], other: Dict[str, Tuple[Set[str], Any]]) -> None:
for filename, (docs, unique) in other.items():
for doc in docs & set(docnames):
self.add_file(doc, filename)
def __getstate__(self) -> Set[str]:
return self._existing
def __setstate__(self, state: Set[str]) -> None:
self._existing = state
def md5(data=b'', **kwargs):
"""Wrapper around hashlib.md5
Attempt call with 'usedforsecurity=False' if we get a ValueError, which happens when
OpenSSL FIPS mode is enabled:
ValueError: error:060800A3:digital envelope routines:EVP_DigestInit_ex:disabled for fips
return hashlib.md5(data, **kwargs) # type: ignore
except ValueError:
return hashlib.md5(data, **kwargs, usedforsecurity=False) # type: ignore
def sha1(data=b'', **kwargs):
"""Wrapper around hashlib.sha1
Attempt call with 'usedforsecurity=False' if we get a ValueError
return hashlib.sha1(data, **kwargs) # type: ignore
except ValueError:
return hashlib.sha1(data, **kwargs, usedforsecurity=False) # type: ignore
class DownloadFiles(dict):
"""A special dictionary for download files.
.. important:: This class would be refactored in nearly future.
Hence don't hack this directly.
def add_file(self, docname: str, filename: str) -> str:
if filename not in self:
digest = md5(filename.encode()).hexdigest()
dest = '%s/%s' % (digest, os.path.basename(filename))
self[filename] = (set(), dest)
return self[filename][1]
def purge_doc(self, docname: str) -> None:
for filename, (docs, dest) in list(self.items()):
if not docs:
del self[filename]
def merge_other(self, docnames: Set[str], other: Dict[str, Tuple[Set[str], Any]]) -> None:
for filename, (docs, dest) in other.items():
for docname in docs & set(docnames):
self.add_file(docname, filename)
# Sphinx version: %s
# Python version: %s (%s)
# Docutils version: %s %s
# Jinja2 version: %s
# Last messages:
# Loaded extensions:
def save_traceback(app: "Sphinx") -> str:
"""Save the current exception's traceback in a temporary file."""
import platform
import docutils
import jinja2
import sphinx
exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
if isinstance(exc, SphinxParallelError):
exc_format = '(Error in parallel process)\n' + exc.traceback
exc_format = traceback.format_exc()
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp('.log', 'sphinx-err-')
last_msgs = ''
if app is not None:
last_msgs = '\n'.join(
'# %s' % strip_colors(s).strip()
for s in app.messagelog)
os.write(fd, (_DEBUG_HEADER %
docutils.__version__, docutils.__version_details__,
jinja2.__version__, # type: ignore
if app is not None:
for ext in app.extensions.values():
modfile = getattr(ext.module, '__file__', 'unknown')
if ext.version != 'builtin':
os.write(fd, ('# %s (%s) from %s\n' %
(, ext.version, modfile)).encode())
os.write(fd, exc_format.encode())
return path
def get_module_source(modname: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Try to find the source code for a module.
Can return ('file', 'filename') in which case the source is in the given
file, or ('string', 'source') which which case the source is the string.
warnings.warn('get_module_source() is deprecated.',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
mod = import_module(modname)
except Exception as err:
raise PycodeError('error importing %r' % modname, err) from err
filename = getattr(mod, '__file__', None)
loader = getattr(mod, '__loader__', None)
if loader and getattr(loader, 'get_filename', None):
filename = loader.get_filename(modname)
except Exception as err:
raise PycodeError('error getting filename for %r' % filename, err) from err
if filename is None and loader:
filename = loader.get_source(modname)
if filename:
return 'string', filename
except Exception as err:
raise PycodeError('error getting source for %r' % modname, err) from err
if filename is None:
raise PycodeError('no source found for module %r' % modname)
filename = path.normpath(path.abspath(filename))
lfilename = filename.lower()
if lfilename.endswith('.pyo') or lfilename.endswith('.pyc'):
filename = filename[:-1]
if not path.isfile(filename) and path.isfile(filename + 'w'):
filename += 'w'
elif not (lfilename.endswith('.py') or lfilename.endswith('.pyw')):
raise PycodeError('source is not a .py file: %r' % filename)
elif ('.egg' + os.path.sep) in filename:
pat = '(?<=\\.egg)' + re.escape(os.path.sep)
eggpath, _ = re.split(pat, filename, 1)
if path.isfile(eggpath):
return 'file', filename
if not path.isfile(filename):
raise PycodeError('source file is not present: %r' % filename)
return 'file', filename
def get_full_modname(modname: str, attribute: str) -> str:
if modname is None:
# Prevents a TypeError: if the last getattr() call will return None
# then it's better to return it directly
return None
module = import_module(modname)
# Allow an attribute to have multiple parts and incidentally allow
# repeated .s in the attribute.
value = module
for attr in attribute.split('.'):
if attr:
value = getattr(value, attr)
return getattr(value, '__module__', None)
# a regex to recognize coding cookies
_coding_re = re.compile(r'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)')
def detect_encoding(readline: Callable[[], bytes]) -> str:
"""Like tokenize.detect_encoding() from Py3k, but a bit simplified."""
warnings.warn('sphinx.util.detect_encoding() is deprecated',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
def read_or_stop() -> bytes:
return readline()
except StopIteration:
return None
def get_normal_name(orig_enc: str) -> str:
"""Imitates get_normal_name in tokenizer.c."""
# Only care about the first 12 characters.
enc = orig_enc[:12].lower().replace('_', '-')
if enc == 'utf-8' or enc.startswith('utf-8-'):
return 'utf-8'
if enc in ('latin-1', 'iso-8859-1', 'iso-latin-1') or \
enc.startswith(('latin-1-', 'iso-8859-1-', 'iso-latin-1-')):
return 'iso-8859-1'
return orig_enc
def find_cookie(line: bytes) -> str:
line_string = line.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return None
matches = _coding_re.findall(line_string)
if not matches:
return None
return get_normal_name(matches[0])
default = sys.getdefaultencoding()
first = read_or_stop()
if first and first.startswith(BOM_UTF8):
first = first[3:]
default = 'utf-8-sig'
if not first:
return default
encoding = find_cookie(first)
if encoding:
return encoding
second = read_or_stop()
if not second:
return default
encoding = find_cookie(second)
if encoding:
return encoding
return default
class UnicodeDecodeErrorHandler:
"""Custom error handler for open() that warns and replaces."""
def __init__(self, docname: str) -> None:
self.docname = docname
def __call__(self, error: UnicodeDecodeError) -> Tuple[str, int]:
linestart = error.object.rfind(b'\n', 0, error.start)
lineend = error.object.find(b'\n', error.start)
if lineend == -1:
lineend = len(error.object)
lineno = error.object.count(b'\n', 0, error.start) + 1
logger.warning(__('undecodable source characters, replacing with "?": %r'),
(error.object[linestart + 1:error.start] + b'>>>' +
error.object[error.start:error.end] + b'<<<' +
location=(self.docname, lineno))
return ('?', error.end)
# Low-level utility functions and classes.
class Tee:
File-like object writing to two streams.
def __init__(self, stream1: IO, stream2: IO) -> None:
self.stream1 = stream1
self.stream2 = stream2
def write(self, text: str) -> None:
def flush(self) -> None:
if hasattr(self.stream1, 'flush'):
if hasattr(self.stream2, 'flush'):
def parselinenos(spec: str, total: int) -> List[int]:
"""Parse a line number spec (such as "1,2,4-6") and return a list of
wanted line numbers.
items = list()
parts = spec.split(',')
for part in parts:
begend = part.strip().split('-')
if ['', ''] == begend:
raise ValueError
elif len(begend) == 1:
items.append(int(begend[0]) - 1)
elif len(begend) == 2:
start = int(begend[0] or 1) # left half open (cf. -10)
end = int(begend[1] or max(start, total)) # right half open (cf. 10-)
if start > end: # invalid range (cf. 10-1)
raise ValueError
items.extend(range(start - 1, end))
raise ValueError
except Exception as exc:
raise ValueError('invalid line number spec: %r' % spec) from exc
return items
def force_decode(string: str, encoding: str) -> str:
"""Forcibly get a unicode string out of a bytestring."""
warnings.warn('force_decode() is deprecated.',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
if isinstance(string, bytes):
if encoding:
string = string.decode(encoding)
# try decoding with utf-8, should only work for real UTF-8
string = string.decode()
except UnicodeError:
# last resort -- can't fail
string = string.decode('latin1')
return string
class attrdict(dict):
def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
warnings.warn('The attrdict class is deprecated.',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
def __getattr__(self, key: str) -> str:
return self[key]
def __setattr__(self, key: str, val: str) -> None:
self[key] = val
def __delattr__(self, key: str) -> None:
del self[key]
def rpartition(s: str, t: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Similar to str.rpartition from 2.5, but doesn't return the separator."""
warnings.warn('rpartition() is now deprecated.', RemovedInSphinx50Warning, stacklevel=2)
i = s.rfind(t)
if i != -1:
return s[:i], s[i + len(t):]
return '', s
def split_into(n: int, type: str, value: str) -> List[str]:
"""Split an index entry into a given number of parts at semicolons."""
parts = [x.strip() for x in value.split(';', n - 1)]
if sum(1 for part in parts if part) < n:
raise ValueError('invalid %s index entry %r' % (type, value))
return parts
def split_index_msg(type: str, value: str) -> List[str]:
# new entry types must be listed in directives/!
if type == 'single':
result = split_into(2, 'single', value)
except ValueError:
result = split_into(1, 'single', value)
elif type == 'pair':
result = split_into(2, 'pair', value)
elif type == 'triple':
result = split_into(3, 'triple', value)
elif type == 'see':
result = split_into(2, 'see', value)
elif type == 'seealso':
result = split_into(2, 'see', value)
raise ValueError('invalid %s index entry %r' % (type, value))
return result
def format_exception_cut_frames(x: int = 1) -> str:
"""Format an exception with traceback, but only the last x frames."""
typ, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
# res = ['Traceback (most recent call last):\n']
res = [] # type: List[str]
tbres = traceback.format_tb(tb)
res += tbres[-x:]
res += traceback.format_exception_only(typ, val)
return ''.join(res)
class PeekableIterator:
An iterator which wraps any iterable and makes it possible to peek to see
what's the next item.
def __init__(self, iterable: Iterable) -> None:
self.remaining = deque() # type: deque
self._iterator = iter(iterable)
warnings.warn('PeekableIterator is deprecated.',
RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2)
def __iter__(self) -> "PeekableIterator":
return self
def __next__(self) -> Any:
"""Return the next item from the iterator."""
if self.remaining:
return self.remaining.popleft()
return next(self._iterator)
next = __next__ # Python 2 compatibility
def push(self, item: Any) -> None:
"""Push the `item` on the internal stack, it will be returned on the
next :meth:`next` call.
def peek(self) -> Any:
"""Return the next item without changing the state of the iterator."""
item = next(self)
return item
def import_object(objname: str, source: str = None) -> Any:
"""Import python object by qualname."""
objpath = objname.split('.')
modname = objpath.pop(0)
obj = import_module(modname)
for name in objpath:
modname += '.' + name
obj = getattr(obj, name)
except AttributeError:
obj = import_module(modname)
return obj
except (AttributeError, ImportError) as exc:
if source:
raise ExtensionError('Could not import %s (needed for %s)' %
(objname, source), exc) from exc
raise ExtensionError('Could not import %s' % objname, exc) from exc
def split_full_qualified_name(name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Split full qualified name to a pair of modname and qualname.
A qualname is an abbreviation for "Qualified name" introduced at PEP-3155
( It is a dotted path name
from the module top-level.
A "full" qualified name means a string containing both module name and
qualified name.
.. note:: This function imports module actually to check the exisitence.
Therefore you need to mock 3rd party modules if needed before
calling this function.
parts = name.split('.')
for i, part in enumerate(parts, 1):
modname = ".".join(parts[:i])
except ImportError:
if parts[:i - 1]:
return ".".join(parts[:i - 1]), ".".join(parts[i - 1:])
return None, ".".join(parts)
except IndexError:
return name, ""
def encode_uri(uri: str) -> str:
split = list(urlsplit(uri))
split[1] = split[1].encode('idna').decode('ascii')
split[2] = quote_plus(split[2].encode(), '/')
query = list((q, v.encode()) for (q, v) in parse_qsl(split[3]))
split[3] = urlencode(query)
return urlunsplit(split)
def display_chunk(chunk: Any) -> str:
if isinstance(chunk, (list, tuple)):
if len(chunk) == 1:
return str(chunk[0])
return '%s .. %s' % (chunk[0], chunk[-1])
return str(chunk)
def old_status_iterator(iterable: Iterable, summary: str, color: str = "darkgreen",
stringify_func: Callable[[Any], str] = display_chunk) -> Iterator:
l = 0
for item in iterable:
if l == 0:, nonl=True)
l = 1, color=color, nonl=True)" ", nonl=True)
yield item
if l == 1:'')
# new version with progress info
def status_iterator(iterable: Iterable, summary: str, color: str = "darkgreen",
length: int = 0, verbosity: int = 0,
stringify_func: Callable[[Any], str] = display_chunk) -> Iterable:
if length == 0:
yield from old_status_iterator(iterable, summary, color, stringify_func)
l = 0
summary = bold(summary)
for item in iterable:
l += 1
s = '%s[%3d%%] %s' % (summary, 100 * l / length, colorize(color, stringify_func(item)))
if verbosity:
s += '\n'
s = term_width_line(s), nonl=True)
yield item
if l > 0:'')
class SkipProgressMessage(Exception):
class progress_message:
def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
self.message = message
def __enter__(self) -> None: + '... '), nonl=True)
def __exit__(self, exc_type: "Type[Exception]", exc_value: Exception, traceback: Any) -> bool: # NOQA
if isinstance(exc_value, SkipProgressMessage):'skipped'))
if exc_value.args:*exc_value.args)
return True
elif exc_type:'failed'))
return False
def __call__(self, f: Callable) -> Callable:
def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
with self:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def epoch_to_rfc1123(epoch: float) -> str:
"""Convert datetime format epoch to RFC1123."""
from babel.dates import format_datetime
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch)
fmt = 'EEE, dd LLL yyyy hh:mm:ss'
return format_datetime(dt, fmt, locale='en') + ' GMT'
def rfc1123_to_epoch(rfc1123: str) -> float:
return mktime(strptime(rfc1123, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z'))
def xmlname_checker() -> Pattern:
name_start_chars = [
':', ['A', 'Z'], '_', ['a', 'z'], ['\u00C0', '\u00D6'],
['\u00D8', '\u00F6'], ['\u00F8', '\u02FF'], ['\u0370', '\u037D'],
['\u037F', '\u1FFF'], ['\u200C', '\u200D'], ['\u2070', '\u218F'],
['\u2C00', '\u2FEF'], ['\u3001', '\uD7FF'], ['\uF900', '\uFDCF'],
['\uFDF0', '\uFFFD'], ['\U00010000', '\U000EFFFF']]
name_chars = [
"\\-", "\\.", ['0', '9'], '\u00B7', ['\u0300', '\u036F'],
['\u203F', '\u2040']
def convert(entries: Any, splitter: str = '|') -> str:
results = []
for entry in entries:
if isinstance(entry, list):
results.append('[%s]' % convert(entry, '-'))
return splitter.join(results)
start_chars_regex = convert(name_start_chars)
name_chars_regex = convert(name_chars)
return re.compile('(%s)(%s|%s)*' % (
start_chars_regex, start_chars_regex, name_chars_regex))