You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

387 lines
15 KiB

This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

This is extracted (with minor adaptations for flake8 compliance) from
docutils docutils/utils/ as of revision 8097 (30 May 2017),
in order to backport for Sphinx usage with Docutils < 0.14 extra language
configurations and fixes. Replaces earlier smartypants version as used up
to Sphinx 1.5.6.
:copyright: © 2010 Günter Milde,
original `SmartyPants`_: © 2003 John Gruber © 2004, 2007 Chad Miller
:license: Released under the terms of the `2-Clause BSD license`_, in short:
Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
notices and this notice are preserved.
This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.
.. _SmartyPants:
.. _2-Clause BSD license:
See the LICENSE file and the original docutils code for details.
import re
from typing import Generator, Iterable, Tuple
from docutils.utils import smartquotes
from sphinx.util.docutils import __version_info__ as docutils_version
langquotes = {'af': '“”‘’',
'af-x-altquot': '„”‚’',
'bg': '„“‚‘', # Bulgarian,Кавички
'ca': '«»“”',
'ca-x-altquot': '“”‘’',
'cs': '„“‚‘',
'cs-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'da': '»«›‹',
'da-x-altquot': '„“‚‘',
# 'da-x-altquot2': '””’’',
'de': '„“‚‘',
'de-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'de-ch': '«»‹›',
'el': '«»“”',
'en': '“”‘’',
'en-uk-x-altquot': '‘’“”', # Attention: " → and ' → “ !
'eo': '“”‘’',
'es': '«»“”',
'es-x-altquot': '“”‘’',
'et': '„“‚‘', # no secondary quote listed in
'et-x-altquot': '«»‹›', # the sources above (
'eu': '«»‹›',
'fi': '””’’',
'fi-x-altquot': '»»››',
'fr': ('« ', ' »', '', ''), # full no-break space
'fr-x-altquot': ('« ', ' »', '', ''), # narrow no-break space
'fr-ch': '«»‹›',
'fr-ch-x-altquot': ('« ', ' »', '', ''), # narrow no-break space
'gl': '«»“”',
'he': '”“»«', # Hebrew is RTL, test position:
'he-x-altquot': '„”‚’', # low quotation marks are opening.
# 'he-x-altquot': '“„‘‚', # RTL: low quotation marks opening
'hr': '„”‘’', #
'hr-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'hsb': '„“‚‘',
'hsb-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'hu': '„”«»',
'is': '„“‚‘',
'it': '«»“”',
'it-ch': '«»‹›',
'it-x-altquot': '“”‘’',
# 'it-x-altquot2': '“„‘‚', # [7] in headlines
'ja': '「」『』',
'lt': '„“‚‘',
'lv': '„“‚‘',
'mk': '„“‚‘', # Macedonian,
'nl': '“”‘’',
'nl-x-altquot': '„”‚’',
# 'nl-x-altquot2': '””’’',
'nb': '«»’’', # Norsk bokmål (canonical form 'no')
'nn': '«»’’', # Nynorsk [10]
'nn-x-altquot': '«»‘’', # [8], [10]
# 'nn-x-altquot2': '«»«»', # [9], [10]
# 'nn-x-altquot3': '„“‚‘', # [10]
'no': '«»’’', # Norsk bokmål [10]
'no-x-altquot': '«»‘’', # [8], [10]
# 'no-x-altquot2': '«»«»', # [9], [10]
# 'no-x-altquot3': '„“‚‘', # [10]
'pl': '„”«»',
'pl-x-altquot': '«»‚’',
# 'pl-x-altquot2': '„”‚’',
'pt': '«»“”',
'pt-br': '“”‘’',
'ro': '„”«»',
'ru': '«»„“',
'sh': '„”‚’', # Serbo-Croatian
'sh-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'sk': '„“‚‘', # Slovak
'sk-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'sl': '„“‚‘', # Slovenian
'sl-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'sq': '«»‹›', # Albanian
'sq-x-altquot': '“„‘‚',
'sr': '„”’’',
'sr-x-altquot': '»«›‹',
'sv': '””’’',
'sv-x-altquot': '»»››',
'tr': '“”‘’',
'tr-x-altquot': '«»‹›',
# 'tr-x-altquot2': '“„‘‚', # [7] antiquated?
'uk': '«»„“',
'uk-x-altquot': '„“‚‘',
'zh-cn': '“”‘’',
'zh-tw': '「」『』',
def educateQuotes(text: str, language: str = 'en') -> str:
Parameter: - text string (unicode or bytes).
- language (`BCP 47` language tag.)
Returns: The `text`, with "educated" curly quote characters.
Example input: "Isn't this fun?"
Example output: “Isnt this fun?“;
smart = smartquotes.smartchars(language)
apostrophe = smart.apostrophe
except Exception:
apostrophe = ''
# oldtext = text
punct_class = r"""[!"#\$\%'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?\@\[\\\]\^_`{|}~]"""
# Special case if the very first character is a quote
# followed by punctuation at a non-word-break.
# Close the quotes by brute force:
text = re.sub(r"""^'(?=%s\\B)""" % (punct_class,), smart.csquote, text)
text = re.sub(r"""^"(?=%s\\B)""" % (punct_class,), smart.cpquote, text)
# Special case for double sets of quotes, e.g.:
# <p>He said, "'Quoted' words in a larger quote."</p>
text = re.sub(r""""'(?=\w)""", smart.opquote + smart.osquote, text)
text = re.sub(r"""'"(?=\w)""", smart.osquote + smart.opquote, text)
# Special case for decade abbreviations (the '80s):
if language.startswith('en'): # TODO similar cases in other languages?
text = re.sub(r"""'(?=\d{2}s)""", apostrophe, text, flags=re.UNICODE)
close_class = r"""[^\ \t\r\n\[\{\(\-]"""
dec_dashes = r"""&#8211;|&#8212;"""
# Get most opening single quotes:
opening_single_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"""
\s | # a whitespace char, or
&nbsp; | # a non-breaking space entity, or
-- | # dashes, or
&[mn]dash; | # named dash entities
%s | # or decimal entities
&\#x201[34]; # or hex
' # the quote
(?=\w) # followed by a word character
""" % (dec_dashes,), re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE)
text = opening_single_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1' + smart.osquote, text)
# In many locales, single closing quotes are different from apostrophe:
if smart.csquote != apostrophe:
apostrophe_regex = re.compile(r"(?<=(\w|\d))'(?=\w)", re.UNICODE)
text = apostrophe_regex.sub(apostrophe, text)
# TODO: keep track of quoting level to recognize apostrophe in, e.g.,
# "Ich fass' es nicht."
closing_single_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"""
(?!\s | # whitespace
s\b |
\d # digits ('80s)
""" % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE)
text = closing_single_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1' + smart.csquote, text)
closing_single_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"""
(\s | s\b)
""" % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE | re.UNICODE)
text = closing_single_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1%s\2' % smart.csquote, text)
# Any remaining single quotes should be opening ones:
text = re.sub(r"""'""", smart.osquote, text)
# Get most opening double quotes:
opening_double_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"""
\s | # a whitespace char, or
&nbsp; | # a non-breaking space entity, or
-- | # dashes, or
&[mn]dash; | # named dash entities
%s | # or decimal entities
&\#x201[34]; # or hex
" # the quote
(?=\w) # followed by a word character
""" % (dec_dashes,), re.VERBOSE)
text = opening_double_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1' + smart.opquote, text)
# Double closing quotes:
closing_double_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"""
#(%s)? # character that indicates the quote should be closing
""" % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE)
text = closing_double_quotes_regex.sub(smart.cpquote, text)
closing_double_quotes_regex = re.compile(r"""
(%s) # character that indicates the quote should be closing
""" % (close_class,), re.VERBOSE)
text = closing_double_quotes_regex.sub(r'\1' + smart.cpquote, text)
# Any remaining quotes should be opening ones.
text = re.sub(r'"', smart.opquote, text)
return text
def educate_tokens(text_tokens: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]],
attr: str = smartquotes.default_smartypants_attr,
language: str = 'en'
) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
"""Return iterator that "educates" the items of `text_tokens`.
This is modified to intercept the ``attr='2'`` as it was used by the
Docutils 0.13.1 SmartQuotes transform in a hard coded way. Docutils 0.14
uses ``'qDe'``` and is configurable, and its choice is backported here
for use by Sphinx with earlier Docutils releases. Similarly ``'1'`` is
replaced by ``'qde'``.
Use ``attr='qDbe'``, resp. ``'qdbe'`` to recover Docutils effect of ``'2'``,
resp. ``'1'``.
# Parse attributes:
# 0 : do nothing
# 1 : set all (but backticks)
# 2 : set all (but backticks), using old school en- and em- dash shortcuts
# 3 : set all, using inverted old school en and em- dash shortcuts
# q : quotes
# b : backtick quotes (``double'' only)
# B : backtick quotes (``double'' and `single')
# d : dashes
# D : old school dashes
# i : inverted old school dashes
# e : ellipses
# w : convert &quot; entities to " for Dreamweaver users
convert_quot = False # translate &quot; entities into normal quotes?
do_dashes = 0
do_backticks = 0
do_quotes = False
do_ellipses = False
do_stupefy = False
if attr == "1": # Do everything, turn all options on.
do_quotes = True
# do_backticks = 1
do_dashes = 1
do_ellipses = True
elif attr == "2":
# Do everything, turn all options on, use old school dash shorthand.
do_quotes = True
# do_backticks = 1
do_dashes = 2
do_ellipses = True
elif attr == "3":
# Do everything, use inverted old school dash shorthand.
do_quotes = True
do_backticks = 1
do_dashes = 3
do_ellipses = True
elif attr == "-1": # Special "stupefy" mode.
do_stupefy = True
if "q" in attr:
do_quotes = True
if "b" in attr:
do_backticks = 1
if "B" in attr:
do_backticks = 2
if "d" in attr:
do_dashes = 1
if "D" in attr:
do_dashes = 2
if "i" in attr:
do_dashes = 3
if "e" in attr:
do_ellipses = True
if "w" in attr:
convert_quot = True
prev_token_last_char = " "
# Last character of the previous text token. Used as
# context to curl leading quote characters correctly.
for (ttype, text) in text_tokens:
# skip HTML and/or XML tags as well as emtpy text tokens
# without updating the last character
if ttype == 'tag' or not text:
yield text
# skip literal text (math, literal, raw, ...)
if ttype == 'literal':
prev_token_last_char = text[-1:]
yield text
last_char = text[-1:] # Remember last char before processing.
text = smartquotes.processEscapes(text)
if convert_quot:
text = re.sub('&quot;', '"', text)
if do_dashes == 1:
text = smartquotes.educateDashes(text)
elif do_dashes == 2:
text = smartquotes.educateDashesOldSchool(text)
elif do_dashes == 3:
text = smartquotes.educateDashesOldSchoolInverted(text)
if do_ellipses:
text = smartquotes.educateEllipses(text)
# Note: backticks need to be processed before quotes.
if do_backticks:
text = smartquotes.educateBackticks(text, language)
if do_backticks == 2:
text = smartquotes.educateSingleBackticks(text, language)
if do_quotes:
# Replace plain quotes to prevent converstion to
# 2-character sequence in French.
context = prev_token_last_char.replace('"', ';').replace("'", ';')
text = educateQuotes(context + text, language)[1:]
if do_stupefy:
text = smartquotes.stupefyEntities(text, language)
# Remember last char as context for the next token
prev_token_last_char = last_char
text = smartquotes.processEscapes(text, restore=True)
yield text
if docutils_version < (0, 13, 2):
# Monkey patch the old docutils versions to fix the issues mentioned
# at
# at
# and more
smartquotes.educateQuotes = educateQuotes
smartquotes.educate_tokens = educate_tokens
# Fix the issue with French quotes mentioned at
# Add/fix other languages as well
smartquotes.smartchars.quotes = langquotes