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<%@ Language=Python %>
<BODY BACKGROUND="/samples/images/backgrnd.gif">
<TITLE>Python test</TITLE>
<SCRIPT Language="Python" RUNAT=Server>
# NOTE that the <% tags below execute _before_ these tags!
Response.Write("Hello from Python<P>")
Response.Write("Browser is "+bc.browser)
import win32api # Should be no problem using win32api in ASP pages.
Response.Write("<p>Win32 username is "+win32api.GetUserName())
import sys
print sys.path
from win32com.axscript.asputil import *
print "Hello"
print "There"
print "How are you"
<%bc = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")%>
<table border=1>
<tr><td>Browser</td><td> <%=bc.browser %>
<tr><td>Version</td><td> <%=bc.version %> </td></TR>
<%Response.Write( iif(bc.frames, "TRUE", "FALSE")) %></td></TR>
<%Response.Write( iif (bc.tables, "TRUE", "FALSE")) %></td></TR>
<%Response.Write( iif(bc.BackgroundSounds, "TRUE", "FALSE"))%></td></TR>
<%Response.Write( iif(bc.vbscript, "TRUE", "FALSE"))%></td></TR>
<%Response.Write( iif(bc.javascript, "TRUE", "FALSE"))%></td></TR>