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<H1>Engine Registration</H1>
<p>The Python ActiveX Scripting Engine is not currently registered.<p>
<p>Due to a <a href="">privacy
concern</a> discovered in the engine, the use of Python inside IE has been disabled.</p>
Before any of the supplied demos will work, the engine must be successfully registered.
<P>To install a version of the engine, that does work with IE, you can execute the Python program
<CODE>win32com\axscript\client\</CODE> must be run. You can either do this manually, or follow the instructions below.</p>
<H2>Register the engine now!</H2>
<p>If you have read about the <a href="">privacy
concern</a> and still wish to register the engine, just follow the process outlined below:</p>
<LI>Click on the link below
<LI><B>A dialog will be presented asking if the file should be opened or saved to disk. Select "Open it".</B>
<LI>A Console program will briefly open, while the server is registered.
<P><A HREF="..\..\..\client\">Register the engine now</A>
<H2>Checking the registration</H2>
After the registration is complete, simply hit the Reload button. If the
registration was successful, the page will change to the Python/AvtiveX Demo Page.
try:"demo_intro.htm", "Body")